Monthly Archives: March 2008

Google AdWords UpDate – My Ads Are Running Again

Last week I had a problem with my Google ads being flagged as “Adult Content”, which was a mistake by Google but they refused to give real answers as to why it was flagged “Adult”. In my post I mentioned that if I resubmitted the ad as it was, it would probably get approved and begin running again. Well….. that is exactly what happened and I am happy to say that someone at Google actually approved the ad, the way it should have been done last week! smily.jpg smily.jpg

Those donkeys can be very clueless and usless. So here is my tip if your ad doesnt get approved look at your website, your ad, and then talk to an AdWords Specialist Idiot. If you can’t get Google to fix your problem and you know it should be running on Google, then just resubmit the ad again. Simple but stupid. I’m sure I lost at least $1000 if not more because of one of my ads wasn’t running but that is life online with the “Big G”.smily.jpg

Related AdWords Blog Posts:

  1. Google AdWords Specialists, Not That Smart
  2. From 2,000,000 Impressions To 2 impressions On Google AdWords 

How Bad Do You Want To Be Rich?

wanto-to-be-rich.jpgHow Bad Do You Want To Be Rich? It’s a simple question, but most don’t have what it takes. Most people like the idea of being rich, but when it comes down to work ethic they don’t have it. You need to ask yourself why do you want to be rich.

Personally for me my goal is to retire very early, 40 years of age. The reason I want wealth is simple, I want to enjoy my life. If you are stuck working at a job 8 hours a day 5 days a week there is much less time to enjoy your life. People don’t seem to realize that then 9-5 grind is a recent development, less than 80 years old.

I “work to live, not live to work”, even though I spend 12 or more hours in front of the computer my hours are going down. As I mentioned in my about page I want to buy real estate (which I have been doing for 5 years now) , so in the next few years I won’t have to work at all. IF.. If I do work, it will be because I enjoy it. I’m basically at that point in my life right now. I am working because I love the challenge of affiliate marketing and the satisfaction of reaching my goals (the money doesn’t hurt either, lol).

Another reason I want to be rich is to make 100% sure my family (wife, daughter & unborn child) are completely taken care of. That is already possible from the rental income I get from my properties, but one goal is to get $20,00o in monthly rental income, right now I am at about $5000 per month (25% of the way there).

The reason I want to be rich is simple, security for my family and enjoying a stress free life.

Ask Yourself The Following Questions:

  1. Why do you want to be rich?
  2. Do you have what it takes?
  3. What are you doing to reach your goals?

You want to be wealthy right? Write down the reasons that you want wealth, write down your goals (set a date for when you want to reach x amount of $). Make your goals realistic and be HONEST with yourself. Don’t write down $1,000,0000 by July if you know it probably won’t happen. Don’t lie to yourself. Always be honest, and be grateful for what you already have.

If you don’t know about the law of attraction then you need to read  Steve Pavlina’s article. To make it really quick, whatever you think about expands and becomes your reality. If you constantly think about the debts you need to pay you will get even more debt. If you think of ways to make money, then you will then have in your life ways to make money which will result in wealth. Focuson what you want, NOT what you don’t want, simple. Go read the Law Of Attraction article now.

Good luck and email me if you have any questions.  C.V.

Google Stock On Big Decline, Will It Affect PPC Marketing?

Google stock has been on a huge drop since November 2007 it has fallen from $747.24 a share in November to only $428.08 on March 28, 2008. It is down 6% from it’s high of $747. Apparently Google’s stock price has been declined after a researcher said clicks on Google’s advertising sponsored links fell last month.

As a pay per click advertiser on Google, how does this affect me?

I asked myself that question. I’m not really sure if it’s only Google that has less clicks on their search network or are MSN and Yahoo on the decline as well? One thing that comes to mind is maybe they will be more lenient with ads on their network since they want more clicks and they want their stock to rise. It could be better for PPC advertisers, but who knows? Google are crazy Nazi’s when it comes to promoting on the search engine. You need to jump through a ton of hoops sometimes in order to have have and keeps your sponsored ads running.

Also, will Google’s stock continue to drop and it if does then what?


Google AdWords Specialists, Not That Smart

I had a great conversation with Google AdWords team again, they are soo dumb. My ads were lots of traffic on the content network, then 2 out of the 3 ad groups died right now. I then needed to contacted my heroes at Google AdWords. Of course I saved the conversation just to show how stupid they are.

You can read for yourself:

Chat InformationThank you for contacting Google AdWords. Please hold a moment while we route your chat to a specialist who will help you with your question: “impressions way down”.
Chat InformationDevon S has received your message and will be right with you.
Devon S: Hello C. Thanks for contacting Google AdWords. I’m happy to help you.
C: hello

Devon S: I understand your impressions have declined and you’d like clarification as to why, is that correct?
Devon S: I’m happy to look into it.
Devon S: For account verification purposes, can you please give me your customer ID number?

