Monthly Archives: April 2008

Gas Prices Rising Again In Vancouver To $1.27 Liter – Grrr

Vancouver gas reaches $1.25 liter

It looks like gas has gone up again, it costs me just under $105 CDN to fill up my Escalade. Thank God I work from home. Actually the only reason I didn’t care about the big v8 engine in Escalade trucks is because I do work from home. If I had a job where I had to commute everyday I doubt I would have bought it, however I work from home so I don’t use much gas. But holy shit, gas is at $1.27 a liter in the Vancouver area now, what happened to cheap gas prices??

Some gas analyst stated “I think we’ll easily see prices at [$1.50],” he said. “I don’t think prices are going to start backing down anytime soon.”” Umm great….

How can regular people survive with all these crazy increases in gas, real estate, food and so on. This is one reason I quit the 9-5 grind, you have no control over your life. At least with affiliate marketing I can control how much I make, jobs suck!

Then I was surfing on Google and I noticed they have freebie offers giving away free $500 gas cards, has anyone ever used them, are they real? I think they are only good for U.S citizens. Anyone know if there are free gas cards for us Canadians?

Well if you’re in the U.S you can get $500 of free gas from Mobil, Shell or Exxon, enjoy. Us Canadians will just be happy with the high Canadian dollar, yeah right. Not. Especially since I get all my checks in American funds.

The Top 10 Mob Movies According To Me

[ad]There hasn’t been a really good Mafia movie in a looong time. Now the Sopranos is over I need to get my mafia fix dammit! I know the Mafia in reality are scumbags, the shit they do is horrible to regular people. But, somehow however I almost wish the Mob in NYC was still big. Since all the FBI crackdowns in the 1980’s and 1990’s they have gone underground, and have been ratted on by other Mafia members. In one way it’s a shame. I sort of thought of them as modern day Robin Hood’s.

The U.S. government does enough fucked up shit daily in Iraq and countless other places in the world, and I kind of liked it when Mafia bosses like John Gotti got off. It’s like he was the voice for the regular people, in some sick twisted way. He did what most of us would never be able to or want to do I hope, lol. Somehow the American Mafia was standing up to big brother, they broke the rules and they didn’t care. And don’t tell me the U.S government are clean, they are the BIGGEST Mafia in the world, PIECES OF SHIT & SCUMBAGS.


These are my top 10 favorite Mafia movies of all times

  1. Casino
  2. GoodFellas
  3. Donnie Brasco
  4. ScarFace (not really mafia related but it’s awesome)
  5. GodFather 1
  6. GodFather 2
  7. GodFather 3
  8. The Untouchables
  9. Heat (not Mafia but Pacino & DeNiro together are amazing)
  10. Bronx Tale (again not 100% mob flick but had the NY Italian vibe, very cool flick)

What is your favorite Mafia movie of all time?


A Clean Truck & Tim Hortons Is My Saturday Night Entertainment


If you have read my blog any period of time you know I own a black Escalade, and everyone knows that black gets dirty real quick.  Well in my ongoing quest to find Tim Horton’s coffee anywhere I am I came across Easy Wash in North Vancouver. It’s an eco-friendly car wash, which is cool. But the really cool thing is they have monthly plans available for as low as $30 so you can cruise with a clean car all the time.  Yeah I’m kind of a clean freak, why else would I have owned a power washing business for 3 years? Anyways I’m not really sure why I’m blogging about a touch-less car wash but the place is cheap and useful, it’s $30 a month for unlimited washes. Good deal if you ask me, and it’s open 24 hours a day. Important to have a clean truck at 4 am you know!

So anyways, today me and the family were stuck indoors all day as well are all feeling under the weather (the snow didn’t help!), so we needed to get out a bit. We rolled over the 2nd Narrows bridge to North Vancouver, went to Tim Horton’s drive thru, I got a Tim Horton’s double double, my wife got a water and Stefania got a muffin (as usual). We go the truck washed at Easy Wash and then we went out to Deep Cove. Just a chill night with the family, when you get married those clubbing days are over, and thank God.

 I spent a little over 10 years going from night club to night club. I was the John Travolta of Vancouver in the 1990’s, before all the gang shooting and club bullshit. So being married and having a family is perfect by me!

 Well that’s enough rambling for tonight, I sound like a senile old man, pretty bad for a 37 year old. Basically what I’m trying to say is keep your car clean, and don’t go clubbing unless you have gun in one hand and a Tim Horton’s coffee in the other.

Enough said.

Nothing Like Waking Up To Snow In Vancouver In April

[ad#ad-1]How can it snow in April, geez. I know I live in Canada, but Vancouver is supposed to be the warmest place in Canada. Have 2 inches of snow on the ground on April 19th is retarded to say the least. And since it’s soo damn cold out everyone in my family has a cold to deal with… Maybe it’s time to consider buying real estate in Arizona, cheaper prices and much better climate. Why is Vancouver real estate so expensive again?

Vancouver is a nice city, but come on, it’s not the greatest. And do you realize you can buy a house in Phoenix, Arizona for almost 60% less? At least it’s getting sunny now, thank God.

Vancouver snow in April

Quick Money Grab From Yahoo Search Marketing Takes Effect today

Yeah, yeah, Yahoo Search Marketing implemented their new B.S rule. Minimum bids are no longer fixed at $.10. So what does this mean? Well you could be paying less, but probably more for your keyword bids.

Higher Bids From Yahoo Marketing - No More 10 cents

Straight from the horses mouth:

  • Sponsored Search minimum bids are no longer fixed at $.10.
  • Content Match minimum bids currently will remain at $.10.
  • Higher ad quality may help you receive lower minimum bids.
  • Currently applies to U.S. accounts only.

The same as their buddies over at Google AdSense, it’s all about the quality score….. Also the number of bidders and bid amounts on a keyword market will affect how much you pay per click. WE will see how this turns out. Luckily I don’t rely on Yahoo very much. I use Google which is even more anal, lol.

Gas prices goes up, food goes up, flour goes up and PPC clicks go up. I don’t give a shit, you want to get ahead make more money, that’s it. No one cares, it’s up to YOU to get ahead. Want more money, then make more pay per click campaigns, that’s it… That’s how I deal with inflation, simple solution for me anyways.[ad]