Photos On Kingsway At Night, Oooooh La La

As always I have my trusty Canon camera in my pocket, ready to snap anything that catches my eye. Yeah, how lame right? I seem I have progressed with photo abilities, and most of the time the flash is not even used anymore (surprisingly). I find it a challenge to take cool looking photos. I am no means a pro at taking photographs, but I am progressing at it. Enjoy the photos (if that’s your thing..).

That’s all for now folks, enjoy the rest of you weekend, giddy up. And you can see all of my photos on my Flickr account.



Walkway crossing over Kingsway to MetroTown from Best Buy


Foggy shot of Kingsway/ walkway at MetroTown


On the walkway looking down at east bound traffic onĀ  Kingsway


cool shot of Walkway crossing over Kingsway to MetroTown from BestBuy

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