Monthly Archives: November 2009

The Desert Is A Funny Place

We have been busy checking out a bunch of what the desert has to offer, yesterday we went out to the famous Las Vegas outlet center where you can snag deals on all your favorite brand names from Puma, Adidas, Dolce & Gabbana and all the e of the crap that cost more than your computer system. I have to admit I do like Puma, it has a  nostalgic feeling to it that I like. Anyways I snapped a bunch of pics from our day there as well as a few desert mountain photos where we went walking this morning (5 minutes walk from our home). I also took pics of the strange signs and bill board ads floating around Vegas, funny stuff.

WTF is this, a bent building??? weird…

This looks so cheesy to me, am I wrong? Paul Blart?

they sell brass knuckles at the outlet stores, how quant.

I love this Adidas t shirt in conjunction with DeF Jam, talk about old school vibes?

I wanted to buy this shirt but it was sold out in my size….

weird Indian smoking devices at the Las Vegas Outlet Center

ticket busters, only in Vegas..

would you get your car washed at… TERRIBLES CAR WASH?

only in VEGAS…

the park trail near our place…

the park trail near our place…

$7,000 Per Day – Did I Reach It?

In Spetember I wrote about my goal to reach $7,000 profit per day by day. The BIG QUESTION, did I reach 7k per day? I was a little worried that I wouldn’t reach my goal and in one way I didn’t.  I reach roughly $7,500 gross per day about 3 days ago, and it been holding around that daily now. Profit wise that is about $5,000 to $5,5500 profit per day. I didn’t reach the $7,000 profit goal (it’s gross) however this is more than fine by me.  I’m only  $1,500 away from my goal so I would have to say that this is a success, even though I didn’t get my 7k profit per day goal reached. I still have shot up way up on profit from when I originally posted the 7k  day goal, in September!

I need to state this did just not fall in my lap, I busted my ass finding new places to advertise to make this possible. It is far from easy to do this, even though I may make it look easy. I have never worked as hard i n my life as I have the last 10 years in web design/ affiliate marketing.

Does the law of attraction work? I think it does it has helped me reach my goals time and time and time again. Just read my goal posts for the last year it’s really incredible. From buying condos in Vancouver to daily income goals, to buying my condo in Las Vegas (where I’m blogging from), it has all come true.

Personally I believe you can do anything you want, I am living proof of that. Back when I was a carpenter/cabinet maker if you told me I would be where I am right now, it wouldn’t have been hard for me to envision it. And I still remember saying that I wanted to retire by 40 when I was still making cabinets for $17.27 per hour, now it can actually happen. I’m 40 next year, so retirement can easily happen for me. It’s unreal how all my goals have been reached….

Tips on reaching your goals:

  • be focused
  • be realistic (don’t try to make 10 million per day by next month if you’re making $150 a day right now…)
  • don’t expect it to fall in your lap (you need to make this happen, it’s YOUR life….)
  • work hard (if you are lazy and don’t put the time in, then don’t expect to get anywhere…  NO EXCUSES)
  • know what you really want in life
  • be honest and don’t BS yourself (if your goals are too high, you lie only to yourself….)
  • work ethic (how bad do you want?)

If you really want to achieve your goals it needs to be on your mind all the f’n time! Want to loose 50 lbs, then don’t you dare eat that burger! Go to the gym every f’n day no matter what!!! Can you handle that? Working, when you don’t want to, just to reach your goal, I DO.

Who else would go to Las Vegas for a month and still wake up at 6 am  and work until 4 pm , Monday to Friday daily?!? I do… I hate not being honest with myself, it really bugs me so I HAVE TO get what I want, and I do WHATEVER it takes to make it happen. Is that you?

I work first then have fun later, I always have and I always will. PERIOD.  I have no clue why I’m this way, but I hated being shitty at anything I did in my life.

Do it 100% or  don’t even bother!!

Enough said. Time to get back to work, then I pick up my friend from the airport.


A few photos for you before I get back to work….

Las Vegas 1/2 Built & Vacant land All Over

Yesterday I stumbled across one of those famous foreclosed developments, where the builder has stopped building and left everything there. Right across the street on Rain Water Drive, next to the Co 215 freeway is a brand new park, with community pool, grass areas  and nice picnic areas that is the only thing complete besides 4 show homes. It’s kind of creepy and relaxing at the same time. The development must have stopped because of the recession down here and the builder has 4  really nice show homes still there, all furnished facing the community swimming pool, and the play area complete with grass field etc. It looks like a ghost town after a nuclear holocaust or something, weird. The grass is cut, the pool looks maintained but not a soul in sight, except for the odd car that drives by.

