January Tid Bits & Then Some

I have few things to say just basic life stuff, nothing to inspirational.  First off I have to say that I am soo glad that this insane amount of snow in Vancouver is finally melting away! I shoveled my sidewalks at least 20 times in the last 3 weeks, enough of that. Hopefully I can begin bike riding again by late this week, I hope. I hate feeling fat, now I sound like a teenage girl……..

We started swimming lessons on Sunday with the kiddies which was pretty cool. I do the lessons with my son and wifey does swimming lessons with my daughter.  Both of them love the water, Stefania actually cried for over 30 minutes in the changing room while I changed her because she wanted to stay in the pool. Yeah, she has a tough life…. At first I didn’t really want to do the whole “strip down and swim in the pool” deal. I  changed my mind when I got in, the water is actually mildly heated and it’s cool to see my son laugh and have a good time in the water. These are the times you want to spend time with your kids, when they are teenagers things will change. They will start having their own lives, so I’ll take it while I can.

Besides that I take possession of my 2 bedroom condo in Burnaby on January 23, which is also my wife’s birthday. She’s turning 33 years old, it’s hard to believe. I met her back in 1996 when she was only 20 years old. Time does seems to fly right by. Hell, I have had this domain name (MotionGroove.com) for 8-9 years if you can believe that? I’m not the only one with a few gray hairs, my website has them too now. Ha ha, ya lame joke. OK that’s enough for now, back to work and you guys better be as well…


shot of Grouse Mountain Vancouver – Jan3 2009




dirty faced baby

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