Monthly Archives: January 2010

LED Light Faucet Gadget In My WashRoom

My wife bought this cool led light faucet gadget that changes colors depending on if you are running cold water or hot water through the faucet. The price tag was $5.00, but usually I don’t give a s hi*t about BS things that cost alot but are basically useless. This is still useless but it’s only $5.00, so whatever.. It makes my washroom look like some pimp nightclub, lol.

She bought it at some Chinese store on Hastings Street, here in Vancouver. Maybe I should start selling these on EBay for $30.00, think that they would sell? Hmm…….


Pictures Of My Home In East Vancouver Built In 2004

I was cleaning the files on my computer a few days ago, deleting files that I didn’t need to help speed up my computer and I came across a bunch of photos. These photos were taken during the construction of my home.  It’s been 2004 since  we built our house and I think it’s important to document all important parts of my life and have them on my blog so I can look back when I’m gray and old and see my life years before.

Anyways it’s interesting and cool for me to to see and document my own personal progression….

Enjoy the photos:

the first level is up…

view from backyard, garage form and house…

custom built 2900 square feet

putting up the tar paper…


stressing out…

the living room covered in paper to protect the hardwood floors…

in the front yard pouring the stamp concrete…

pouring the stamped concrete in the back yard…

and there you go, the end product minus some banana plants , railing and a few shrubs.

Also remember this:

Don’t wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and then wait…… My place cost me about $600,000 for the lot and to build it, now it’s worth $1,000,000!  Try making $400,00 at your job!!

Buy real estate and wait.

Time to make some breakfast, I’m hungry. Ciao…

My Wifes 34th BirthDay Pictures

I am still around just not blogging much because I don’t have much to say right now….

Last week was wifeys birthday so we went out to Dix restaurant in downtown Vancouver. We actually met at Dix when it was a club called Johnny Loves, back in 1996. We went to Dix on our anniversary last year and she wanted to have her b day there, it’s a great place.

She invited friends and family and here are the pics of it.

a shot of ?

looks good right?

yummy, my favorite burgers and fries…

Happy 34th Birthday!

dinner is served…

me & wifey, tickle, tickle…

Affiliate Summit 2010 Las Vegas Edition

So…………. I’m back from Las Vegas and it looks like I brought the crappy weather down South with me. It rained like crazy the last 3 days, boo hoo. I was on a business trip so the weather didn’t matter all that much.

The good thing about going to the Affiliate Summit is that I learned a  few tips that will pay for the trip by the end of today basically.  So I have to say that going was well worth the time and money spent. It’s one of those things that you don’t know how valuable it is until you come back and put what you learned to use.

Also being with other affiliate marketers is nice, because they actually understand what the hell you are talking about. Affiliate marketing is such a technical and in depth conversation that it’s nice to be able to converse and not feel like a computer nerd, lol.

It wasn’t all computer chat though, there were many parties that were held by various companies mostly at the Palms hotel close to the convention at the Rio Hotel. I ended up meeting many people who’s blogs I have read over the years for tips, tricks and guidance.

If you ever wanted to know about affiliate marketing  then read these blogs:

  1. CDF Networks – VERY useful blog that I have read for 3 years  now
  2. Jonathan Volk – helped me lots in the beginning
  3. Ad Hustler –  useful tips that I read weekly

Overall it was fun, and when my wife reads this I just have to say I kept my hands to myself as always. Yes, I was a  good boy! You know that anyways………….

Also a big thanks to Mundo Media for inviting me to the party below.  They are a great network, thanks buddies!

nuff said back to work…  I have only been up since 3 am. Who needs sleep?

Heading South For ASW

I’m heading back down to Vegas for a 3 day convention. It will be nice to get away from the bright blue skies of Vancouver, haha yeah right! It’s been raining and cloudy basically every day since I have been back, BLAH!

Anyways I’m hoping to meet some of the affiliate managers I work with and hopefully I will get some tips  to propel my business to the next level! This week has been a bit of a slump in my business with the main offer I was running coming into billing problems.  I had to put my traffic on pause for a few days until I could find another similar product to promote.

I found something that is similar but not as good, but it will do for now as I don’t have much of  a choice. I am told that the credit card billing should be back up sometime next week, cross fingers on that. In the mean time I’m going to enjoy myself down south in the sun, instead of the gray rainy days here in Vancouver…….

I can’t wait to see what type of security gong show, they have in place to stop “terrorists” at the airport. I’m sure they have found a way to make travelling even longer and more painful. But it’s all for our safety, um yeah. I was born yesterday I guess…

Anyhoo, it’s time to get my ass in gear, I need to:

  1. pack
  2. get haircut
  3. see investment condos in Burnaby at 2:00 and maybe put offer on one
  4. go to parents for dinner
  5. go to airport
  6. land in Vegas
  7. pickup rental car
  8. go to my condo in Vegas
  9. sleep

dismal looking gray day in Willingdon Business Park in Burnaby, just off of highway 1

some guy feeding the pigeons near Granville street

guy has lots of foods for the birdies…

the guy feeding the pigeons just off of Granville Street in downtown Vancouver.

it looks like some type of robotic face, but it’s just a close up of  a McDonalds coffee lid. It looks like it wants to be fed, maybe bird seed?!