Category Archives: law of attraction

Work? No Not Today, I’m Playing Hooky

Some days I would rather do jack, as in nothing. Today I went to “my office” (Burnaby Public Library) to work on my pay per click campaigns. I managed to get work done then a mild headache got a hold of me. The headache was enough to to irritate me that I didn’t feel like working. I headed home, my wife and kids are out and now I have the full house to myself. I was hoping they would be home but oh well.

I made a few phone calls and here I am blogging, while I wait for my newest downloaded movie (Hero Wanted) to get burned onto DVD. Hero Wanted stars Ray Liotta and Cuba Gooding Jr., two great actors in my opinion. Apparently the movie isn’t the greatest, from some reviews I have read but many times I don’t agree the review that I have read so whatever.

You have to love those torrent sites, you can get anything you want in no time. Oops I mean they are good for the people who use them, I would never do something like that. Pay for your DVDs! smily face


Random photos TAKEN with my Canon SD 750, while I waited for my DVD to burn

What Do You Truly Want From Your Life?

where are you headed?Without a road map you have no clue where you’re headed right? The journey of life is best done with a destination point. Where do you want to be in 10 years, 10 months, or even 10 days from now? Do you have any idea what you want from your life? What do you envision for yourself in the next 10 years? Personally I plan on being able to be retired actually by 40 years old, just a little over 2 years from now.

I have had this thought since I was a cabinet maker way back in 1998-1999. I wanted to retire by 40, I had no clue how I was going to get there, but here I am 10 years later with the same dream but now its very close to becoming a reality.

How the hell did I do it?

The law of attraction has played an important role, even though I never knew it existed until about 2 years ago. Initially when I quit my carpentry job in October 1999, I had no income for the next 6 months. I busted my ass off in web design school, I had little computer training before this time and it was a struggle. I also had low self esteem, but I did have a drive to succeed. I didn’t want to go back to carpentry that would mean I was a failure, something I wouldn’t tolerate. I did anything in my power to learn everything I could so I would get a job after I finished my schooling.

I was the first person in my class to find a job, almost 2 months before graduation. And I was going to be making more than my previous job as a cabinet maker, I was soo happy. I made it through, never to go back to building cabinets ever again. I doubt many people had faith I could do it, hell I almost didn’t but the drive pushed me through.

And from then on in, it was still tough. I had lots to learn even after I finished my schooling, a totally different environment than what I was used to. I got laid off 5 times. It didn’t matter, I did what I had to to move forward.

I didn’t think things would go the way they did, but the law of attraction guided me through. Eventually I ended up working for myself then I learned about Google Ad Sense, affiliate marketing and so on. Was it easy to learn all of this stuff, hell no! But guess what, you need to know what you want in life, then and only then you will get it.

Would I take anything back in life, nope. Everything has worked out the way I wanted. Even being in a job I hated for 10 years taught me something, it showed me how to be grateful for what I have. It showed me what I don’t want in life and what I do want in life.

And let me tell you something, I was the guy who did shitty in school, never paid attention, skipped classes and so on. I wasn’t a bad kid but I just didn’t care about much. But if YOU have a dream, make it happen. Trust me when I say that you can do it, cause I am no better than you. You need to have a goal and you need to really want it to happen. You need to be driven , lazy people go watch TV.

Write down what you want in life, and pin up on your fridge. Look at it daily, then start doing things that will help you achieve your goal. Only you know what you want from life, everyones goals are different. Remember your goals don’t need to be financial, they can be anything that you want in your life.

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What are your goals?
  2. Have you done anything to move towards them?
  3. What are you willing to do to reach your goals?

Why do I want to retire?

I don’t want to be 65 years old when I retire, that’s 27 fucking years from now. Why would I want to work until 65, does that make sense to you? I want to have a good life with my family, the ability to spend time with them in my 40s and so on. Working 8 hours a day leaves little time for a life doesn’t it? To me that is a jail sentence, and I want no part of it. I want my kids to have memories of their father being with them all the time. I don’t want to be a stranger to my kids, I want to be there with them. I’m lucky I work from home and they see me everyday, how many fathers have that luxury? I’m basically semi retired already and I wanted it to be this way.

How do you envision your life in the future? If you have no clue what you want from your life, then think about it and then leave me a comment. I want to know what you want from your life so tell me.

