Two New WordPress Plugins Me Likes

I’m not sure if anyone noticed or if even anyone even cares but I did add 2 new plugins to my blog. In a previous post I bitched how Twitter was a waste of time and I would never use it. I still think it’s a waste of time , but I wanted to add the feature to my blog even though yeah it is a waste of my time LOL. The second plug-in I added was the flickr plugin that adds my Flickr thumbnail images to my side bar, kinda cool.

Here are the Plugins if anyone wants them:

  1. Flickr Rss – This plugin populates your side bar with images from your Flickr album.
  2. Twitter Tool – Show your most recent Tweets on your side bar, you can also post tweets directly from your blog. Time waster but cool.

* Just taking a break from doing my daily pay per click expenditures, have to make sure I’m in profit. That’s something the U.S. goverment needs to do, check their spending…….. Then again what do they care if they run out of money they will just print more of it, literally!

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