Bell TV Or Shaw Cable?

I had Bell TV Satellite for a little over 2 years and when I really wanted to watch satellite such as in the winter months when it was snowing or raining really hard the satellite would be down. If snow accumulates on the Bell receiver then you loose the satellite signal. I called them tons of times to complain about this and they just said to go clean the receiver. Well my receiver was up about 40 feet in the air. Who in their right mind is going to pull out a ladder in the middle of a snow storm to clean their satellite receiver? Just a wee bit dangerous isn’t it, jackasses. Also when it rains hard it sometimes it has the same problem, no satellite signal. And it tends to rain here in Vancouver, especially in the winter, DOH.

Anyways enough was enough. So we switched over to Shaw Digital Cable, less bullsh*t, and now everything is bundled together (digital phone, Internet & digital cable). Bada Bing.

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