Monthly Archives: December 2009

A Visit To The Red Rock Canyon

Instead of doing the usual visits to the casinos ( that we will do anyways), I decided to start researching what natural sights we can visit around the the Las Vegas area. Red Rock Canyon is only 8 miles from my front door and a  pretty neat place, so we went there this afternoon.  It looks like the Grand Canyon but on a much smaller scale.  The actual walls of the canyon are red which looks almost unrealistic, it’s stunning scenery and soo close to my home!  We took the scenic 1 hour drive around the canyon and area, and I snapped photos along the way. Today the temperature was up to a nice mild 17°C, so it was perfect, even though up there we did see some traces of snow on the ground.

Tonight it’s back to regular tourist stuff, going down to the strip to see some stuff..

the happy couple..

the scenic drive

cool looking red stripe right through the mountain

the wild, wild west…

nephew James, Niece Natalie and sis in law Doris snapping photos.

Interviewed By CNBC About Investing In Las Vegas

Since Las Vegas has been featured in the news quite a bit regarding foreclosures and the down turn of the real estate market here, CNBC came out here to Las Vegas to do a news report on it. The focus of CNBC for this certain news clip was out of country  investors buying up foreclosures at discount prices and the fierce competition. Long story short I was asked by my realtor David Brownell if I wanted to be interviewed by CNBC since I was an out of country investor. I saw the video clip on TV  and then I found it on their website. I also ended up using my digital camera and filming the video on the NBC website (just in case they take it down!). Here is the link to the NBC clip on their site: "Canadian investor C V, lol.. Sounds so weird hearing that." Here is my video of the video above (in case they take it down ever) And there is my 15 minutes of fame. If you want my autograph, just send me $5 with PayPal and I will email it to you, lol.

It Snowed In Las Vegas, Grrrrrr

This is how it looked here 3 days ago, thank God it’s 14°C today. I hate the cold and I know soon enough I will back in the Winter Wonderland Hell of  Vancouver. I bought here to get away from the Winters of Vancouver. I know it’s not hot in Vegas in the winter but damn snow?! Argh!!! Thanks it only happens once in  a blue moon, and the snow didn’t stick, and the next day it was back to a mild 14°C.

eeps it snowed in Vegas? Yeah and it sucked, it never stuck but still!

a sprinkle of snow on the local mountains here in Vegas…

Two days later it was 15 , and it will be the rest of the week, Thank God!

looks like the observatory in Vancouver? Yeah a house, scary I know and damn ugly….

Not Much To Update

Seems like you guys in Vancouver brought us some colder weather down here in the desert state. Some nights the temperature hits zero, but it’s supposed to warm up in the next 3-4 days which is fine by me. I bought this place to get away from the cold winters up in Vancouver!!

We have been checking out some of the Christmas stuff that Vegas puts on this time of year. We had the chance to visit the Bellagio Christmas Conservatory which was pretty cool for the kiddies. Also we drive around the newest hotel called Aria on the strip that has it’s grand opening on December 16th. The hotel is an 8.5 billion dollar project, the biggest ever in Nevada OBVIOUSLY. It’s like 9 buildings, not just one. Hotels in Vegas are never ever just one building they encompass blocks of property.

today’s beautiful sunrise from my balcony

Snow on Las Vegas mountains?! Yes a little bit actually, just  a wee sprinkle….

WTF is with those 1980’s socks?! Right in front of the Bellagio, lol. Cheezy!

Freemont Street is the original Las Vegas “strip” in downtown Vegas (8 miles from where the new hotels are now.)

Freemont Street

Freemont Street, super tall Christmas tree.

Polar bear made out of flowers at the Bellgaio Conservatory

Model freight train at the Bellagio

Union Pacific model train at the Bellagio Conservatory

Aria Hotel is a 9-10 billion dollar hotel project that is having it’s grand opening on Dec 16. Both of these buildings are actually slanted. The hotel consists of numerous buildings. A hotel in Vegas is never just one building, ever. More pics of this insane hotel next week, when it officially opens to the public.

this a crazy sculpture at the Aria Hotel, if you look closely you will see these are all canoes, probably over 100 canoes were used for this art piece. It looks pretty cool if you ask me..

closer look at the canoe art piece

Oh No You Didn’t!

Yesterday I took my wife out to get her Christmas gift(s), down to the Las Vegas Premium Outlet Center. If you’re lookng for brand name stuff for super cheap prices then this is the place to go. We did all of our Christmas shopping, so when we get back to Vancouver we won’t have to hit MetroTown Mall, thank god! Some of the pics might be a little “risky”, but I cropped out most of the naughty stuff.

And then last night we went out to an amazing all you can eat buffet at Rio Hotel, it had everything from Italian, Chinese, Mexican and everything in between. The deserts are wicked as well. Amazing food, it’s the best buffet I have even been to.

trying out clothes at the Bebe store

New top and new jeans from our last visit at the outlet store.

coming back from the Outlet center, amazing scenery (we live next to these mountains).