Monthly Archives: July 2008

Getting A Parking Ticket Can Make You Cry

This is my 100th post! Today’s post features more useless information to help waste your precious time. I was at Starbucks in Burnaby, and I had my Canon digital camera so I started snapping these funny pictures of some lady getting a parking ticket. I hate getting parking tickets like everyone else but this lady was actually crying outside Starbucks on Kingsway as you can see in the photos. It’s not funny to get any parking fines, but from the photos it looks kind of funny. I don’t normally laugh at other peoples expense but I had to post this. If you think I’m a jerk, then boo hoo.


Mr Meter Maid giving a parking ticket

Meter maid giving a ticket to some lady who just ran into Starbucks…

Lady crying after getting a parking ticket

Lady ran out of Starbucks coffee shop & begins crying to Mr. Meter Maid…

Lady still crying comes back into coffee shop

Lady receives parking ticket, then goes back into Starbucks to get her Caffe Latte…


Who’s Rambling? IPhone, PhotoShop CS3, Yada, Yada, Yada

I recall when Photo Shop was under 500 megs, now the latest version Photo Shop CS3 is 1.1 gigs! I bought the new version last week and am installing it as I blog. It’s insane how long t takes to install, like over 10 minutes. I have been using Photo Shop 7.0 for many years but decided to upgrade to CS3.

Just like everything else in our lives, as things get better they become more bloated. Cars, computers, cell phones and so on. I thought a cell phone was to make phone calls with, that is becoming secondary with the new IPhone. Now I’m rambling, but lets ramble.

Do we really need the IPhone?

Information overload, with no end in sight. People can’t seem to stay married for more than 5 minutes, but at the same time you have all these technologies to communicate with each other. What I see going on, is a personal breakdown of our society, while at the same time technology is taking over. The IPhone is a prime example, but not the only one.

There are soo many distractions around us that it’s hard to stay still for 3 minutes. We always need to keep occupied or we become “bored”. Hell, this blog is even a distraction. Let’s all go outside and breathe the fresh air, enjoy the sun and watch the grass grow. Take some time to enjoy what really matters in your life, the Internet means nothing, we just think it does. Family, friends and you are what matters. Don’t let technology tell you what is important, you decide what REALLY matters in the end.

I’m not really sure where I went with this post but whatever, it’s a blog and that’s it. Bada bing!

What do you think? Tell me people!!

Summer Days

A lack of posts can only mean one thing, the weather must be hot and sunny! And, yes it is finally warm in Vancouver. I am spending more time outdoors, yard work, walks around English Bay and spending time with family. And even if I wanted to work, Google told me to get lost. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to nothing at all. You get to clear out your head, and unwind and then comeback full blast, better and stronger than before.

I still have my goal of $20,000 per month from my investment properties one way or another it will happen. Just let the law of attraction works it’s magic as always, ask and you shall receive. Anyways…………….

Time to sit back and watch “Made Of Honor”, yeah a chick flick. Patrick Dempsey is in it, it doesn’t look too bad actually. A romantic comedy, it’s a good way to unwind and relax after the kids fall asleep. Approximate time till movie kids will sleep and we watch the movie (36 minutes). It’s 9:24 pm right now.


Random Photo Of The Day

Does Any One Know What These Flowers Are Called?

oh such pretty flowers

Taken on Smith Avenue in Burnaby on July 14, 2008, with my trusty Canon SD750

Congratulations To My Brother & His Wife On Being Pregnant

Wow, I never thought a weekend would feel like more work than working. Damn, I glad that the weekend is over after going to 2 birthdays and a baptism it’s time to rest and get back into the swing of things.  Overall it was fun but I’m also glad to be working again.

I am super happy and excited because my brother just announced he is having a baby! I will be an uncle for the third time, but this is the first from my brother. It was his birthday yesterday and he snuck that in on us during the gift opening where he got baby soothers and baby bibs from his wife, ha ha. They sure fooled all of us, but I am very happy to have another baby crawling around. Life is about family and love, this just adds to the pot. Also my parents are very excited as well, tears all around last night at my brothers place. Lots of sleepless nights ahead after the baby is born in January, ha ha. Congratulations to both of you!

Congrats On Being Pregnant

Claudia (holding my son), my brother & Dina (Claudia’s sister)

Google AdWords Updates Their Free KeyWord Tool

I have tried all the keywords tools out there from WordTracker, the Yahoo/Overture tool which is no longer around and the best one I like is the free keyword tool offered by my buddies over at Google AdWords. The kids at AdWords have just updated their AdWords KeyWord tool to include actual searches for last month on each keyword. This is brand new and something that will put all other keyword tools out of business, that is the only option that it was lacking and now they have it. You can search based on broad match, phrase and exact. In order to get the best search results you need to click on the drop down menu and choose “exact match”. This is the true number of times a keyword has been searched for last month. You can also do keyword research a particular keyword in a particular country, very useful information. Search for “Nike Shoes” in Sweden, or any keyword for any country and then use that information to build campaigns, write articles or whatver you want. Check it out, it’s free and you don’t even needs an AdWords account.