There are many parts of North Las Vegas that are 1/2 built with vacant lots around them. Don’t get me wrong this is no ghetto (far from) but it does have a weird  feeling when you go into these developments where there is no one is around. Once the recession stops then all these places will be built up, but until then they will remain vacant. There are no home buyers, except for people like me looking for killer real estate deals. No new homes will be built until the inventory of foreclosed homes is sold.

The bonus is that the park is basically all ours, all the swings, tables and grass field. It’s cool cause it’s like a 2 minute walk from our front door, with an amazing view of Las Vegas, especially at night time.

Las Vegas was the hardest hit area in the USA for foreclosures, hence the amazing deals on real estate down here. And the deals are STILL coming .

Looks like the wild west all over again, tumble weed and all…

These places were supposed to sell for the low $200,000 range still a nice price if you ask me.

vacant land, all divided up with sewers in place, stop signs and street, but no homes….

street lamps with no homes, weird…

cul de sac and still no homes…

community pool on the left, all locked up with not a single soul in sight.

Cheezy Las Vegas – Where Formage Comes To Play

Las Vegas has an insane highway system compared to what I am used to (Vancouver). We got lost a few times but I made my way back to home base eventually. I need to buy a printer so I can print directions to and from places, so I won't get lost anymore! It sucks!!! Today we went down to the strip to kill some time and check out the lions that are located in the MGM casino, pretty wild. One of the lion handlers was actually sleeping and cuddling with one of the baby tigers, NUTS! I took some video of the silly shit that happens on the Las Vegas strip. This place is soo cheezy it makes it cool to be here. I think everyone in Vegas was born with chrome rims on their cars, lol. I love it. What else would you expect from Vegas, a farting ass of course nice ass, lol.. Not were still in Vegas this is NOT Paris!  half  price lawyers, lol. Seem like a really bad idea to let these douche bags defend you for ANYTHING! Penn & Teller whole bus advertisement Elvis & Michael Jackson? M&M… Andrew Dice Clay, there is nothing else to say… heading back home to North Las Vegas watch the video below, people are retards…

39 Years Old – Happy Birthday Las Vegas Style

Today is my……………………………… birthday (November 14)! I’m an old man 39 years old, ugh. I feel like 29 so that’s cool, hard to believe 40 is right around the corner. I still have the energy and drive of a guy 10 years younger which helps.

I got on the exercise bike in the gym room here in my condo complex (Chateau Versailles) for the first time for about 30 minutes which isn’t too bad considering I haven’t biked much this year.

The weather is mild here, def not hot but I can walk around with shorts and a shirt and feel ok, it’s nice for November to be able to do that. We found a park that’s just down the street so we went there for about 30-40 minutes to let the kiddies run around and unwind. I think they get a bit crazy in the condo, without their toys.

I hear back in Vancouver the weather is calling for snow, anyone hear anything?

Also the inside of the condo is basically done now, we are just waiting on the washer and dryer which will be delivered today and then we are 100% set. Shit, I was drained after the last 4 days of busting my ass to get this place into shape and driving around buying things that we needed. Thank God, it’s all done basically!

Tonight, we’re going to check out the famous Las Vegas Outlet  Center, where you can get crazy deals on all the big brand names from Nike, Coach and so on. Not sure if I’m gonna buy anything. I wouldn’t mind a few things perhaps, well see…

Anyways things are back to how I want them to be.  I work 7am-4pm 5 days a week, then we go out and explore Vegas, it’s perfect.

I snapped a few photos walking to the pool, which is right next to the gym. Chateau Versailles has some amazing scenery, it’s close to the small mountains which gives it really nice views, and then there are view of the Vegas strip as well. I’m going to snap some photos of it at night, you can see the whole city from here, it’s really amazing.

Las Vegas strip two nights ago

park down the street

freeway view from Chateau Versailles

walkway to get to pool

pool with mountain views in Chateau Versailles

pool at Chateau Versailles

mountain views from Chateau Versailles

view of mountains from Chateau Versailles

bbq area near pool

view of Las Vegas strip from picnic area in Chateau Versailles

broken brick wall in East Van, reminded me of Ha ha, this picture makes me laugh for some reason. Did some tard back into this wall?!  Funny stuff right Rob?

That’s all for now folks…