More Photos Of San Francisco

I took about 140 photos while I was down in San Fran. Since buying film hasn’t been an issue for many years now (because of digital cameras) it’s cheap and fun to snap basically anything you see and then delete the the images that look lame. We ended up walking around San Francisco 1 day from our hotel to China Town to Little Italy, up to Telegraph hill down to the piers and back to our hotel. The walk took a good 4 hours or maybe a bit longer (at least 5 miles of walking). Below are some of the shots I took. Some shots are of the affiliate dinner as well. The guy below “New York Tony” who was from San Diego kept us laughing for hours, one hell of a funny guy.

Enjoy the photos..

New York Tony and his wife from San Diego

New York Tony and his wife from San Diego

Tom a local artist

New York Tony’s wife and another affiliate from Calgary

San Francisco walking around shots:

crusty local smoker in San Fran

shot of Bay bridge fromĀ  near Telegraph Hill, San Fran

China Town, S.F.

Starbucks fiend?

Little Italy, San Francisco

“No pictures please”, probably hiding from FBI?

9-11 Memorial flag in China town


walkerbys near Pier 9

On the ferry to Alcatraz

Shot of San Fran from ferry

China town, local resident

Alcatraz cells

closeup of plant near Telegraph Hill

closeup of flower near Telegraph Hill

closeup of really cool flower near Telegraph Hill

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