How To Save Some Cash When Buying Vancouver Gas

With gas prices going higher every day, I thought I would share how you can save 6.5 cents on every litre you purchase. In Vancouver, B.C., SuperStore has gas stations located on two of their properties, one at the Grandview SuperStore and one at the Marine Drive SuperStore. You buy your gas at the SuperStore “Gas Bar” and then you get a redeemable receipt that you can use you get free groceries inside SuperStore. So if you buy groceries already then why not save a few bucks? I ended up saving $5.22, it’s not much but it’s right there so why not take it.

Save 6.5 cents for every liter of gas you buy at SuperStore

Save 6.5 cents for every liter you buy at SuperStore

These gas companies are posting record profits but the price just goes higher and higher. I see a few things happening from this situation. Obviously people won’t be travelling long distance vacations in there cars nearly as much. Prices of food and everything else will go up. There will be full scale truck strikes like they had in Portugal. Once trucks stop running then everything stops moving, no food, electronics, and anything else that get shipped, basically everything.

All of this can be avoided with a REAL push for hybrid cars and trucks, that are priced the same as regular cars, not $10,000 more expensive. But there is no push for these type of engines for one reason that we all know, oil companies still wants your money. Hybrid cars mean less profit for oil companies and they are in bed with the car manufacturers. Will this change, I think it has to eventually.

Oh and guess how much it costs to fill up my Escalade on June 12, 2008, $114.75. Luckily just like the gas companies I am making record profits as well, so their gas prices don’t mean anything to me. But it still pisses me off. I hate being ripped off, like everyone else.

$114 to fill up my Cadillac Escalade

$114.75 cents to fill up my Cadillac SUV

Vancouver gas prices at $14.2 a liter now

$1.42 a liter for gas in Vancouver at SuperStore on June 12, 2008

Oh and stay away from the Esso on Grandview Highway and Rupert Street, they are always more expensive than SuperStore GasBar, which is right across the street. Today there were charging 4 cents more just for all the suckers who like to pay more.

Esso On Grandview HighWay

A great example of Esso greed

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