Monthly Archives: January 2009

The Tax Man Wants My Money, Umm No Way

Today I’m stuck at home waiting for Leo, our accountant. The problem with making  money is you need to find ways to keep it for yourself, unless you like giving YOUR Money to the government. I am not a fan of RRSPs, and now I’m very sure I hate the whole idea of RSSP (think stock crash 3 months ago). Having my money locked into some B.S Ponzi scheme isn’t an investment, it’s a government endorsed legal scam. RRSPs are 100% crap pure and simple, don’t get me started.

Anyways, we need to find some ways to shelter our corporate income to keep it away from the Mafia ahem I mean the Canadian government.   Hopefully Leo has some creative ways to shelter our income, he better not mention RRSPs, our I ‘ll kick his ass. Seriously.

I love adding up the daily profit, it’s the expenses that suck. But then expenses are write offs so that’s a good thing, anything to keep the (Canadian Government ) Mafia off of my money. I write of all advertising, home office, Internet, gas, vehicle, entertainment, % of hydro, % of Terasen Gas, computer equipment, office equipment and the list goes on.  Oh and being incorporated helps a ton, cause I only get taxed at like 18%, then I add write offs on top of that.

Damn it’s hard to get thinking straight though,  with so many noises in the background. The baby screaming, Andrea Bocelli on the CD player and  Tree House on the TV. Yeah, I work from home, can’t you tell yet???

Ok, enough for now I need to print my income/expenses for the last 6 months,  as well as advertising expenses and so on, blah, blah, blah…

Ding, ding, ding (idea): Instead of printing this out, I will just give Leo the whole excel file and he can do whatever he wants with it.

The Tim Hortons Line Up on Commercial Drive

Today wasn’t very eventful (except for Obama becoming Prez, hooray!), and I had to kick myself in the ass to get working. I hate it when I don’t know what I need to do. So I just ended up browsing around  the web a bit. I ended up finding some blog from some girl in Toronto (Raymi The Minx) who has been blogging for 9 years, and she blogs like crazy. Then my thoughts came back and then the work started flowing FINALLY. I get in these weird moods where I just  don’t know what I need to do next, and working for yourself makes it even harder because there is no one there to tell you what to do next (can be good & bad).


*** Oh and I ended up backing out of a condo that I put an offer on in New West, after me and my realtor went through the strata minutes. Leaky condo, NO THANKS!!

Overall just another basic day (hate this f*cking fog though, ugh)………

Commercial Drive, walking to new Tim Hortons

Commercial Drive Tim Hortons


lineup Tim Hortons  – “Where’s My Donut?”

lineup Tim Hortons


me at Tim Hortons

me at Tim Hortons

I hate this washroom, smells like………….. (Renfrew Library)


Rogers Rocket Mobile Internet Stick Making My Life Way Easier

I was getting sick and tired of going to the coffee shop or local libraries to use their sh*tty wireless internet connections. I guess you get what you pay for right? Well it was about time something came along to make my life easier. I’m not sure how I found about the Rogers Rocket Stick, but I am loving it.

What is the Rogers Rocket Stick?

The Rogers Rocket Stick will be the wi-fi hot spot killer that’s what buddy. With the Rocket Stick you get wireless internet ACROSS Canada. Are you drunk, no. Unreal right? The Rogers Rocket Stick looks like a USB flash drive, you put it into your USB connection on your lap top and you get wireless internet anywhere in Canada (works best in major Canadian cities). I can work anywhere now. I know this type of technology has been around for a bit but the Rocket Stick is only 2 months old.



Actually the price can rival any high speed internet you get at home from Shaw or Telus, but without any wires to worry about. I tried it out and it’s quick (download up to 7.2 Mbps), just as fast as high speed on their competitors.

The prices are based on how much data you download (see below), but you never pay over $100. So basically you can use as much as you want for $100 a month (ulimited internet). This service to me is a dream.


