My biggest Competitor Is Me

This post has been a long time coming. I think I was just scared to write down how I felt about all this. First off let me say this, the people who talk the most do the least. The more they talk the less they do do. Action speaks louder than words. I consider myself a straight forward person, no bull shit just do what I say and that’s it. That being said I feel almost embarrassed not reaching financial goals I outlined in the last few months. When I said I wanted x amount of dollars it should have happened. Everyone has their ups and downs like it or not it is part of life. I’m not superman and negativity can get the better part of me, this is where always kicks in.

I have put up many posts regarding financial successes and goals that I have achieved and there have been big ones, from my point of view anyways. Considering I came from being a carpenter/ cabinet maker, I can hopefully give myself a pat on the back for what I have done with myself in the last 10 years of my life.

Things change and when that happens you need to go with the flow. I for one am surprisingly not happy when change comes, especially when it affects me in a negative fashion. I’m almost 40 now and I seem to get stuck in my ways. I need to push myself in order to move forward. My industry is ever changing, always evolving and I need to evolve with it. If I wanted to remain at a place with no change I should have stayed working as a cabinet maker making $17.27 per hour, I would be better off. Yeah right.

Focus is the key to success, you need to know what you want and you do not stop until you get what you want, NO MATTER WHAT! What the fuck is the point of wanting something if you don’t even get or achieve it? Wasted energy my friends. The question really is what do I want? I have had so many changes hit me this years it’s pretty amazing. Where do I go from here?

Personally for me, I’m a fighter. I hate giving up, I have too much pride to quit. It could be a reason I hate change. I am scared of the unknown, I am scared of failure. I am in it to win it, losing at anything gets me super pissed, sometimes depressed. These are things I have learned about myself. It’s time to get back on track.

Where to go from here:

  1. I have to set my alarm clock for 5:00 am wake up, every day people. This will give me ample time to finish what I need to get done.
  2. A daily goal list of things I want and need to get done.
  3. I need to continue pushing myself forward, try new things test various  projects out.
  4. Don’t be so hard on myself. I know when I have tried as hard as I could. I did everything I could and other shit gets in the way let it go, it’s not my fault.
  5. If I was making $3,000 profit per day, maybe today is different. You can only do as much as you can. Things change, find new ways to make that revenue. Think outside of your box, more money is waiting for you around the corner.
  6. Real estate time – Prices are slowing in Vancouver and I am planning on buying possibly 2 more condos this year in Vancouver.

This post seem to go all over but I needed to get my thoughts on the screen, so I can go from here. It’s my own way of clearing my head so I can make room in my mind for what is coming next. I may sound like things are falling off of a cliff but in reality anyone would dream to be in the position I am. I am hard on myself and this post proves it once again. Some people are happy with what they have but I want more, why? I have no clue but I am in a competition with myself to be the best that I can be. It’s a never ending competition and the only winner in this competition is me. Happiness and sadness are a fine line for me anyways. I need to push myself to be who I truly am.  If I’m not busting my ass I don’t feel good, I need to sweat to smile. This is how I live my life, 100% or nothing. Onward and upward.

This time around public, I need to make them happen privately. Focus, focus, focus, the law of attraction works. I am living proof, even though I talk myself out of  it sometimes, stupid me. Negativity will kill your inner self, my inner self. Here it to reaching my goals…

2 thoughts on “My biggest Competitor Is Me

  1. Matt

    Nice post, pretty much exactly how i feel.

    I guess like me, you are still getting over the good old days with Google.

    Its pretty tough having to start over and change up a lot of things. But the alternative (a day job) is probably worse. There is always good money to be made, its just the time during down periods can be friggin boring.

  2. CV Post author

    Ha ha yeah pretty much. I have been at this since 2003 so I have seen pretty much ALL the changes. You can read my about us page so all the ways I have made money online. I’m still here though and still making $$, lol. I’m like a cockroach, hard to get rid of…

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