It’s The Desert, Not Vancouver!

I been back in Vegas for 2 weeks now, and we drive around to various areas to explore and learn about different parts of Las Vegas. In Vancouver you just don’t see the type of houses and desert landscape that is found down here, it is a desert so the house styles and landscape vary greatly. Here most plants are picked  depending on their water consumption. You pay for water here unlike Vancouver where you can keep the tap running forever and no one blinks. Water conservation is a normal part of life here, which is fine by me. I have learned to keep the water off, when I’m brushing my teeth and other little tips.  They conserve water here, but they don’t recycle at all (in my complex anyways…). It bugs me that recycling isn’t done here, since the USA is the biggest consumer and polluter in the world.

All the photos were taken in North Las Vegas, where I live…

Close to Red Rock Canyon.

imagine waking up to that every day scenery, would be neat (house is on left..). This hoe in near Red Rock Canyon.

Crazy color but I actually think it works well in this environment.

This is what happens if you can’t pay your loans. This million dollar house is now foreclosed and bank owned, and it’s half done! Right across the street you have the pimping house below.  I can’t imagine waking up to this eyesore until the market turns around, could be years and years!

I found these foreclosure notices posted on at least 6 doors in my complex, that means another 6 foreclosures from my complex alone. Las Vegas is in such a huge mess it’s unreal! Good for people who want the bargain of a lifetime though, but damn…

Las Vegas is the foreclosure capital of all the USA, this is the center of all the damage from the U.S. recesson. Obama was here just last week and pointed that out.

there are some really beautiful places (some foreclosed…), all are only a few minutes from where I live.

desert landscape, don’t fall on the cactus!

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