On My Way To $100,000 A Month

[ad]I was thinking about my goals today and I want to make $100,00 month in profit smily face. I’m not sure when I want to achieve this by. 100k a month would be 1.2 million per year, not too shabby. I really believe I can and will do this, but by what date? If you have a goal you need to have a date as to when it will be achieved by. I think I can pull this off by September 2008, so that gives me like 5 months to a little over doubling my affiliate marketing income. Can I do it? Hell yeah! I don’t have it all figured out, but it will happen. The law of attraction will do it’s magic, along with me working hard and will become a reality for me. smily face

I need to branch out into different niches to achieve my goal, and then from there I need to scale my pay per click campaigns to their maximum potential. It’s amazing the amount of money you can pull in with pay per click marketing, it’s unreal. This is not some cake walk though, you really need to know lots of different areas in order to really succeed at internet marketing.

Skills you need to be a good internet marketer:

  1. web design/layout – designing your own websites & landing pages (photoshop skills, design skills)
  2. html/php – coding your own websites, blog & landing pages
  3. copy writing – writing effective PPC ads & copy for your websites/ landing pages
  4. research – this is the most important factor. You need the ability to dig into a niche and find ways to generate traffic (even in competitive niches).

The last part I added because some friends were asking about how you do pay per click, hopefully they read this and understand it’s not nearly as easy as they think. Anyone can do PPC marketing as long as you’re willing to work 12 hours a day and already have a good portion of the skills I listed above. You need to have the drive to do ANYTHING to achive your goal. A real burning desire and commitment to “make it happen”.

Th reason I blog about how much I want to make financially is because this is how I reach my goals by writing them down, it helps so do it. Don’t just sit on your ass, make it happen. You are the creator of your own destiny, where do you want to be in 5 years? Where do you want to be in 5 months, 5 weeks? Plan ahead, and control YOUR LIFE, don’t let your life control you….

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I Lost 3 lbs – Down To 185 lbs From 188

[ad]I’m happy to say my weight loss is coming along nicely, lost 3 pounds since I started. The goal is to loose 13lbs by June , 2008. I have another 10lbs to go. I have basically stopped eating chips, crackers, coke, (cut down on breads, pasta, potato chips by 90%). I try not to eat after dinner but if I do I go with something that won’t make me gain weight. I try to eat fruits, carrots, celery, walnuts, almonds basically non carb or sugar foods. I still have coffee with sugar, and I go to Tim Hortons but I will slow down the Tim Hortons coffee as well.

Basically the weight loss program I am using it the Atkins Diet, however I still have carbs but I cut down 90% of my carbohydrate intake. So this is a healthier version of the Atkins Diet.

Really, it’s not too difficult to loose weight (for me anyways) if you know how to eat. Obviously I should be excercising as well and with the weather warming up it will be easier to be motivated to go out for walks, yard work etc.

The reason I am blogging about my weight loss is so I can keep track of my progess, and writing down my weight loss makes me committed to reaching my goals. Remember, the law of attraction, what you focus on expands. I am focusing on loosing 13 lbs (3 of which are gone already), and believe me it will happen.

Lost 3 lbs

What’s Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals?

[ad]Easy question right, What is stopping you from reaching your goals? It can be hard to pin point but I have seen many people want to reach goals but somehow they just never happened, why? I am guilty of some of these reasons as well, so don’t feel bad.

  1. Too high of goals – It’s good to have dreams and goals but make one thing very clear, having goals that are unattainable or that you know won’t be reached are USELESS. You need to be 100% realistic, and you also need to do everything you can to reach that goal. If you don’t reach your goal because of your own doing, such as not focusing enough on making it happen then you loose out. You will loose faith in yourself and setting future goals will result in failure. Be realistic and make certain you can achieve your goal. Before you make a commitment be certain you can achieve that goal, it needs to be realistic. Making $1,000,000 by next week wont happen, so be honest with yourself!
  2. Not writing down your goals -I have mentioned writing down your goals a few times, and I will mention it again. If you don’t write down your goals then how can you know where you are going? When you get in your car, you always have an idea of where you are going, street signs and maps help to guide you along to your destination. Writing down your goals is the exact same thing. Make a list of your goals and look at it every morning, this will help to guide you in your journey. Sounds silly, but it’s not. When you write down your goals, somehow those goals will gravitate towards you, through the law of attraction.
  3. Getting distracted – I do this sometimes but I find myself wasting time and bounce back. You want to make $150,000 by January, 2008? You found a way to make this happen but then after a few weeks, you get bored and move onto something else. You need to follow through and finish what you start. Obviously you can’t or won’t be able to complete every idea or goal you have but you really need to try and do them. The more you jump from idea to idea the less chance you have of making it happen. Once you find something that you’re sure will work then follow through, DO IT! It can take lots of digging to find an idea that will make you money, so when you find it just focus on that idea and expand on it.

These are the biggest reasons people don’t achieve their goals, don’t be on of them! It’s your life, know what you want and try your best to achieve it. I am speaking through experience. This is my personal experience speaking and what I see other people doing.

Check for great information on goal setting the law of attraction and much more related to positive thinking.