Friday Wrap Up – All Is Well In my Neck Of The Woods

Wee, it’s Friday. I’m pretty happy how the week turned out I was able to get a nice chunk of work done, which always seems to make me feel fulfilled. I really hate not accomplishing anything, it bugs me big time. So that was cool to get enough done. I could have gotten even more done but the rental part of my life got in the way. I had to go to my rental house in North Delta to get post dated checks for the next year.

And I mentioned in my last post about the bounced from my tenants in the Port Coquitlam loft condo. Luckily that all turned out fine. They got paid today and were able to pay the rent, so I went down to pick up the $1500 in CASH. I didn’t feel like getting another check for this month. I don’t like basketball that much (bounce, bounce). It may suck being a land lord sometimes but working a job for a living sucks more if you ask me.

Next week should be back to normal, no more driving around to meet tenants. I hate being disrupted from my daily routine of working from the coffee shop. I feel the need to make up time if I have errands to run and I am not at the coffee shop working on my online advertising campaigns. Yeah it’s kinda weird I know, I’m an over achiever I guess. I have never really liked sitting around, maybe I have A.D.D? It seems to work well for me, if I really do have A.D.D.  My mind is always going a 100 miles a minute. I can never seem to get enough of whatever I am doing at the moment.

I remember when I was younger and doing graffiti. I could never get enough of it. If I got paid for painting walls I can tell you I would be very rich right now from it. I gave it 100% and now I do the same but legally with my internet marketing business, ha ha.

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