Lone Mountain & Walking In The North Las Vegas Desert

I took a walk up to Lone mountain, which is a  5 minute walk from my place. I didn’t feel like working, so I took a few hours off. This is all the stuff I saw:

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awesome looking cactus plant..

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some one got mad their computer.

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graffiti in the desert..

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crazy looking desert plants…

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self portrait  note to self: pluck uni-brow.

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shot up car…

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shot up muffler…

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shot gun shells they used to shoot up that stuff…

enjoy the video of the desert

1 thought on “Lone Mountain & Walking In The North Las Vegas Desert

  1. Roberto

    Happy Birthday, Blog! I can’t believe you’re two years old already! It seems like only yesterday you were only about yay-high. Time sure does fly!

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