George Michael? It Must be 1988 All Over Again!!

George Michael music playing in the background, and a coffee shop full of students makes me feel like I’m back in Burnaby Central High School 1988 all over again.. 21 years later and what has changed, I still feel like a kid for f*ck sakes. I was the kid who skipped school, tagged the washroom and didn’t pay attention in class (I got bored easy). I wasn’t  a bad kid, but school was just a wasted vacation for me.  I did graduate but school was boring to me. Now I’m playing catch up. I never used to read in high school, but the last 9 years that is all I ever do. It’s funny how life works huh? Let’s flashback to 1988 for a minute, and see how much has changed in 19 years, did I say 19 years?! Damn, I am old.

If this was 1988:

  1. Hip Hop was just starting to hit the mainstream.
  2. A house in Vancouver was about $200,00 max, now $600,000 +
  3. I was 18 years old & thought I would be that age forever
  4. Iroc-Z Camaro was the “cool car”
  5. SUV’s didn’t exist yet…
  6. What’s the Internet? Not around in 1988….
  7. No cell phones
  8. Tight jeans were cool, not baggy sh* catchers
  9. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life , until I was 29 years old..
  10. Gas was about 25 cents a litre

Anything I missed, leave a comment and I will add it.

Back to work now…


Doing work at Starbucks – Granville Street Vancouver


Slushy day at Starbucks – Granville Street Vancouver


MetroTown – foggy parking lot


MetroTown Foggy night


MetroTown elevator shot


Francis – My  Dad’s Love Bird

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