From Rogers:

“Mobile Internet Cost Protection”*. For the rare situations where you may use more than your bucket of data you can still rest easy knowing you will never be charged more than $100 a month in data charges thanks to Rogers Mobile Internet Cost Protection.”

Monthly Fee Data Included Additional Data Rate U.S. Data International Data

$25 500 MB 3¢ per MB $0.006 per KB $0.03 per KB

$30 1 GB 3¢ per MB

$60 3 GB 3¢ per MB

Here is the dealio:

You are locked into a 1 year plan (prices above), but the Rocket Stick is free of charge. Personally, this is soo worth it to me.  Vancouver is one big internet browser to me now, very cool. All I can think is how much more money I can make because I have web access with me all the time. Want more info on prices etc, then go here. I think this is going to blow up and kill of wireless internet cafes. The only thing web cafes have going for them is that you can plug in your laptop into the wall, that’s it.

The next step for me is to buy long lasting lap top batteries. Iwill then  have wings like a bird, freedom baby, freedom!



Penny Slots At The Grand Villa Casino In Burnaby, Weee

For some cheap fun close to home we decided to check out the new casino in Burnaby called the Grand Villa Casino, with Anna (my cousin)  and Adre (cousin’s husband). We went there once before for the hell of it, drop of the kids at my parents and hit the slots for a few hours. Now don’t even think I’m a gambler, far from it.  Going to the casino is NOT  a way to get rich (unless you own the damn place). The only reason I go is because I can go there and have fun without breaking the bank.

Ever hear of penny slots, Grand Villa has them. Yep you can play 1 cent slot machines, so what’s the point? I’m not really sure, even if you get 100 credits, it’s only gonna bring you up 100 cents ($1). But, there is nooo way I’m gonna drop 1k in a casino, f*ck that. Umm, no thanks.

They did a nice job building this place though, not as cool as Las Vegas but hey were in Burnaby right? It’s a nice place to kick a few hours. I am no big gambler, hell I can barely play poker. It’s something to do on a whim right?  I work too hard to let the casinos make me into a bigger fool than I am, ha ha. If you’re counting on winning at the casino to pay your next mortgage, good luck bud.

By the way I went in with $5 to spend and came out with $4.62 cents. I lost 38 cents after playing for over 1 hour. Like I said it’s cheap entertainment…….

PS: You’re not allowed to take photos in a casino from what some old dude told me. I’m a rebel so I didn’t listen, it’s the story of my life…

photos from Grand Villa casino:

Vancouver foggy night

penny slots at Grand Villa casino in Burnaby

view from 2nd floor Grand Villa casino in Burnaby

view of the bar from 2nd floor Grand Villa casino in Burnaby

Andre playing penny slots at Grand Villa casino in Burnaby

A Few Shots With My New Canon SD1100

I ended up buying another Canon camera just for myself since my wife likes to snap tons of photos of the kids. If I have my own camera it’s much easier (my wife is a camera hog). I bring it everywhere with me, taking pictures are free so what the hell right?

I ended up buying the Canon PowerShot SD1100 for myself. It’s an 8.0 megapixel camera, the SD 750 my wife has is a 10.0 mega pixel. I cheaped out  a bit but the SD1100 still takes great shots. I also figured out how to take video with my digital still cameras  and upload the digital video right to YouTube which is pretty cool (and a time waster).

I really enjoy taking photos now, even if I’m an amateur at it. It’s fun to play with the camera settings, different angles and all that jazz. I guess for me it’s just another way for me to explore my creativity.

Doing digital vids will be cool as well, but I’m really impressed with the way YouTube compresses video, it looks all pixelated and blurry. I’m probably going to use Viddler for video on my blog, it’s much clearer than You Tube’s garbage quality.

On a side not does any know where to get long lasting laptop batteries? My laptop only lasts like 45 minutes so it’s kinda useless. I would like a laptop battery that last maybe 4-5 hours if possible, any ideas?

Enough for now, need to find a long lasting battery for my 2 week trip I will be going.



shot taken on River Road of Fraser river in Richmond

my shaky camera hand gave me a nice photograph


English Bay winter