My “To Do List” For The Week Of Jan 12, 2009

I have talked about writing down goals and the importance of them many times. Well I’m going to jot down my goals for the next week just to keep me focused and motivated at the hand at task.

  1. Focus on making more ad campaigns.
  2. Start getting back in real estate mood and begin looking for the next real estate condo deal.
  3. Begin biking back to the coffee shop (get there by 8:45 AM & leave no earlier than 3:15 PM).
  4. trim the fat off of my pay per click bids (spend less, make more )

This post was basically written as a to do list, sorry folks. It’s all part of my process. I like to have order in my life, it makes me focus on my need to do tasks and achieve my goals much faster. Yeah, I’m boring not spontaneous enough, ha-ha.

Breakation Time

On another note working hard justifies needing a vacation. If it wasn’t for my wife I would just keep working every day…. So in light of a much needed break we are heading to the Dominican Republic to a place called Punta Cana. The hotel is all inclusive, which means you pay one price and everything is included, airfare, food and all the booze you can drink. We are staying at the Hotel Rui Taino. The hotel looks amazing, and they have free wireless Internet in the lobby so I am bringing my laptop, that way I can do a bit of work and keep track of my online business. I’m not the type of guy to lay in the sun for 8 hours a day, BORING……….

We are going for 2 weeks, which is more than enough for me. Once you have been to one tropical place to me they all start looking the same. I have been to Mexico like 6 times, Cuba for my honeymoon and now we are going to the Dominican Republic.

I’m sure being the nerd that I am I will be posting and uploading videos and pictures from the Dominican Republic. I am an Internet junkie what can I say?

2 thoughts on “My “To Do List” For The Week Of Jan 12, 2009

  1. hmog

    Mmmm, warm. Minus 35 here. Warm good, cold bad… 2 weeks is way more than I can deal with either. In truth when I have holidays somewhere around Day 4 I get that feeling like I’m missing something. But do enjoy AND send pictures. At least I can live vicariously through your blog =)

  2. CV Post author

    I heard about Winnipeg being that cold (saw it on the news). That’s insane. I don’t want to see you’re heating bill, lol…..

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