Monthly Archives: July 2009

Harrison Hot Springs

I’m back at work/home after a quick 2 day breakation to Harrison Hot Springs (1.5 hours west from me). We took it easy hanging out by the pool  at the hotel, (no pics of the pool though) and just relaxed. I’m glad the vacation wasn’t longer, I get bored just sitting around doing nothing.

I haven’t been to Harrison Hot Springs in over 20 years and I looks pretty close to the same that it was 20 years ago. A few more condos were added to the skyline, but overall it’s still the same small town. It’s nice to see some places aren’t over developed. Harrison Hot Springs is a great little town and perfect for a quick get away if you live in Vancouver.

on the road to Harrison Hot Springs in the Fraser Valley

farm land

my kiddies playing

cool shot of sunlight behind the trees

shot of Harrison Lake at dusk

shot of Harrison Lake at dusk

Back to worky work now..

Thursday Is Here, Hump Day Is Gone

Seems pretty hot out there, cause I’m sweating over my computer as I type.  Always nice when the heat kicks in. I had enough snow to last me a lifetime from last winter, ugh… Anyways it’s almost the weekend which is pretty cool. Days off, chillaxing in the backyard are always nice to have. I worked hard this week and can’t wait to punch the clown. Overall it was a good week, warm sunny etc.

Tomorrow night we head to West Van to wifey cousins birthhday Mary (turning 38) at SteamWorks.  I haven’t been to Steam Works since the dot com days of having an office job, yuck. Luckily for me I am unemployed forever, weeee. Not much else to report.

I snapped a few pictures and that’s it.

Bada Bing!

last night from the back porch

sunset last night from the back porch (facing North Shore mountains)

sunset last night from the back porch (facing Grouse mountains)

same as above..

On Highway 1 in Burnaby coming back from my condo in Port Coquitlam (rent check bounced, so I went to pick up cash in person..). Cash count bounce, nuff said.

Highway 1 in Burnaby (Willingdon Exit)

Ok, back to work. Need to make my next million ASAP!

Getting Things Done Before I Take Another Day off

Not too much going on my end. I’ll be heading out to Harrison Hot Springs next week for a 1-2 day breakation.  I’ll be booking a room today at the Harrison Resort And Spa. At first I didn’t want to go because we just got back from a one week  vacation in WestBank/Kelowna. Then I remember a few guys like James Martell (Internet marketer) saying that if you have a vacation coming up and you need to get work done before you leave it forces you to work fast and efficiently. This seems to be the case cause I want to get some stuff up and running before I head out. It’s all psychological but it works so whatever. I got a nice chunk of work done but still more to do, besides it’s only one day anyways.

Tomorrow is my daughters birthday, turning 3 years old already! So hard to believe seems like 6 months ago she was born. Time goes soo fast, it’s scary…

Oh yeah: Tomorrow there is an affiliate meet up happening in Vancouver at:

Saltlik Steak House (private area on third floor)
1032 Alberni St
Vancouver, BC V6E 1A3

Neverblue is sponsoring and will be covering the cost of appetizers, thanks guys!

shot of downtown Vancouver from Lonsdale Key in North Vancouver.

Lions Gate Bridge taken from Amble Side West Vancouver

Stanley Park taken from Amble Side West Vancouver

bon fire in West Bank, B.C. (looks like a ghost behind the fire but it’s wifey…)

bon fire in West Bank, B.C.

Banned By Google AdWords? How To Get Back In?

In my last post I talked about all the publishers using AdWords for “make money with Google” products scams  got their accounts banned forever and they can never return to using AdWords again. As always in this world of ours there always seems to be  a loophole or way to do what you’re not allowed to. This isn’t any different.

Can you get a new Google AdWords account after you have been banned?

Yes, you can get back to advertising through Google AdWords.  If you are one of the naughty boys promoting biz opps (business opportunities) on Google then you’re a jackass. Well all know how Google loves rebills and you think they would let you use their name in a rebill bizopp? Now you guys know the answer.

I did some digging around and some jerk off is actually selling an ebook on how to get back to using Google AdWords. This is one of the dumbest things I have seen. All the info you need to get your AdWords account back can be found by searching online for free on Google, lol.

Note: I you do get back to using AdWords play by the rules cause Google don’t give 2 shits about anyone except themselves. You’re spending $20,000 a day with Google? They make $63,000,000 (63 million) per day, so they won’t miss your $20,000…

Now get back off your ass and make it happen!

Make Money Online Offers Get Affiliate Marketers Banned From Running Ads On Google AdWords

While on vacation one of my intuitions came true.  In affiliate marketing offers come and go, it’s the nature of the business. I usually try to stay clear of marketing offers that won’t last long just for the simple fact that I like to have long term income that I can rely on for years to come. These short terms niches can be very lucrative, some affiliate marketers make most of their money from short term niches such as diet fads and so on.

One of the more recent niches to hit the market was the “work from home ” categories. Is it a scam? Yes and no.  These are called rebill products because every month the consumer is rebilled a certain amount ($50 or something), until they cancel. Many marketers promote these “make money online” products as free trials,they only pay the shipping (this is true). The consumer pays about $2 for shipping, and has 15 – 30 days to cancel. This is where it can get shady, because many consumers don’t read the fine, and don’t realize they will get charged monthly. They then get rebilled monthly for something like $5o until they cancel.  This can easily add up when you are marketing these products, since each “sale” pays the marketer roughly $30-$40. If you get 10 – 20 sales in a day you have $300 – $600 U.S. In a month you could pull $9,000 to $18,000. It can easily add up to huge money.

Read The Fine Print!

Many people don’t read the fine print, or else it’s unlikely they would even buy the product.  Many of these “work from home” products were promoting these offers as “Make Money With Google“, and state you can “make $5,000 per month posting links on Google”. Is it true? Yes you can earn $5,000 U.S. per month doing affiliate marketing which does include posting links (buying link ads on Google Ad Words).

Yes, you can make money with, I am living proof of it. Is it easy, not when you first start. Is it easy to become a mechanic over night? Is it easy to become a graphic artist over night? Is it easy to become a lawyer over night? If you want to “make it”, you need skills, smarts and determination. The reason these products are popular right now are because of one reason, the recession (or so called).

Anyways many people were running advertisements for these products on, using Google’s name to promote shady work from home ebooks that can work, but won’t work because most people want the “magic secret”. These affiliates marketers have now been banned from advertising from Google for promoting Google biz opps (business opportunities).  I’m not too sure what the point of this blog post is.  Oh I just remembered now.  Most people want to be scammed because they are LAZY.

Diet products for instance shouldn’t even exist. Want to lose weight? Get off you f*cking ass you fat pig. No pill will be the magic solution for your weight problem. Want to make money, then dig in for the long haul, and get eady to make good money if you REALLY want it bad enough.

Who’s Right, Who’s Wrong?

Both parties are to blame. Lazy consumers who want quick and easy money and shady marketing practices that “trick” the consumer to think they will make $5,000 a month by next week. If you want to make money online, then email me and I will guide you in the right direction. I have bought a few ebooks, some great and some not so great but it’s the knowledge I did with ALL the books combined with determination to get me to where I am today. Focus on goals and get ready to learn….