Monthly Archives: January 2009

January Tid Bits & Then Some

I have few things to say just basic life stuff, nothing to inspirational.  First off I have to say that I am soo glad that this insane amount of snow in Vancouver is finally melting away! I shoveled my sidewalks at least 20 times in the last 3 weeks, enough of that. Hopefully I can begin bike riding again by late this week, I hope. I hate feeling fat, now I sound like a teenage girl……..

We started swimming lessons on Sunday with the kiddies which was pretty cool. I do the lessons with my son and wifey does swimming lessons with my daughter.  Both of them love the water, Stefania actually cried for over 30 minutes in the changing room while I changed her because she wanted to stay in the pool. Yeah, she has a tough life…. At first I didn’t really want to do the whole “strip down and swim in the pool” deal. I  changed my mind when I got in, the water is actually mildly heated and it’s cool to see my son laugh and have a good time in the water. These are the times you want to spend time with your kids, when they are teenagers things will change. They will start having their own lives, so I’ll take it while I can.

Besides that I take possession of my 2 bedroom condo in Burnaby on January 23, which is also my wife’s birthday. She’s turning 33 years old, it’s hard to believe. I met her back in 1996 when she was only 20 years old. Time does seems to fly right by. Hell, I have had this domain name ( for 8-9 years if you can believe that? I’m not the only one with a few gray hairs, my website has them too now. Ha ha, ya lame joke. OK that’s enough for now, back to work and you guys better be as well…


shot of Grouse Mountain Vancouver – Jan3 2009




dirty faced baby

Does Money Buy Happiness?

Does money buy happiness? Everyone has heard the phrase  “money doesn’t buy happiness”. So does it actually get you a smile on your face? For me I have been employed,  unemployed, a cabinet maker with a $17.47 per hour wage, and where I am now.  I don’t think I was ever depressed when I was making $17.47 an hour. I didn’t think I could have a family on that wage so I did something about it, but I wasn’t depressed.  Personally for me it was more important to have the freedom, but the thing is this. Money bought me the freedom to do what I want now. Was it by choice? It wasn’t completely by choice. I started doing affiliate marketing because I kept getting laid off every 4 months from all the dotcom companies back in early 200o.

Did I luck out?

I don’t think I lucked out at finding affiliate marketing, somehow I think it was drawn to me. I said over 15 years ago that I wanted to retire by 40 years of age, now I actually can and it’s hard to believe.  I wouldn’t be filthy rich,  but if I retired but I can sure live very comfortable. Does money buy happiness? Most people myself included just want to be able to not worry about bills and have some time to themselves (retirement basically). Most think they want to be rich but in reality they mostly want their life with a little cherry on top.

Money buys freedom and that puts a smile on everyone faces, so yeah I think money buys happiness in one way. But if you’re poor and an assh*le, chances are very high you will be  an assh*le when you are rich as well (probably even a bigger a-hole).

Whats the bottom line?

Be happy and grateful for what you have, trust me you can live without an IPhone or whatever other crap they are trying to sell to us. We could all life very nice with way less than what we have. If you sit down and think of all the crap you buy because YOU THINK YOU NEED IT, you would be truly surprised. Wonder why so many people are in debt, it cause we all eat out way too much, buy the latest electronic gadgets we don’t need, buy big ass SUV’s (that’s me),  and so on. We consume way too much, it’s completely unnecessary.. I kind of got off topic but whatever..

Happy New Years 2009 From Vancouver

Happy New Years 2009

I would just like to wish everyone who reads this blog as well as all my friends and family a Happy New Years for 2009! I hope all your dreams come true and your lives are enriched with joy happiness and success! Remain positive and good things will come, steer that negative energy away from you!

I had a great night for New Years Eve and today we have the big New Years Late lunch at 2 pm  at my parents place that consists of way to many carbs (lasagna, pasta) and soo much great food. After today I’m back on the low carb diet. I don’t feel like buying “fat clothes” ever again, haha. Bada boom! Onward to 2009 let all your goals become realities, work hard and play hard! So remember to write down your goals, and make sure they are realistic goals cause if they’re not you lie only to yourself and no one else.  Lots of success in the New Years everyone!

What did you guys do last night?

All the best for 2009.


