East Van, The Million Dollar Ghetto

I got for walks around  my hood every few days (too burn some of my calories cause I sit on my computer too much). Anyways some  bought 2 lots 2 houses away from me and has torn one house and down, and left one standing for now until he starts building. The only problem is that it’s turning into a local dump. My area (Renfrew Heights) is looking like the ghetto, but  with a million dollar price tag attached to it. Maybe I should rent out the place to some squatters, until they tear it down. Or.. Maybe I should call the city of Vancouver on the builder for being such a clown and letting the mess get worse and worse. ..

I snapped some photos just to show you how nice it looks…


Cute place, too bad no windows, but you can keep warm lighting the garbage on fire!

Awesomw view, buy now

Wanna buy  a complete sh*hole, only $700,000? Call Melissa Wu 604-783-8272

Domain name graffiti, cheaper than buying ad space on Google I guess!

Cool reflection off of the rear window of my Escalade ( not Photoshoped!).

Back to work now![ad]

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