Monthly Archives: April 2009

Friday Wrap Up – Las Vegas Condos & More

The Friday wrap up! Oh yeah it’s the weekend, and the sun is shining. It’s been an eventful week and I am jumping back into the real estate game again with the purchase of a 2 bedroom condo in Burnaby in the same complex as this 2 bed room condo.  The vendor was asking for $215,000 but I got it for $200,000, so not a bad deal. This unit needs some paint and maybe I will pullout the carpet and put some nice dark laminate flooring to give it a modern look to it. So another one under my belt which means more tenants to deal with, lol.[ad#ad-1]

Also I was checking out my favorite Vancouver real estate gurus site, Ozzie Jurock. And I saw some “hot properties” from Las Vegas. I talked about how I wanted to buy a condo down in Phoenix, Arizona because of the hot climate and super cheap deals. I never went through with it because even though the condo was cheap $150,000 for a 3 bedroom, it wasn’t cheap enough to buy down there. Well Ozzie Jurock posted about the amazing deals down in Vegas, and they are amazing.

You can get 1500 square feet 3 bedroom 2 level condos/townhouses for roughly $75,000 to $85,000 US. So that works out to about $95,000 to $105,000 Canadian for a 3 bedroom condo in Vegas!! Oh and these places are brand new! I contacted the realtor in charge of the Las Vegas condos and we spoke last night. He sent me a bunch of word docs with all the pricing  of various condos, from 2 bedroom for $55,000  and 3 bedrooms going up to $85,000. The photos are sweet, I have one at the bottom of this post. I figured with such low prices they would be out pretty far (30 minutes from the strip), but they are 15 minutes away from the Las Vegas strip, so that was wicked. I’m to a gambler or anything, but a nice warm climate is what I am seeking. The great thign is Vegas is only a 2 hour flight from Vancouver.

I am seriously tired of the weather here in Vancouver, especially the rain in the winter. This will be my second home, especially with these discounted prices. Prices in Vegas have dropped roughly 66%!!! These deals are completely unreal, anyways I am very excited and can’t wait to get my ass on a plane down to Las Vegas to see them in person. And the temperature in Las Vegas was a smoking 32 celsius yesterday!

It will be damn nice to have the option to jump on a plane when the weather turns to hell here, and chill in Vegas for a month or so. Obviously you can rent them out as well for some great cash flow. Anyways, I’m getting ahead of myself and all hyped up.


This is only one of them, I’m too lazy to upload all the pics. All the condos are in gated communities and come with community swimming pool, close to mountains and walking trails etc. Really nice photos the realtor sent me of the condos, but I will be seeing them in person to see how great they really are. Who knows they may be right next to a nuclear power plant! It’s always smart to go visit these places in person. I learned my lesson the hard way, lol…[ad#ad-1]

I also took a bunch of photos this week:

I hate wolf spiders (but the pic is cool)

I hate all spiders..

Nephew running away..

Closeup of rose thorn bush

mother in laws garden in the back yard

Cool flower closeup

my mother in laws lasagna from my son’s birthday

Bruschetta from my son’s birthday

That’s all for now folks. Time to get ready to bike ride to the Metrotown  library.

The Weekend Wrap Up

Last night wifey and myself along with friends, Remo and Mirella went to the Grand Villa Casino in Burnaby.  We had a few beers and played the famous penny slots. I ended up loosing  a whopping $2.37. I don’t go to casinos to make money or barely spend money. Pure mindless entertainment is what a slot machine can offer…


Remo playing the penny slots at the Grand Villa Casino. He’s more  a poker player, me on the other hand? Meh, I don’t play poker. I tried it a few times with the helper cards and it was fun though.

The slot machine I played for about 15 minutes. After the casino we went back to my place and watched “Bride Wars” (chick flick), with Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson. We started falling asleep during the movie so I paused it and will watch the rest tonight with wifey. We can barely ever watch a whole movie, we end up falling asleep or the kids wake up and cry or whatever…

Under video survaillance? Oh really and looks what was next to this warning (see pic below).  Right next to Petcetera (parking lot) on Grandview Highway and Rupert Street. Nice surveillance, someone’s sleeping…


Read above..

After waiting in the car for my wife to buy a few things at SuperStore we went to the Tim Horton’s drive thru in North Van, on the way to Deep Cove.

Arrive at Deep Cove and I snap a few more pics…

Deep Cove is such a relaxing place, it feels like I’m on vacation every time I am there.  And it’s only about 15 minutes away from where I live….

