Monthly Archives: January 2009

Friday Wrap Up – All Is Well In my Neck Of The Woods

Wee, it’s Friday. I’m pretty happy how the week turned out I was able to get a nice chunk of work done, which always seems to make me feel fulfilled. I really hate not accomplishing anything, it bugs me big time. So that was cool to get enough done. I could have gotten even more done but the rental part of my life got in the way. I had to go to my rental house in North Delta to get post dated checks for the next year.

And I mentioned in my last post about the bounced from my tenants in the Port Coquitlam loft condo. Luckily that all turned out fine. They got paid today and were able to pay the rent, so I went down to pick up the $1500 in CASH. I didn’t feel like getting another check for this month. I don’t like basketball that much (bounce, bounce). It may suck being a land lord sometimes but working a job for a living sucks more if you ask me.

Next week should be back to normal, no more driving around to meet tenants. I hate being disrupted from my daily routine of working from the coffee shop. I feel the need to make up time if I have errands to run and I am not at the coffee shop working on my online advertising campaigns. Yeah it’s kinda weird I know, I’m an over achiever I guess. I have never really liked sitting around, maybe I have A.D.D? It seems to work well for me, if I really do have A.D.D.  My mind is always going a 100 miles a minute. I can never seem to get enough of whatever I am doing at the moment.

I remember when I was younger and doing graffiti. I could never get enough of it. If I got paid for painting walls I can tell you I would be very rich right now from it. I gave it 100% and now I do the same but legally with my internet marketing business, ha ha.

Bounced Rent Check, Uh Oh!

Not every day is all smiles, especially when the rent check bounces! That happened to me yesterday. i checked my mail from Vancity (my bank) and I see a returned check from my new renters in the Poco condo. This is where it sucks being a landlord, ugh. I hate dealing with this sh*t. This is a family with 2 young kids, that makes it even worse. Overall I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but in reality you know rent is due on a certain so you should make sure you have the money in your f*cking account! That is the part of owning properties that always suck , dead beat tenants.  But I will say it again, being a land lord is better than having a real job, if you ask me…

I called the tenants and then I get a story of course. The wife hasn’t spoke to the husband and doesn’t know what’s going on. She will call back when she finds out, blah, blah, blah. So I get the call back and she will have the rent on Friday long story, short. We will see. If there isn’t any rent then I will give them the 5 day notice in writing. If they don’t pay within 5 days of that notice they are gone. I don’t have time for b*llsh*t. I might sound like an assh*le but after you deal with enough people giving you the run around, your warm side tends to evaporate. Most renters are pretty good people but I hate the long B.S stories, that amount to fresh air spewing out of their mouths. Pay up or F-OFF, plain and simple…

A check is a check, if your boss gave you the run around about why you couldn’t be paid this week how would you feel? Getting checks from people who rent from you is no different, they need to pay for the service I offer, which is a clean home to live in.

That’s enough for now. I feel like Mr. Roper from Three’s Company………. BLAH!

My “To Do List” For The Week Of Jan 12, 2009

I have talked about writing down goals and the importance of them many times. Well I’m going to jot down my goals for the next week just to keep me focused and motivated at the hand at task.

  1. Focus on making more ad campaigns.
  2. Start getting back in real estate mood and begin looking for the next real estate condo deal.
  3. Begin biking back to the coffee shop (get there by 8:45 AM & leave no earlier than 3:15 PM).
  4. trim the fat off of my pay per click bids (spend less, make more )

This post was basically written as a to do list, sorry folks. It’s all part of my process. I like to have order in my life, it makes me focus on my need to do tasks and achieve my goals much faster. Yeah, I’m boring not spontaneous enough, ha-ha.

Breakation Time

On another note working hard justifies needing a vacation. If it wasn’t for my wife I would just keep working every day…. So in light of a much needed break we are heading to the Dominican Republic to a place called Punta Cana. The hotel is all inclusive, which means you pay one price and everything is included, airfare, food and all the booze you can drink. We are staying at the Hotel Rui Taino. The hotel looks amazing, and they have free wireless Internet in the lobby so I am bringing my laptop, that way I can do a bit of work and keep track of my online business. I’m not the type of guy to lay in the sun for 8 hours a day, BORING……….

We are going for 2 weeks, which is more than enough for me. Once you have been to one tropical place to me they all start looking the same. I have been to Mexico like 6 times, Cuba for my honeymoon and now we are going to the Dominican Republic.

I’m sure being the nerd that I am I will be posting and uploading videos and pictures from the Dominican Republic. I am an Internet junkie what can I say?

January 10 2009 – Back To Snowing In Vancouver

Just when you think the snow is gone, boom it comes right back.  The worst part is wifey is out with the SUV at MetroTown get streaks in her hair. She hates driving in the snow, hopefully the snow isn’t sticking up there (MetroTown)  like it is here in East Vancouver at the moment.

I’m at home babysitting the kiddies (they’re sleeping ATM) and I figured that I might as well  try out the Canon SD 750’s  video feature and film the snow coming down. I know it’s boring but it’s better than filming my ugly mug, haha. I uploaded the Vancouver snow video to YouTube and boom I am set, watch out Steven SpielBerg! It’s actually the same as downloading pics to my computer, just now I’m downloading videos from the Canon on to my desktop then uploading to YouTube.

I actually thought of a good use for the videos. I can start filming the condos I buy so tenants can see everything on video even before they come down and look at the place in person. Seems like a good idea, it’s free technology so you might as well use it right? Anyways this was just really a little test, woo hoo it worked!

I don’t really YouTube video qulaity, they compress it too much and it looks like hell all pixelated and blurry. I may have to try, much clearer video quality, I don’t YouTube’s video compression….

That’s all for now, Happy snowing, NOT…………..


George Michael? It Must be 1988 All Over Again!!

George Michael music playing in the background, and a coffee shop full of students makes me feel like I’m back in Burnaby Central High School 1988 all over again.. 21 years later and what has changed, I still feel like a kid for f*ck sakes. I was the kid who skipped school, tagged the washroom and didn’t pay attention in class (I got bored easy). I wasn’t  a bad kid, but school was just a wasted vacation for me.  I did graduate but school was boring to me. Now I’m playing catch up. I never used to read in high school, but the last 9 years that is all I ever do. It’s funny how life works huh? Let’s flashback to 1988 for a minute, and see how much has changed in 19 years, did I say 19 years?! Damn, I am old.

If this was 1988:

  1. Hip Hop was just starting to hit the mainstream.
  2. A house in Vancouver was about $200,00 max, now $600,000 +
  3. I was 18 years old & thought I would be that age forever
  4. Iroc-Z Camaro was the “cool car”
  5. SUV’s didn’t exist yet…
  6. What’s the Internet? Not around in 1988….
  7. No cell phones
  8. Tight jeans were cool, not baggy sh* catchers
  9. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life , until I was 29 years old..
  10. Gas was about 25 cents a litre

Anything I missed, leave a comment and I will add it.

Back to work now…


Doing work at Starbucks – Granville Street Vancouver


Slushy day at Starbucks – Granville Street Vancouver


MetroTown – foggy parking lot


MetroTown Foggy night


MetroTown elevator shot


Francis – My  Dad’s Love Bird