C: My impression on 2 ad groups are almost down to nothing
C: k 1 sec
C: Customer ID: ********
Devon S: Ok.
Devon S: What ad groups are those?

C: 1sec
Devon S: And have you made any changes to the account recently?
C: no i havent
C: ******** ******** ******** group
C: ******** ******** group
Devon S: Ok. Hold on just a moment while I take a look.
C: ok
C: still there?
Devon S: Yes, I’ve been looking through your account
C: ok
Devon S: It looks like the rank of your ads dropped, most likely due to a change in the family status of your ads.
C: why is that?
Devon S: Publishers can decide the status of ads they’d like to show on their sites, so if your family status changes, you might not be eligible for certain sites.
Devon S: Here’s an article about family status:
Devon S:

C: no listen
C: it was approved and ran find for 1 week now they change status
C: wht the hell is that about?
C: why did they approve it in thew 1st place?
C: and its not porn its damn ******** site
C: with no nudity or any adult words
Devon S: I apologize for your frustration, C.
C: thats fine
C: but seriously
C: look at the site
Devon S: Ads are reviewed when they are added originally, and are often re-reviewed.
C: doesn tmean it was aprroved right
C: dont you thnink they could have made a mistake when they rereviewed it?
Devon S: I don’t believe so
C: so they made a mistake when they 1st reviewed it?
C: lol you guys are nuts
Devon S: Did you make any changes to the ads?
Devon S: When ads are edited or updated, they’re submitted for review again.

C: seems silly , cause all the diff editors seem to have their OWN rules
C: yes i changed the ad so i coudl try to get a better ctr
Devon S: No, we have a very specific rubric for approval.
Devon S: Ok.
Devon S: Then that’s why it was re-reviewed.

C: if you have a specific rubric for approval. then why was it approved originally then?
C: does that make sense to you?
Devon S: It was approved both times, C. It sounds like the changes you made affected the family status of the ad.
C: thatsBS
C: the ad is clean
C: no adult words at all
Devon S: We don’t just consider the ad text, but also the concepts within the ads.
C: does that looks like adult wording to you?
C: bah
C: make no sense
C: you really dont even knwo why it wasnt approved do you?
Devon S: C, the ad was approved.
Devon S: It’s running.

C: yeah approved but not RUNNING!
C: oh yeah its running
C: i got clciks today
C: i got 3 clicks
C: wow
C: compared to 300 clciks the other day lol
C: but its running fine
C: too bad no one will ever see it
Devon S: That may be due to the decrease in impressions. However, it looks like everything is running fine in the account.
C: gues waht is really funny
C: if i resubmit again i might get them running as family safe
C: do you realize how dumb that is?
C: but you know what it will probably work
Devon S: That’s possible, but not likely if you don’t change the ads.
C: google is hit and miss
Devon S: Keep in mind your ads won’t run at all on the content network while they’re in line to be reviewed.
C: 1/2 the time the edotirs dotn do things the RIGHT WAY
C: gotcha
Devon S: I apologize for the frustration, C. Was there anything else I can help you with today?
C: lol this is uesless
C: I can figure it out on my own way better than your help
C: sorry but you guys are nuts
C: but thats life
Devon S: I’m sorry you feel that way, C.
C: no offence to you but seriously
Devon S: I don’t think this conversation is productive anymore, though, so I’m going to have to end this chat.
C: anwys see ya
C: yup thanks buddy..

These “specialists” are good for nothing, they are Google robots.  The reason my ads aren’t showing on the content network is this. I had my ads all approved and running fine, I adding some new ads so I could get a better CTR, which in return was sent to review where they flagged the ads as  not “family safe”, which is pure bullshit.

Here is the stupid part if I create a AdWords new campaign it will probably get approved as “family safe”, they love to waste my time. It really is insane how stupid they are at Google AdWords. Time to make a NEW campaign…..

My Personals Goals


On my previous blog I was writing out my goals more which I think he guide me along the way. Well I am back to writing goals, so I have a game plan, a road map to success. I know the importance of wring down your goals, but even more important being accountable to them. There is NO point writing down goals if they never intent to reach them. You need to be honest with yourself, with what you can achieve. When you reach your goal, reward yourself with something (a nice dinner, new clothes, a day off, whatever…)

Goals For The Next Month And A Half

  1. $1500 profit per day from affiliate marketing
  2. Continue to quickly find more profitable niches
  3. Get more organized to save on wasted time
  4. Buy 2 condos in Vancouver after the Winnipeg properties are sold.

Let’s see where I am with these goals on May, 15. Write down your goals and watch them gravitate towards you like a magnet, the law of attraction.