Author Archives: CV

About CV

Real estate investor & online entrepreneur. From cabinet making to internet marketing.

Autism – You Have A Choice, Don’t Immunize Your Baby!

Autism is something most people don’t think about, but the fact is that it is a frightening and huge problem. When my wife had out first child, the day we were scheduled to go in to get immunization shots for our daughter we decided to postpone it before we did some research online. I am glad that we postponed so we could do research, what we came up with scared the sh*t out of both of us. All the research we read came up to the same conclusion, the immunization shots that 1 year old babies receive from doctors are a major reason that Autism exists. Needless to say we never got our daughter or our son immunized.  Immunization is a business plain and simple. It makes drug companies money, regardless of it destroys babies or not.

I can go on and on about the negative effects of getting immunized, but I personally know 2 people who have healthy babies until the age of one. After they received immunization shots it all changed. Now both families have to live through hell because of what? Getting shots for polio, chicken pox and other diseases. You can think what you want, but remember this if your child is healthy why fuck it up by giving them unneeded shots and drugs? Think for yourself, don’t let your doctor think for you.

My friend Franco (a great guy) is doing the “Walk For Autism” tomorrow at Swanguard Stadium in Burnaby, for his son who has Autism. I hope he raises allot of money. I already sent a donation online, hopefully the money raised can help them and families like theirs.

I don’t trust the government (American in particular), look at the world. Is the government doing things in your best interest? Very unlikely. Do you think they care about your health? Hmm….. I highly doubt it very, very much. Take control of your own life, don’t let people control it for you.

Think independently!!

JavaScript Code To Show The Current Date & Time

I just came up with this idea. Basically you add a piece of Javascript code on your web page that will show the current date and time. What’s the big deal? Well for instance if you were doing a review type landing page for HDTV plasma TVs then the person visiting your site would see the current date and time. This would make the user think that the content on your website was brand new which can work to your benefit. This is an old trick but something I have never used before. I’m sure you can get creative with this right Rob?

Here is the javascript code:

<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>


document.write(“reviewed on ” + document.lastModified);



Place the Javascript code on the spot of the page where you want the date to appear, bottom of page, top of page or where ever. This tip is nothing mind blowing by any means but if you can increase relevancy to web users it can result in more sales.

Two New WordPress Plugins Me Likes

I’m not sure if anyone noticed or if even anyone even cares but I did add 2 new plugins to my blog. In a previous post I bitched how Twitter was a waste of time and I would never use it. I still think it’s a waste of time , but I wanted to add the feature to my blog even though yeah it is a waste of my time LOL. The second plug-in I added was the flickr plugin that adds my Flickr thumbnail images to my side bar, kinda cool.

Here are the Plugins if anyone wants them:

  1. Flickr Rss – This plugin populates your side bar with images from your Flickr album.
  2. Twitter Tool – Show your most recent Tweets on your side bar, you can also post tweets directly from your blog. Time waster but cool.

* Just taking a break from doing my daily pay per click expenditures, have to make sure I’m in profit. That’s something the U.S. goverment needs to do, check their spending…….. Then again what do they care if they run out of money they will just print more of it, literally!

ThanksGiving – A Family Day At Home Chillin

Today I’m taking the day off, sort of. My parents along with my brother, his wife step daughter, my brother n law and my wifes sister and nice and nephew, my mother in law and my brother n laws mother are all coming here for a ThanksGiving dinner at 3 PM. The weather is pretty sh*tty outside, and I don’t feel like going to MetoTown Mall again (for the 3rd time this week). I have enough Puma gear to last me for a year now.

The great thing about winter is that everyone is indoors, so the sales start getting better and better. Bad weather is my business partner, so in one way I look forward to miserable gray rainy days. Besides the financial part of it, it’s kind of nice to have all the 4 seasons. If it was hot and sunny every single day, hmm? I would probably get tired of it after awhile.

Today in Vancouver the weather is drizzly and that is just fine with me. Later on I think I’m going to pop in “Get Smart” in the dvd player and relax after late lunch/early dinner.

What Are You ThankFul For?

With Thanksgiving happening on Monday I thought it would be cool to blog about what I am grateful for. Personally I feel have lots to be grateful for, not only in the financial part of my life but more so in the family part. Family is more important than cash.

My Kids

I am father to two kids , one boy (6 months old) and one girl (2.5 years old) who I can’t say enough about. It’s hard to imagine life before them actually.  Seeing their smiling faces in the morning is truly something I am really thankful for. I am glad they are happy and healthy kids, and it’s pretty cool I have one of each.

My Wife

Hmm, I don’t think I could have asked for a perfect wife. She’s a beautiful lady, hardworking mother and a great cook who can make any recipe into an amazing dinner really, fast. I couldn’t have met and married a more amazing lady.

My Parents

Both of my parents are still married and they showed me all the life skills I have ever needed. You don’t realize how much you learn from your parents until you get older and have your own family.

Yeah this was a mushy blog post, but it’s always good to appreciate what ya have right?

With all the economic B.S in the news lately it’s nice to have a home that I feel secure in emotionally.