Monthly Archives: July 2008

Struggle In Vancouver Or Retire In Las Vegas?

Since I have already posted about virtual real estate online , let me show you prices of real estate in Las Vegas compared to “Rain City” (Vancouver).  Both cities have a population  between 1.5 – 2 million people. Weather is night and day. Today in Vancouver it’s 17°C and Las Vegas clocks in at 35°C. So they are twice as hot as us.

In the reverse aspect we are double the price of real estate in Las Vegas. Let’s take a look at Craigslist and compare…

Las Vegas home built in 2006, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms selling price? $139,000! Try and buy the same place in Vancouver and expect to pay $750,000. Las Vegas has some amazing deals right now because of the drop in real estate prices. You can barely even buy a used condo in Abbotsford for $135,000. Where woud you rather live in a 1 bedroom apartment in Abbotsford or a 2 year old house in Las Vegas?

Personally I am little scared to buy out of town just because of what happened to me in Winnipeg. That being said I may call Ozzie Jurock’s office as he is offering condos in Las Vegas along with property managers in place to take care of everything for you. Ozzie is a real estate genius and everything he touches turns to gold. If HE is buying there the you know it’s worth a closer look, sometimes he writes about different areas but if he isn’t buying a place there himself then I wouldn’t either. Winnipeg he has talked about , but he hasn’t bought there. That was my mistake, I bought there. When he recommended Prince George, he bought 17 townhouses himself and sold them for a profit. I bought 2 and sold them for a profit. I have learned this, it’s smarter to follow what people DO, not what they SAY. Actions speak louder than words..

reporting from Starbucks

Making Money Buying Online Real Estate?

I don’t link to other articles online unless they are worth it. Shoemoney had a blog post about how people have made money selling “virtual real estate” (not websites). Basically you can buy real estate such as virtual islands in videos games. One dude bought a virtual island for $26,000. I don’t completely understand the concept because I was never into gaming. I thought time was better spent learning how to build websites and how to make money online, maybe I was wrong?

It’s insane how people make money online and this is just another avenue. This is something I would never do, I can’t stand videos games.  I’m still a bit old school when it comes to computers, I got into them when I was 29 years old, so I wasn’t brought up with them. I’m 37 now so it’s to late to get started in the gaming thing, not that I even want to. Ha ha.

If find it interesting that people actually make money off of playing video games, it’s nuts. Check out the blog post here


reporting from Starbucks 

Feeling Awkward At Kids Birthday Parties

Feeling uncomfortable sucks. Kids birthdays are something that you need to attend, this weekend was one of them.  I don’t mind attending functions as long as I feel comfortable being there.  But, I despise going to parties where I don’t really know the people very well. Take yesterday’s birthday,  the kids parents are school friends of my wife, but we only see them like 3 times a year if that. On top of that you get another 40 people I don’t know very well except I see them 3 times per year at this couples house for birthdays etc. I hate feeling awkward, it’s no one fault except my own I guess, ah ah. I’m kind of a shy guy (or just lazy to make the effort to talk to people I never see? ), in any case when I go to a party I hate being on my toes. I want to relax, but I don’t relax too easy when I need to think about every question, etc. Ha-ha, I think I worry about things way too much huh?

I try making small talk but, I hate it! How do I combat this I usually end up talking a bit here and there, then I just end up watching baby Matteo or making sure my daughter isn’t running up and down the stairs. It’s one of those type of social events I would rather not go to, the “I don’t really know these people to well functions”. I’m sure lots of people feel the same way.

I usually just end up talking about the same sh*t every year, real estate prices (going up or down), home renovations, World Cup (if that’s happening at the time), how fast the kids are growing and blah, blah, blah. I sure can’t talk about pay per click marketing or my Word press blog, everyone would think I’m some alien. Most guys at these parties just work a 9-5 job (nothing wrong with that), just something I’m not familiar with anymore. I sound like a snob huh? I guess it’s just easier to talk to people you have something in common with. Personally I like talking about real estate, positive thinking, making money etc. Maybe I’m the odd one, who knows or maybe I’m just a little whiner, lol.

I think one of my goals should be to try to work on this little “problem”. I write down financial goals, why not write down goals related to personal development? I have many years of birthday parties ahead so I think I need to work on my “small talk”. I mean I have to go to these functions anyways right? I might as well make the most of it.

That’s all to report for this morning, I had to get that off my chest. I feel much better now, thanks!


My Ghetto Tenant Refuses To Leave, Crazy B*tch

I’m still waiting for 1 tenant in my almost sold 4plex in Winnipeg to get the f*ck out! It’s insane how many rights tenants have, compared to landlords. This person hasn’t paid rent in over 2 months so my property manager tried to kick her out, and when he tried to kick her out she called 911 and the Winnipeg police department has now placed a restraining order against him. How f*ucked up is that? The place is sold, I am just waiting for that b*tch to leave. Luckily the new owner is waiting patiently, while this gets resolved.

Next week my property manager and the ghetto tenant are going to rental arbitration, they will both state their case. Once they state their case, she will be out on her ass, for failure to pay rent. In the meantime she is costing me more money. I have to pay for arbitration and I may have to get the Sheriff department to physically remove her from the 4 plex.

That 4plex has been a nightmare right down to the last f*cking minute. But I still love real estate, go figure, lol. I still plan on buying condos this year, as soon as the check is in my hand from the sale of the Winnipeg 4plex  then I will start looking here in Vancouver. You live and learn right? At least I take chances in life, it was a mistake but I learned from it and that’s the main thing. Bada Bing!

I Am Grateful For What I Have

Chilling at Starbucks, and I just realized how insane what i do is. I mean I can work from anywhere in the damn world at anytime of the day. I have no boss, all I need is a $500 laptop and a wireless Internet connection and I’m off to the races.  People sitting next to me probably think I’m some student, little do they know the power of an affiliate marketer. 10 years ago affiliate marketing never even existed, I was a cabinet maker 9 years ago, I had no idea where I would be today. I am soo grateful for hooking up  with the right people and the events in my life that lead me to affiliate marketing.

I absolutely love what I do and I had post about how gratetful I am for the opportunity that the internet has enabled me to have. It’s a hell of a lot of work but worth every minute of stress I have ever had.smily face smily face smily face