Category Archives: goals

Las Vegas Here I Come!

It’s official I booked my flight for Las Vegas and will be there  Sunday evening.  I spoke about buying condos in Las Vegas earlier this year but I never actually did anything about it, until now. I’m ready to buy at least one 3 bedroom town house as  my vacation home, and possibly another for rental income. This has  been an unwritten goal of mine for a little while now, having  a place in  a hot climate.

How can you go wrong buying a 1500 square foot 3 bedroom townhouse, with 2 car garage that is 3 years old for $75,000 – $85,000?  Easy, you can’t. I don’t give a shit about the “recession”, or the swine flu or whatever else the media is shoving down our throats. I’m pretty stoked about having  a place in a hot climate. When the weather turns to crap here I’ll be jumping on a plane south. I plan on staying at least 1-2 months per year, at least until the kids get into elementary school.

photos below are one of the townhouses I will be checking out, so amazing!!!

I have a bunch of stuff to think about after I buy my place:

  1. transportation when we are down there (we can bring my wifes Honda Civic that’s been in storage for the last 4 years, & leave it there…)
  2. furnishing the place (no Ikea in Vegas I checked…)
  3. household stuff (cooking utensils, TV, dishes etc…)

Am I nervous? Yes, but this is something I’ve been wanting for a little while. The prices have stabilized in Las Vegas but they are still super cheap, 50% of what they were before the sh*t hit the fan in the U.S. The time to act is now, before prices start increasing. What the hell can you buy in Vancouver, for $85,000? Nothing you got it. Anyone can buy a place in Las Vegas with a retarded low price like that.

Here is a link to 15  condos my realtor  David Brownell emailed me to look at. Take a look at what you can get for $85,000 U.S!!! Why the hell are we in Vancouver?!? I can’t get over the prices down there, I mean seriously. A 3 bedroom 1500 square foot condo built in 2005 in Vancouver would easily be $300,000!!!

Hopefully by next week I can blog about my new condo in Vegas (pictures too)! I’m out.[ad]

The $7,000 Profit Daily Goal – Watch It Happen

It’s been a while since I posted about my financial goals. I left those goals private in the past year or so because I have friends who read this blog and I didn’t want them to think I was bragging and trying to act like Mr. Cool ( far from it actually..).  started  out as personal  site to showcase my web design talents back in 2002-2oo2 since then web design is no longer part of my occupation. I only design for myself and my own projects.  So I’m not here to brag about how much I make. I post my financial goals just for me so I have a number to reach. Writing down my goals keeps me focused and on track to reaching my goals.

My goal is to make $7,000 profit per day consistently. I have actually reach $10,000 in profit before so I know it is totally doable. The time frame for my goal to happen is by November, 14 (my bday).  Now that I wrote down my goal is forces me to put my mind into action to make this goal a reality. I have hit all my goals on this blog, and I plan on this one happening as well.

Writing down my goals holds me personally responsible. I’m not the kind of person who says shit and then doesn’t follow through.  Why say it if you don’t mean it?

So there it is, 7k day profit by November 14, 2009!

This has to be a consistent daily profit, not a one time thing or every now and then. I want $7,000 profit daily, meaning every day!

Internet marketing enables regular people to make huge money. I know guys, who are 22yrs old making $100,000 profit per day! Crazy? It’s nuts but very true. I will do whatever it takes to make that $7,000 profit per day. I want to buy more condos and I want to buy at least 3 more of them (probably) by spring on 2010.

I sound like a nutjob now? Good, the crazier it sounds the better it is. Wait and see as my goals manifest into reality. The power of the law of attraction is bigger than all of us.

I’m out, time to go shopping at MetroTown and spoil wifey a little bit.[ad#ad-1]

Back To “The Secret”

Lately I have been down because like I mentioned my income has dropped because of Google making it harder and harder for affiliates to advertise on their system. I don’t want to go into the whole thing because in reality it’s one of the stupidest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life. Basically Google is trying to eliminate the “middle men” (affiliates), they basically want advertising business only from actual online business, not people promoting for the online business. Confusing? Yeah don’t bother worrying about it, ha ha.

I have been getting away from advertising with Google because they have drastically dropped the amount of traffic they are giving my affiliate sites. I have gone through hoops to follow their guidelines but they just push it way to far. They may control a huge amount of the internet traffic however there are many other places to advertise online and I am in the midst of testing these other sources. Why they are pushing away someone (me), who has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly with them is crazy (especially since I truly do try to make them “happy”). Google will see once their revenues drop in the next quarter that they way treat affiliate marketers is horrible.  Hopefully they will realize that this part of the customer base spends millions and millions of dollars with them monthly. In most cases affiliates spend more on promoting products than the actual product owners do.  I have no clue why they are doing this, Yahoo and MSN don’t treat people nearly as harsh as Google. There is no compassion or human feeling from the biggest online ad agency.

What comes around goes around, let’s wait and see what happens.

