Monthly Archives: August 2008

Get Discouraged, But Then Get Right Back At It

Sometimes you come out  with a great idea, and you think it will take off. What happens if it doesn’t happen? Well this just happened to me, so now I need to find another way to make it happen. I am always trying new niches and ways to make money online, and sometimes it just doesn’t work. When this happens I have to admit I get bummed out, who wouldn’t?

I usually take a break then plan another way to attack it, it usually works to some degree. Affiliate marketing is all about trying new things out, because you don’t really know what will take off and work until you get in and try it.  The people who make the most money are the guys that have the balls to try new things. Sitting on the sidelines and being happy with what you have is great, but I like to expand.

Making money is like a game to me, it’s a challenge to see how far I can “push the envelope”. Sure I could be happy with what I am bringing in and I am, but I know I can bring even more. I will bring in more one way or another, I’m not too worried but I do get discouraged from time to time.

The reason for this post, hmm I’m not 100% sure. I think I just needed a 1 minute break from the “situation”, then I can think clearly and go balls out again.

PS: Don’t be one of those people who sits on the sidelines because your scared to fail. You should know that by sitting on the sidelines you have already failed YOURSELF. It’s easy to sit on the couch and watch reality shows, but do you have the courage to make something happen for yourself?

* Never give up, failure is only a state of mine. You are what you think you are, change your attitude and be a winner.

The Weekend In East Van

Now that the kids are asleep and my wife is doing laundry I have a few spare seconds to see the photos I snapped at the B.C. Latino festival at Trout lake, also the ones from our visit to Commercial Drive. East Van as ghetto as people make it out to be isn’t that bad, hell I even live in it. Oh and my house is worth about $950,000, not bad for a ghetto huh?

I consider East Van the Brooklyn (New York) of Vancouver, it is the melting pot of all ethnic groups that come to Vancouver. Commercial Drive is the center of the Italian/Portuguese/Latino flavor in the city. Shop after shop, store after store of food markets, coffee shops and bakeries. Personally I think Commercial Drive has the most “flavor” in all of Vancouver, it has that “neighbourhood feeling”, Brooklyn style.

It’s funny my Canon SD750 always seems to be in my pocket nowadays. I guess since I don’t have to waste hard earned money on buying film it makes it way easier to snap photos of anything I see. You gotta love digital cameras…

How can you not like East Van? Fugedabout!


Joe’s Cafe Commercial Drive


Charity haircut event on Commercial Drive, East Vancouver


Charity haircut event on Commercial Drive, East Vancouver


Charity haircut event on Commercial Drive, East Vancouver


Chillin on the sand at Trout Lake, East Van


Nature shot at Trout Lake, East Van


Old school ice cream truck at the B.C Latino Festival at Trout Lake


Jamaican stand at B.C Latino Festival at Trout Lake


B.C Latino Festival at Trout Lake

Ok enough for tonight, it’s 11:46 pm. I need to lie down for 8 hours and then bike ride to the crime ridden coffee shop on Kingsway in Burnaby.

Another Laptop Gets Stolen In The Coffee Shop

Unreal, it has happened again. Some dude hooked up his laptop to the power outlet, then goes to the washroom and his laptop gets stolen. Here is the thing, this person had his laptop right near the door, and the washroom is on the other side of the coffee shop. It was a dumb move on his part that cost him at least $600.

I talked to Habib the owner and he does have cameras installed to watch everything that takes place in the coffee shop, big deal. Even if you catch it on tape , what can you do with that? It’s not like a murder has taken place. The police aren’t going to care too much about stolen laptops unless it becomes a huge problem.  So they have the thief on tape, the crook might as well have smiled on camera…. I am only here about 6 hours, 5 days a week. I can only imagine how many laptops get stolen the rest of the time.

Since this place is in close proximity to local Burnaby parks where homeless sleep this could be part of the problem. I see many homeless people and junkies walking by this place on Kingsway all day long. Laptops are such an easy target, small, expensive and easy to steal.

Watch your laptop never leave it unattended!!!

Visa Has their Heads Up Their Asses

Visa what\'s wrong with you?I recently got a new Visa credit card and my spending limit is $15,000 per month, fair enough. I checked today and it seems I am pretty close to maxing out my spending limit for the month. I called Visa and paid the monthly amount owing which was like $13,250 or something. That way I would be able to still have room on my Visa card to pay for advertising for the rest of the month. I then figured I should increase my monthly limit. I asked the Visa representative on the phone, if I could increase my spending limit stating that instead of paying my monthly bill before it came it would make more sense to increase my monthly spending limit. I have great credit and no liabilities at all, not even one. Everything  I own is paid in full, 3 houses and my Escalade, all paid for. She states that they cannot increase my monthly spending limit for 3 months…. I was like why? “It’s our policy”, she explains, blah, blah, blah. I can understand that, but here is the funny but stupid thing and I told her this. I said, do you realize that I can apply for another Visa credit card and basically increase my monthly spending that way. Is that not stupid or what?

The reason I don ‘t want to get another Visa credit card is that it’s just more paperwork and credit cards to keep track of, but this is probably the route I will have to take. Or, I can just continue to pay of the monthly bill before it arrives and then I wll have $15,000 available to pay for ads the rest of the month.

To me that is retarded financial institutions, they have a lame rule that you can easily get around and I know they know this. BLah, whatever it seems I always have to fine some loophole to make sh*t work the way I want it to.

And the beat goes on…