Monthly Archives: May 2008

I Sold My Winnipeg Duplex

Well, finally one of my properties in Winnipeg has been sold, the duplex that was fire damaged has been sold for $28,000. Am I happy to sell it , yes. Am I happy about the price, yes and no. I am just glad to be rid of that place. I originally bought the duplex for $52,000 and I would have made a small profit but then arson ruined any hope of that ever happening. Yeah, I lost money it sucks but it’s time to move on to other things. I lost about $20,000 but nothing I can do about it. You live and learn. Ask Donald Trump how much he lost in the early 1990s, it’s all part of the game. smily face

Now I need to get rid of the 4plex, so  I can purchase a condo property here in Vancouver, that I will manage so no more bullshit problems. On to the next deal, bada boom!

VPS hosting from

YAH! I bought new VPS hosting from Screw off or is that Thanks for getting back to me 3 hours later, just peachy! I should have researched IValuehost much better, cause if you type their url into Google you find lots of people complaining about their shitty support and crap hosting.

I am paying $60/month for a “virtual private server” with, with 100% uptime, not 99.9%! My sites will always be online, the headaches are gone from this day forward. Now I need to go through the headache of moving all my sites over including this blog, blah!

Cheap Host = Cheap Service, Goodbye

I have been hosting this blog and my other sites on and I am sick and tired of my sites going down. I pay over $1000 a day for pay per click so when my sites are down I loose money very, very fast. No websites, means no sales and that means I get very crusty. My question is this, I need to find a web host I can rely on 100% percent of the time, not 99.9% of the time, !00%! My sites need to be up all the fucking time, every second of EVER DAY.

Who do you host with? Please tell me by leaving a comment I need to switch hosts ASAP before it happens again. IValueHost can kiss me goodbye forever that was the last time I deal with their bulllshit.

Bugs In The Offline Google AdWords Editor

Google placement targeting problems with AdWords offline editor

I have been using the off line downloadable Google AdWords Editor to build and manage my campaigns for the last week. The software works awesome, its a huge time saver. This is one problem though…. When I tried to build Google placement targeted campaigns I could build them but I couldn’t upload the campaigns to my AdWords account. And also another bug is that you cannot do CPC (cost per click) for placement targeted campaigns, you can only bid on CPM (cost per impression). My solution? I just did the placement target campaigns online in my AdWords account. I hope the AdWords team will see this.

Other Google Placement Problems

A weird thing about placement targeting sometimes they begin running and others time they just site there. There is no explanation why the ad group isn’t running either. I don’t understand Google, I love doing placement targeting campaigns I just wish they would work all the time or at least tell me what the hell is going on. If I did something wrong , inform me. I am trying to spend money and I am left in the dark without a clue sometimes. If other brick and mortar companies ran their business this way, they would be out of business. Google please start to respect your customers more please! We made you who you are, we spend $1000s every day. All we want is what we deserve.


Work? No Not Today, I’m Playing Hooky

Some days I would rather do jack, as in nothing. Today I went to “my office” (Burnaby Public Library) to work on my pay per click campaigns. I managed to get work done then a mild headache got a hold of me. The headache was enough to to irritate me that I didn’t feel like working. I headed home, my wife and kids are out and now I have the full house to myself. I was hoping they would be home but oh well.

I made a few phone calls and here I am blogging, while I wait for my newest downloaded movie (Hero Wanted) to get burned onto DVD. Hero Wanted stars Ray Liotta and Cuba Gooding Jr., two great actors in my opinion. Apparently the movie isn’t the greatest, from some reviews I have read but many times I don’t agree the review that I have read so whatever.

You have to love those torrent sites, you can get anything you want in no time. Oops I mean they are good for the people who use them, I would never do something like that. Pay for your DVDs! smily face


Random photos TAKEN with my Canon SD 750, while I waited for my DVD to burn