I have found it hard to focus being in such a depressed state of mind. I am going back to my roots and have started watch “The Secret” once again, over and over. I point to “The Secret” as being my number one reason for helping me focus on what I actually want from my life, financially. I achieved every single goal that I wrote down, and some of those financial goals were HUGE.

I am now resetting my thinking to focus on what I want and not what I don’t want.  That is the basic principle of the “law of attraction”. Controlling how you feel is one of the most important things that you will ever learn. It worked for me and now it will work again. I don’t want to ramble on and on about this. All I know is that it does work, and I am living proof. Even though I get into these depressed moods lately, I knew in the back of my mind about “law of attraction” I just forgot about it the last while. I am already changing that once again. I don’t want to be the victim anymore, so fuck that, it’s  time to start make even more monies online.

“law of attraction”

Goals Are The Highway To Your Future

Holy sh*t what a sweet day on the West Coast it was.  It was 26 celsius down by English Bay, but it felt chillier than that because of the wind. Wifey and I were sun tanning for about 2 hours and now we look like red peppers. No, I am NOT complaining. We don’t get enough sun in Vancouver to ever complain about the heat. I am loving it, my origins (Italian) are from a hot climate, so I love the heat.

Even though I have been taking a beating online, I’m in good spirits overall. I ended up heading over to I used to read his site all the time, when I first got into reading blogs, about 3 years ago. The funny thing is Steve Pavlina had just written a post about the importance of writing down your goals. That blog post on goals couldn’t have come at a better time.

I am an avid goal writer but I have definitely been slacking off in that area for the last few months. Writing down my goals has always lead to me to achieve what I had written down. I tend to keep my financial goals in a private blog posts now because I don’t feel like saying how much I make, and want to make in the future.

Steve Pavlina says to keep your goals in front of you, so you see them every single day. I have had my start page as a goal page (personal goals, family goals & financial goals) for a few years now. I hadn’t updated that page in many, many months until tonight. Now I feel a sense of direction just by updating my goals to reflect what I want to achieve in the next 30 days and then the next 60 days. The cool thing is I know I will reach both goals, so I have a sense of  excitement, enthusiasm and calmness, all in one shot.

If I didn’t have this blog I doubt I would have achieved the goals I set for myself, but writing them down and blogging about my goals has helped me not only to focus but also feel accountable to myself and for some reason people who read my blog.  I don’t like to bullshit people or myself, so if I say I am going to do something I make it a priority to make sure I bust my ass to do it. Excuses are are for people who are complacent, that’s not me. I was complacent from 1 year old to 29 years old after that things were NEVER the same.

The sky is the limit, dream big…

Canadian geese at English Bay

catepillar on bucket in my back lane

English Bay

English Bay and Pacific Ocean

wifey tanning at English bay

you know who.

3 Weeks Absent & Here I am

So here I am, 3 weeks since my last post (maybe more). Why the lag in blogging, you ask? I had no feeling to post on my blog for a few reasons such as:

  • lack of motivation
  • nothing that I wanted to write about
  • lost interest
  • kinda down because my earnings have slipped…

I really didn’t feel like even blogging today, but for some reason after I put a blog post up I feel better. I guess it’s a good way to vent my frustrations, clear my head and help me focus on what needs to be done.  It’s strange how writing down your feelings can make such a huge impact. I have been writing down my goals since I was 12 years old on and off.

I have been trying to get my daily earnings back to where they have been for about the last year. My friends over at the big search engine (G), are making it tougher and tougher to advertise through their system. I have never seen a company that doesn’t want to take your money, as bad as G does.  This probably doesn’t make sense to most people but that’s alright this is a blog about me and my successes and hardships.  If you don’t get it, don’t worry…

I am trying to build my business in a manor so I won’t have to go through these silly ups  and downs on online marketing that seem to happen time after time for the past 7 years of my online marketing career. Luckily I am financially  set for life, but don’t let that kid you. It still drives me insane with the ups and down of profit after one of G’s famous “slaps”.  Anyways they have been chipping away at my online empire all this year little by little, and it’s tough to swallow let me tell you.  I am a fighter and don’t give up easily, so I am in the process on reinventing myself once again. Ta da!

Besides the online marketing escapades I have been renovating, or should I say finding people to renovate my 2 bedroom condo in Burnaby that I bought this month. So far the new laminate floors have been installed in 2 rooms (one room left and it’s done). The painting is next on the list and should be completed by Friday or Saturday this coming week. After that’s done I put my ad on and wait for the tenants to come, bada bing.

I think that’s about it for today. See now I’m feeling better already, lol. I can feel the positive vibes flowing through my brain, gotta love blogging.

I have been snapping some photos here and there and I snapped  a few pics at the Children’s Festival at Vanier Park (located at the Planetarium in Vancouver).

“X” in the sky made from aircraft flying

downtown Vancouver taken from Vanier Park

train bridge in North Vancouver

“Vers 2” graffitit piece found under Second Narrows Bridge in North Vancouver