Pictures Of My Home In East Vancouver Built In 2004

I was cleaning the files on my computer a few days ago, deleting files that I didn’t need to help speed up my computer and I came across a bunch of photos. These photos were taken during the construction of my home.  It’s been 2004 since  we built our house and I think it’s important to document all important parts of my life and have them on my blog so I can look back when I’m gray and old and see my life years before.

Anyways it’s interesting and cool for me to to see and document my own personal progression….

Enjoy the photos:

the first level is up…

view from backyard, garage form and house…

custom built 2900 square feet

putting up the tar paper…


stressing out…

the living room covered in paper to protect the hardwood floors…

in the front yard pouring the stamp concrete…

pouring the stamped concrete in the back yard…

and there you go, the end product minus some banana plants , railing and a few shrubs.

Also remember this:

Don’t wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and then wait…… My place cost me about $600,000 for the lot and to build it, now it’s worth $1,000,000!  Try making $400,00 at your job!!

Buy real estate and wait.

Time to make some breakfast, I’m hungry. Ciao…

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