Monthly Archives: April 2009

That Crazy VW Bug On Robson Street

What does Robson Street and a wacked out Volkswagen bug have to do with each other? Absolutely nothing, considering Robson has some of the most expensive shops in Vancouver on them. Robson Street is home to the VW (pictured below) and it parks alongside all types of  luxury vehicles, from Land Rovers, Mercedes and BWM’s. This bug has been on Robson for at least the last 5 years probably way longer.


I actually talked to the owner about the car and he has like 5,000 hours of “work” into. He basically has glued anything he feels will add something to the car. He parks the VW on Robson Street and Thurlow Street and sits outside the Starbucks and watches people looking at his moving artwork. He doesn’t drive it much he says it more of a show piece.

I’m not sure what to make of it, I mean it looks cool and an eyesore at the same time. But overall it adds some personality to a street that is materialism at it’s best. The car is actually promoting a religious message, you can grab a pamphlet on the passenger side door. Don’t ask me what religion it is, I don’t recall. He also takes donations on the passenger door…

“I Am Eh”

tons of little figurines glued to the outside of the VW bug…

inside on the VW, complete with waterfall (middle).

the crazy console inside the old school VW bug

more figurines..

closeup of the hood…

creeepy looking hands look like they are drowning…

closeup of the hood…

Most days the VW can been seen at the corner of Robson Street And Thurlow Street in Vancouver…


The Boat House in Port Moody, Yummy

Tonight was my cousin Marisa’s birthday she turned 40 years old.  We went out to the Boat House in Port Moody which was pretty cool. Overlooking the Burrard Inlet and with tons of windows to provide natural light. I think I’ve been to most of the Boat House restaurants in the Vancouver area. Anyways I snapped a bunch of pics cause that is the cool thing to do if you have a blog, just ask John Chow, or this girl. The first pic is a mad closeup of Andre (cousins husband), haha. He looks damn creepy in that picture, that’s for sure.

Closeup of the oyster bar….

crusty lady on the right, ugh..

view of Burrard Inlet

snapping a photo of a guy with a camera…

My Ceaser salad

Not sure what this is, one of my cousins ordered it..

My halibut and chips meal…

Fish cakes

seafood pasta-  shrimp and  mussels…

Lobster and steak dinner

Shrimp covered in??

Looking at the photos makes me hungry again, mmmmmmmmm.

It’s 11:12 pm on a Saturday night, time to go chill and watch “The Spirit” movie. We just finished watching “Yes Man”, with James Carry and that was pretty funny, now my lady is in bed so I can watch this movie since it’s not her type of thing to watch. How many girls like watching comic characters (Hulk, Iron Man etc…) on the big screen? Not my wifey anways…


Making Money Online & Other Stuff

I feel like I have a few minutes to spare since the library down the street I work  from opens at 10 am and it’s only 9:10 right now.  Why pay for office space when you can use a library, seriously. Besides the April Fools prank that Mother Nature played on Vancouver yesterday will the retarded snow falling on my street, things have been pretty good.

It doesn’t really feel like April out there but what the hell are you going to do right? I have been what I am usually doing trying to make my NEXT million. That being said I felt I needed a little break and treated myself to putting up a blog post (oooooh).  Yes I am an over achiever. In school I sucked b*lls, because who really wants to learn about Canada’s history right? Well I can tell you from personal experience no 12 year old kid in Canada wants to focus on history or school for that matter. I wasn’t much of a scholar and passed with C’s, nothing more, nothing less.   Probably like many of you guys, right boys?  Don’t worry cause we all find our “true calling” one way or another.

Some friends  have asked how I make money online and while I don’t like to reveal my strategies because it has taken me years to refine them and it takes an amazing amount of work to achieve success in this business and stay afloat. One thing I could put out there are the blogs that I visit on a daily basis  to learn some new tricks and tips.  I want to stress to all my friends and others who read my blog that it is not nearly as easy as you think to make money online. You need a tons of skills to really make it happen.

Some skills you need to make money online:

  1. web design skills
  2. coding skills (html, php if possible)
  3. copy writing skills (write articles & web content)
  4. drive (the ability to work hard ALL THE TIME…)
  5. creativity (you need to think outside f the box, you really do)
  6. positive attitude (when the sh*t hits the fan you need to dig through it)

I’m not trying to discourage anyone I am just listing exactly what you need to make it the way I have been.  It’s not a cake walk by any means and reinventing yourself is all part of the game (can’t stand that part). Yes, you can set it and forget it but not for too long and definitely not for any long period of time. One thing you can count on when working online, things always change and they continue to do so. Google especially loves to make it tough for affiliate marketers (me), to make a buck. Don’t ask me why that is another story in itself.

My list of  “make money online” personal blogs, that I read personally:

  1. CDF Networks
  2. Uber Affiliate
  3. Jonathan Volk
  4. Nicky Cakes
  5. Shoe Money
  6. Cash Tactics –  Amazing archived blog posts, that have ton of useful info.

These guys usually update every few days. I suggest you read through all their archives to find out the real nuggets. It’s a ton of reading and yes I have read basically all of the posts on all of those sites, except  All the reading I missed in school I have made of for the last 5 years reading all this stuff online.

Ok enough said, this how I evolve with my business currently, you can read my “About” page to read it all. Time to roll it’s 9:54 am, ciao………


I added a few pics of some flowers, ooooh…

bumble bee working hard

worker in Punta Cana climbing up a coconut tree to get some coconuts…