This made me have a little chuckle. I guess someone in the District Of North Vancouver Parks Department has a sense of humor, good for you!

A pic of  The downtown East Side Fire Department mural located right across from the Number 5 Orange in downtown Vancouver. That’s all for the updates folks.[ad#ad-1]

10 Pairs Of Puma Shoes Or An $1100 Chateau Wine Bottle

Holy sh*t, I forgot all about this song, until I was driving back from The Number 5 Orange. This is some 80’s Canadian rock, that kicks some ass. Harlequin! “Thinking Of You” from 1980, I was 10 years old in 1980. Oh how the years fly by and the grey hairs creep in, but good music is always good music. Enough on that…

As usual I have my digital camera close by, being nerd that I am. I snapped photos of some of the ugliest Puma shoes I have ever seen. I am a Puma fan but these are a little far out for me, but then again I’m kinda vanilla. Photos taken at the Granville Street Puma store.


Funky sneakerz….

Puma sales girl..

Granville street / Robson Street

Gianni wanted to check out the most expensive bottles of wine, and he saw that they had a bottl e going for about $5,500. We had to see it in person so we rolled down to the B.C. liquor store on Alberni street. We didn’t find any wine bottles selling for that much, but I saw a bottle of Chateau selling for  $1,100 (see picture below). I like my wine but WTF, $1,1000 for a bottle of crushed grapes?! Umm, no thanks buddy…

Anyhoo, if you want to spend your 2 week paycheck on one bottle of  Chateau wine go down to the  B.C. liquor store on Alberni street. Bada bing!

$1100 a bottle for Chateau Mouton RothsChild……

Seems cheap compared to the bottle of Chateau in the picture above, ha ha.

Enough of this computer crap for tonight, it’s 12:07 pm. Nighty, night folks.


Live From East Van

It looks like April is starting to shape up, lets all bow down to Mother Nature. It has seriously been the longest winter EVER. I am soo ready to dump my hoodie and Puma track pants for shorts and a t shirt, you have no clue. Tomorrow night I’m going to go to the infamous Number 5 Orange in the downtown East Side. The Number 5 is a huge dump but only 1 of 3 strip bars left in the city of Vancouver. It’s a dying industry (or an industry that isn’t allowed to get their permits renewed after they come up for renewal), I’m not sure which one it is.

Hey’ I’m still a guy, just because I have a blog it doesn’t make me some angel.  Keep your opinions to yourself, blah! Enough for today, I don’t have much to say. I just wanted to upload my photos to Motion Groove.

Today I’m going to work from home, not the library. It’s too nice to be in the library all day long. I want to clean up the back yard a bit, sweep the garage and fertilize the grass. Now doesn’t that sound like fun? You know you want to do it to… Yeah, right!

“Life is full of stop signs and green lights. Make sure you view every situation as a green light to move forward into your journey of life…”

That’s all folks.

The little man turned 1 year old on Friday. Happy birthday little buddy.

Dirty face needs some cleaning…

The old man (me) doing my 15 minute walk home from Renfrew Library

Shadow man – self photograph in the grass at my mother in laws house

Such pretttttty flowers located in front of the Renfrew Library.

I don’t know the name of these flowers, should I? They are in black pots in the front yard, wicked bright colors though.

Miniature Railway & Tim Hortons Employees

First off Happy Easter (whatever that means). ..

Even though the weather was hell yesterday we still managed to get out and enjoy ourselves a bit. If you don’t go out in the rain in Vancouver, then you would probably never leave your house ever! Sooo sad but very true, life on the wet coast…

I snapped a bunch of photos at the miniature railway in Confederation Park in North Burnaby. Those trains are electric I believe and some are steam locomotives, like the one pictured above. It’s funny to see all these old retired dudes wearing conductors uniforms and railroad hats and clothing. I guess it takes them back to their childhood something. The place is insane, I should have taken more photos of the work shed that was full, of all types of train locomotives and engines. Pretty cool stuff, but I’m kinda a train buff you could say, so I like this kind of dorky stuff. It’s like $2 per ticket to ride the train and the ride is probably about 10-15 minutes long.

CP Rail  locomotive, this one is pretty sleek looking…

BC Rail locomotive

CP Rail steam locomotive

CP Rail steam locomotive

I always enjoy taking photos of people not expecting it, it’s leads to some dirty looks and funny facial expressions. I went to get my Tim Hortons coffee and had my Canon sd 750 so I had to snap this lady looking all crusty.

“Always fresh at Tim Hortons…”

My brother drinking milk, no comment….