Monthly Archives: April 2008

Robert DeNiro & Al Pacino In Righteous Kill

Righteous Kill Movie
Nothing is better than seeing Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino together in a movie, remember “Heat”? Well the Italian dream team of DeNiro and Pacino are back at it again. Their newest movie “Righteous Kill” even has 50 Cent in it, what a crazy mix. I think it’s coming out this Friday from what my brother said, so we will be watching Righteous Kill next week. Anyone want to come along to the movie? This going to be awesome, love those two actors.


Watch the Righteous Kill Movie Trailer

The Bathroom Blogger

Today wasn’t the most productive day, feeling a lttle bit under the weather. I hate when that happens cause I just feel like a bag of shit, with little energy to work. And since I’m feelin crappy, I am in the bathroom and Im blogging. I am the bathroom blogger, luckily the internet doesn’t have smell possibilities, haha.

Since having our baby boy I am in charge of my little daughter, so I can’t just wake up and get to work at 7 am. I have devised a plan around this, I will be using my laptop to work from my bed while Stefania is sleeping. She usually wakes up around 8 am so this way I can work and she can have a good sleep. I have had this laptop for a while but it never really came in handy until now.

I have a 15 inch Toshiba, and I’m starting to dig the feel of a laptop, where else can you work from the washroom?? Seriously it’s insane that I can actaully blog from the bathroom, I love it. Haha…

I can’t wait until it warms up a bit more then I can work from my backyard, you have to love the life of an affiliate marketer. People in my neighbourhood must think I’m a drug dealer. I am home all day and I drive an Escalade with 22″ inch chrome rims, lol. With hard work anything is possible, I am living proof. From cabinet maker, to internet marketer.

Time to go my wife needs the washroom.


Bill Cosby Releasing Rap Album Next Month?

[ad]Yes it’s true is producing a rap album in May. He is NOT rapping on it, he is just the muscle behind the deal. “I do not rap on any of these things,” Cosby said. “I wouldn’t know how to fix my mouth to say some of the words.”

Billy Cosby Rapper?

Why Is Bill Cosby In The Rap Game?

If you don’t know Bill Cosby’s son was killed in L.A in 1997 on an L.A freeway and since then he has been publicly speaking out over numerous things that he feels are the downgrade of American society. One topic he continues to strike against is the Hip Hop industry with rappers use of profanity and the use of the “N word”, as well as ho, whores and all that garbage. Personally, I think he is right to point a finger at Hip Hop.

Now back to Bill Cosby’s album. It’s the opposite of drive by shootings, gang violence, degrading women and all the shit you see in those garbage rap videos (BTW I love rap but the videos are stupid). What Does Bill’s lyrics consist of?

  1. The value of an education
  2. The value of respecting one’s self

The reason behind Bill’s album is simple. Give the listeners a chance to raise their self-esteem and confidence. Will it work? It can’t hurt but social problems stem much deeper than what rap videos portray. But positive music is better than negative music that is a guarantee. Bill Cosby’s album is “the opposite of what I think is the profanity for no particular reason, the misogyny for no particular reason. It really looks at the frustration and the anger that a young man may have,” he said.

I’m all about positivity in every race and every place.

Good luck Bill.

I Lost 3 lbs – Down To 185 lbs From 188

[ad]I’m happy to say my weight loss is coming along nicely, lost 3 pounds since I started. The goal is to loose 13lbs by June , 2008. I have another 10lbs to go. I have basically stopped eating chips, crackers, coke, (cut down on breads, pasta, potato chips by 90%). I try not to eat after dinner but if I do I go with something that won’t make me gain weight. I try to eat fruits, carrots, celery, walnuts, almonds basically non carb or sugar foods. I still have coffee with sugar, and I go to Tim Hortons but I will slow down the Tim Hortons coffee as well.

Basically the weight loss program I am using it the Atkins Diet, however I still have carbs but I cut down 90% of my carbohydrate intake. So this is a healthier version of the Atkins Diet.

Really, it’s not too difficult to loose weight (for me anyways) if you know how to eat. Obviously I should be excercising as well and with the weather warming up it will be easier to be motivated to go out for walks, yard work etc.

The reason I am blogging about my weight loss is so I can keep track of my progess, and writing down my weight loss makes me committed to reaching my goals. Remember, the law of attraction, what you focus on expands. I am focusing on loosing 13 lbs (3 of which are gone already), and believe me it will happen.

Lost 3 lbs

What’s Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals?

[ad]Easy question right, What is stopping you from reaching your goals? It can be hard to pin point but I have seen many people want to reach goals but somehow they just never happened, why? I am guilty of some of these reasons as well, so don’t feel bad.

  1. Too high of goals – It’s good to have dreams and goals but make one thing very clear, having goals that are unattainable or that you know won’t be reached are USELESS. You need to be 100% realistic, and you also need to do everything you can to reach that goal. If you don’t reach your goal because of your own doing, such as not focusing enough on making it happen then you loose out. You will loose faith in yourself and setting future goals will result in failure. Be realistic and make certain you can achieve your goal. Before you make a commitment be certain you can achieve that goal, it needs to be realistic. Making $1,000,000 by next week wont happen, so be honest with yourself!
  2. Not writing down your goals -I have mentioned writing down your goals a few times, and I will mention it again. If you don’t write down your goals then how can you know where you are going? When you get in your car, you always have an idea of where you are going, street signs and maps help to guide you along to your destination. Writing down your goals is the exact same thing. Make a list of your goals and look at it every morning, this will help to guide you in your journey. Sounds silly, but it’s not. When you write down your goals, somehow those goals will gravitate towards you, through the law of attraction.
  3. Getting distracted – I do this sometimes but I find myself wasting time and bounce back. You want to make $150,000 by January, 2008? You found a way to make this happen but then after a few weeks, you get bored and move onto something else. You need to follow through and finish what you start. Obviously you can’t or won’t be able to complete every idea or goal you have but you really need to try and do them. The more you jump from idea to idea the less chance you have of making it happen. Once you find something that you’re sure will work then follow through, DO IT! It can take lots of digging to find an idea that will make you money, so when you find it just focus on that idea and expand on it.

These are the biggest reasons people don’t achieve their goals, don’t be on of them! It’s your life, know what you want and try your best to achieve it. I am speaking through experience. This is my personal experience speaking and what I see other people doing.

Check for great information on goal setting the law of attraction and much more related to positive thinking.