Harrison Hot Springs

I’m back at work/home after a quick 2 day breakation to Harrison Hot Springs (1.5 hours west from me). We took it easy hanging out by the pool  at the hotel, (no pics of the pool though) and just relaxed. I’m glad the vacation wasn’t longer, I get bored just sitting around doing nothing.

I haven’t been to Harrison Hot Springs in over 20 years and I looks pretty close to the same that it was 20 years ago. A few more condos were added to the skyline, but overall it’s still the same small town. It’s nice to see some places aren’t over developed. Harrison Hot Springs is a great little town and perfect for a quick get away if you live in Vancouver.

on the road to Harrison Hot Springs in the Fraser Valley

farm land

my kiddies playing

cool shot of sunlight behind the trees

shot of Harrison Lake at dusk

shot of Harrison Lake at dusk

Back to worky work now..

4 thoughts on “Harrison Hot Springs

  1. CV Post author

    Sooo hot out, I lost 5 lbs just responding to your comment, lol. It’s gonna be smoking hot all week.

    Yeah I like that barn shot too. I took it while I was driving through Agassiz, neat little place.

  2. holymotherofgod

    Thank you for those pics, I so so so so miss Harrison. The little German restaurant on the strip is amazing. Dammit I miss BC especially when the weather is SO much better than here.

  3. CV

    The little German restaurant is actually still there! I remember that from when I was a kid there over 20 years ago. I love Harrison Hot Springs, such a cool little place…

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