Monthly Archives: February 2010

It’s The Desert, Not Vancouver!

I been back in Vegas for 2 weeks now, and we drive around to various areas to explore and learn about different parts of Las Vegas. In Vancouver you just don’t see the type of houses and desert landscape that is found down here, it is a desert so the house styles and landscape vary greatly. Here most plants are picked  depending on their water consumption. You pay for water here unlike Vancouver where you can keep the tap running forever and no one blinks. Water conservation is a normal part of life here, which is fine by me. I have learned to keep the water off, when I’m brushing my teeth and other little tips.  They conserve water here, but they don’t recycle at all (in my complex anyways…). It bugs me that recycling isn’t done here, since the USA is the biggest consumer and polluter in the world.

All the photos were taken in North Las Vegas, where I live…

Close to Red Rock Canyon.

imagine waking up to that every day scenery, would be neat (house is on left..). This hoe in near Red Rock Canyon.

Crazy color but I actually think it works well in this environment.

This is what happens if you can’t pay your loans. This million dollar house is now foreclosed and bank owned, and it’s half done! Right across the street you have the pimping house below.  I can’t imagine waking up to this eyesore until the market turns around, could be years and years!

I found these foreclosure notices posted on at least 6 doors in my complex, that means another 6 foreclosures from my complex alone. Las Vegas is in such a huge mess it’s unreal! Good for people who want the bargain of a lifetime though, but damn…

Las Vegas is the foreclosure capital of all the USA, this is the center of all the damage from the U.S. recesson. Obama was here just last week and pointed that out.

there are some really beautiful places (some foreclosed…), all are only a few minutes from where I live.

desert landscape, don’t fall on the cactus!

$25 Lollipops & Other Junk

I’m actually trying to post a little less. I don’t want to post anymore than every 3rd day. Honestly I feel that my blog is a waste of my time. It is fun to do but I don’t want to spend hours every day working on something that doesn’t offer $$$$. It’s a fun hobby but I have to keep to a certain level, every 3 rd day is more than enough I would think. I just accumulate my photos and stuff for 3 days and post them all at once.

I have been having a tough time focusing on my business, not very motivated at all. Once again, my earnings have dropped lol. See, it’s not that easy to work online, things change super fast on the web. One day you are making $5,000 and the next you are down to $500! It can be an emotional roller coaster ride to say the least.

In reality I can’t complain, I can retire right now if I wanted to but I really don’t. I have been working to get my profit back up, and I am having some success but not to the amount I have been accustomed to. If you had to get into affiliate marketing it’s much tougher now than it was when I first started.

But where there is a will there is a way. I like to feel sorry for myself for a bit then I bounce back. Right now the “feeling sorry for myself” process is almost finished and I starting to work a bit more to get things back up. Affiliate marketing takes a ton out of you. It is not a get rich quick deal, it’s super tough. Honestly sometimes I  don’t even know how I did it at all. Motivation is the key to success, without it failure is probable.

Time to get back to work, personal blogs make very little $$$.

Ok, here is the deal with these lollipops, they cost $25 each! These are basically celebrity endorsed by “stars” such as Holly  Madison, Kendra Wilkinson, Mike The Situation Sorrentino and all the rest of the “stars” with their photos on the Sugar Factory walls (see below). Then dumb teenage girls spend $25.00 to look trendy, douchebagettes!

These are twist on lollipops, you can buy replace tops for $5 each. The bling bling stick is reusable, and it comes in a plastic case, LOL. If I ever buy on of these then you will know I have become a FULL douchebag!

Endorsed by Carmen Electra, Brittney Spears, The Kardashians, Spice Girls, Denise Richards and all the rest of the “stars” that got paid to lick the lollipop…. Consumerism at it’s worst! $25 lollipops, yeah!

Looks like she got pissed at me for taking photos of $25 lollipops lol, OH WELL!

Now you know why Americans are all FAT, deep fried Oreos? Yeah, I’m sure you really need to eat those….

Deep fried twinkies of course, what else would you expect if you can get deep fried Oreo cookies!

Inside Planet HollyWood hotel, pretty cool

This is indoors, even the sky………

On the way to Red Rock Canyon, amazing scenery. It’s like the Grand Canyon (but much smaller) however it’s only l 12 minutes by car from my condo!

Beautiful rock formations…

Cheeeezy smile!

The wild west all over again…


Free Pretzels from Auntie Anne!

Realistically 90% of the stuff I put on my blog is useless stuff but I enjoy doing it and I don’t know why? I think I just like playing with the images in PhotoShop or something. And for the video is just plain fun to upload to YouTube, who knows?!

Anyways I snapped video of the free pretzels from Auntie Anne’s Pretzels at the Las Vegas Premium Outlet stores. I’m screwed up, yeah I know!

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Free pretzels anyone?

Lone Mountain & Walking In The North Las Vegas Desert

I took a walk up to Lone mountain, which is a  5 minute walk from my place. I didn’t feel like working, so I took a few hours off. This is all the stuff I saw:

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awesome looking cactus plant..

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some one got mad their computer.

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graffiti in the desert..

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crazy looking desert plants…

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self portrait  note to self: pluck uni-brow.

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shot up car…

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shot up muffler…

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shot gun shells they used to shoot up that stuff…

enjoy the video of the desert

The Treasure Island Free Outdoor Pirate Show

Two nights ago we checked out Treasure Island, which is on the Las Vegas strip with the rest of the big hotels. Treasure Island is based around the pirate theme, and every night they have free outdoor  shows in front of their hotel that include pirate ships, female and male pirates as well as slick explosions. It’s a free show and pretty cool, if you’re ever in Las Vegas check it out.  The show is very elaborate especially for a free production.


Of course I snapped photos of it and here they are:
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There were 2  pirate ships that got into a battle (men vs women), they fired back and forth until the men’s ship sank.

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BOOM, pirate ship going down!

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This amazing chopper built by Metropolitan Choppers and the metal work was done by an artist named Scott Cawood. This piece of moving art was inside the Treasure Island casino , made of scrap metal it took over 6 months to build it. The detail in this bike is insane…

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The chopper weighs over 900 lbs, look at all the metal no surprise!!

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crazy details on this bike.

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The ship is sinking…

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Front of the bike, looks like a lady.

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front of the bike, right above the forks..