Monthly Archives: August 2009

Pictures Of Boats And Stuff

Took 1/2 a day off and took the family to New Brighton Park. The kids played on the swings while I snapped photos of stuff I saw. Some times you just need to say “f*ck it”, and play hooky. I’m the boss so it doesn’t really matter too much. Funny thing is that I always feel guilty when I play hooky, so lame..

The results of my 1/2 day off are below..

welcome to New Brighton Park

freighter docked at the Wheat Pool in Burrad Inlet

freight front view

Second Narrows Bridge

you tell me what this is? It’s part of the Wheat Pool

Just tuggin along….

Koma graffiiti on weather hopper train

New York, New York, 8 Years Later

Well, well, well, I am back from New York. I left late Saturday night (11:30 pm) on the “red eye” to Montreal, then to New York.  I got into NYC at about 10:am EST.  I stayed at a little hotel called Dream.  It’s a cool place that was about 5 block from the Hilton New York where the ASE (Affiliate Summit East) was being held. The  affiliate convention was 3 days long and it was informative and made some useful contacts there. If you want to see pictures  of the actual convention, go here. No, I’m not in any of the pictures….

I saw many of the affiliate marketing superstars (guys making over $20,000 +) per day online. Most of the affiliate superstars are half my age so it’s kind of weird for me. I felt like an old man at times, lol. If you are in your late 30’s and doing affiliate marketing then you are considered older for sure. It’s amazing that these younger guys in there early 20’s are making soo much money ($1000’s per day). I guess it does make sense since they were basically born with the internet. I got into it when I was in my early 30’s .

Anyways  I ended up talking to many people and it was pretty cool to see and  meet my mentors as well as affiliate networks in person.  The trip ended up costing a little over $1500 for 3 days, flight and hotel which is pricey but was worth it.

Dream was located 1 block south of Broadway on West 55th Avenue. I was literally one block from the David Letterman Show and times Square was about 5 blocks away. I didn’t have too much time to explore New York since I was there for such a short period of time however I did get to experience Times Square at night when all the lights make it look like a Christmas tree. Lights everywhere!

New York is a magical place, the last time I was there was August 2001. One month before September 11, it was cool going back even for a few days.

A video I took of  a dancing homeless guy. He had some good moves, but my battery died so I couldn’t catch the best part of his moves. I watched him dance for over 1 hour, while chillaxing in Times Square.

Times Square By Day:

Times Square By Night:



advertisements as large as buildings…

1000s of people in Times Square every night

my bed

view from my hotel room , looking down at Broadway

Authentic NY style pizza, cheese pizza!

That’s about it. Time to collect rent money from the Poco Condo, argh.

NYC Here I come

Another busy week, between working and the landlord management I need my vacation. Luckily for me I’m heading off to NYC to Affiliate Summit East. It’s really a vacation but it will be good to meet people in the industry that is such a big part of my life.  Hopefully I will come back with new friends, new tips and more ways to make millions online. The last time I was in NYC was just 1 month before September 11, 2001 attacks took place. Already been 8 years, geez.

I have my cousins wedding on Saturday night and the very same night at 11:30 I will be on a plane heading to the big apple. I arrive in NYC at about 10:00 am then off to the convention at 12:00 pm. I’m gonna be tired but this is some place I need to be. I have a feeling this is gonna make me big, big cash very soon. You never know where life will take you, so take the opportunities in front of you and use them to your benefit. Sitting on the sidelines is bullshit. I did that until I was 29 years old, no more.

Enjoy the pics:

rolling behind a blue  Lamborghini on Robson Street, Vancouver


WTF is this heep of shit? Smart Taxi?????? Toilet on wheels……..

Sunset at English Bay, Vancouver


It’s looks like hell, that’s why it’s sooo cool.

** My bedroom is right above the door to my tenants suite. She had 4 guys stay over in her basement suite for 3 days and every night they got drunk right underneath my bedroom, the joy I felt… They’re gone now but they left something for me to remember them by, until me or my tenant washes it off with water that is.  Don’t even get me started…………

My drunk female tenant and her 4 guy friends decided to chalk up the retaining walls on my house & it’s still there 2 days later, grrr. She’s 28 not 8 years old, go figure.

it’s a 69, yeah….. How sweet.

I love my life? Clean up the fucking mess, looks like Hastings Street YOU jackass! I will wash this down if it’s still there by the weekend, FUCK! Overall she’s a decent tenant, but my house is NOT THE GHETTO, for fuck sakes.

I’m out.

I Love My Espresso Coffee, Thanks Saeco Via Veneto

Being Italian means that I need my daily fix of espresso cafe. My parents actually brought me back a Saeco Via Veneto straight from my hometown in Italy. Unfortunately I tried to clean my Saeco Via Veneto espresso machine by using vinegar! Using vinegar on this espresso machine, is a HUGE no, no! By using vinegar I actually killed my machine. It is dead, and would have cost more to fix, that to buy a new machine it. I read the instruction manual on how to clean the machine after I fucked up the machine. That was 3 weeks ago…

Do not use vinegar in your espresso machine!!

Finally I picked up a new espresso machine, the same brand and model (Saeco Via Veneto) from of all places at Super Store.  Anyways I’m stoked on it. I love my espresso! Even though it’s way to hot to drink hot coffee at the moment, since the temperature in Vancouver is 26°C.

And what a hot f’n week it has been. I’m glad the 36°C weather is gone now.

sitting pretty on my counter top..