Google AdWords Updates Their Free KeyWord Tool

I have tried all the keywords tools out there from WordTracker, the Yahoo/Overture tool which is no longer around and the best one I like is the free keyword tool offered by my buddies over at Google AdWords. The kids at AdWords have just updated their AdWords KeyWord tool to include actual searches for last month on each keyword. This is brand new and something that will put all other keyword tools out of business, that is the only option that it was lacking and now they have it. You can search based on broad match, phrase and exact. In order to get the best search results you need to click on the drop down menu and choose “exact match”. This is the true number of times a keyword has been searched for last month. You can also do keyword research a particular keyword in a particular country, very useful information. Search for “Nike Shoes” in Sweden, or any keyword for any country and then use that information to build campaigns, write articles or whatver you want. Check it out, it’s free and you don’t even needs an AdWords account.

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