Monthly Archives: May 2008

Some Random Images I Took in Vancouver/Burnaby

A few random photos I have taken the last little while. Gotta love digital cameras, especially Canon SD750! Clear, bright images every single time.

Remember a blog is a place to put whatever you want, it doesn’t need to make sense or follow any type of agenda. This is my outlet, the last thing I want is a “make money online blog” or ANYTHING related to work. I keep it personal so I can get things off of my chest. I love to ramble on about nothing, it’s what I do best. Thanks for listening, now go to bed…


Stefania back of Nonno (Grandpa) Joe’s house

close up of potatoe plants in Burnaby

Potato plants in Nonno (Grandpa) Joe’s Garden in Burnaby

Retarded Hare Krisha\'s on Robson Street Vancouver

Retarded Hare Krishnas on Robson Street Vancouver

Looks like a fight waiting to happen?

Matteo future soccer player

Future soccer player Baby Matteo sporting the Italian Soccer Colors

The Best Place For Free Wireless Internet, The Library

I have to say I love the library internet setup. The Burnaby library has about 20 flat panle desktops that you can use for free. I brought my own laptop and plugged it into the wall, right next to a huge window overlooking the soccer filed, as well as a sweet view of the North Shore mountains, awesome. It is the perfect place to do internet marketing, I can focus much better.

Why I never thought of this sooner I don’t know. I have a rent free office complete with a view. What else can you ask for? This makes my life much less stressful. I can bring home the bacon without worry.

My New Office, Grand Opening Tommorrow! The Burnaby Library

It looks like I may have found my new free wireless internet connection permanently. I am going to be working from the Burnaby public library starting tommorrow. They offer free wireless internet and you can plug your cord into the wall, so no worries about a dead laptop battery. My new hours are from 7-9:45 am from home, then 10 am – 4 pm from the library. I don’t need to waste money on an office space, and the library is guaranteed to be 100% quite. It’s going to be much easier to concentrate and I look forward to getting more done with much less distractions.

I checked online and did a search for free wireless internet and 99% were coffee shops. I think the library is a much better choice than coffee shops. If you really need to get things done, the library has more comfortable seating and much more quiet.

If I want to make my goal of all $100,000 a month I really need to get rocking.

* Check out all the free wireless internet spots in Vancouver.

Sicko – Health Care Documentary By Michael Moore

sicko movieHave you watched “Sicko”? It’s an American health care documentary by Michael Moore. I am sooo glad to be Canadian. Canadians get free health care compared to U.S. citizens. American citizens need to pay for their health care which is a sad joke.

What’s wrong with American health care?

American health insurance companies are there for only ONE REASON, to make money. Health and helping people is the last thing on their minds. If you have diabetes or many, many other health issues chances are that you will get disapproved for health care in the U.S.A. Not here in Canada, no way would that be allowed. Health care in the U.S is a capitalistic enterprise.

Watching the documentary you can see how bad it is down in the U.S.A. It’s so sad how we as the human race, put money before people any chance we get. Health care care is all about profit and keeping the stock quote high so investors keep buying shares to increase the value of a health insurance companies stock.

How can they provide quality health care when there whole objective is to make a ton of cash? The easiest way for health insurance companies is to make more money is to disapprove health insurance claims as much as possible. More disapproved claims, means more money for the health company, it’s disgusting way to make money.

Watching the movie it actually made me sick at how this is even going on. One senior in the show was 75 years old and was still working because his employer had health benefits that would pay for a good portion of the $300 prescription drug tab that he and his wife needed. I recommend you take a peek at Sicko and see for yourself how working class Americans, as well as seniors down south have it.


Proud to be Canadian

I love my Canon SD750

I have to say I really love the Canon SD750, an awesome point and shot digital camera that actually makes me look like a professional photographer. I am by no means a pro photographer but I feel like one with the images the SD750 takes, giddy up. And I can actually take some cool shots in the sun, since it’s finally sunny in the glorious rain forest they call Vancouver, ugh.

shot of flowers in my front yard east van

closeup of “Mums” flowers, in my front yard May 17, 2008 East Vancouver

shot of banana plants in my front yard east van

Banana plants, in my front yard May 17, 2008 East Vancouver

shot of solar lamp in my front yard east van

closeup of solar lamp, in my front yard May 17, 2008 East Vancouver

shot of banana plants in my front yard east van

closeup of banana plants, in my front yard May 17, 2008 East Vancouver
