Monthly Archives: March 2010

What The Hell Is Going On With Me?

I did it again! With the prices so low in Nevada did you really think I would buy just one condo LOL? I put an offer on a 2 bedroom (with den) 1250 square foot condo with one car garage for $64,000, it was accepted 2 days later wayyyy back in December.  I don’t have any photos, sorry folks! This property was not a foreclosure, instead it was a short sale. A short sale is when a home owner cannot pay the mortgage so he basically sells his or her property for a loss. A foreclosure on the other hand is when the home owners have  lost their home already and it is owned by a bank.

Since there are so many foreclosures and short sales in Vegas it can and has taken me months to finally close on this condo.The banks are swamped with work.  So now I have possession and I have gotten a local property manager in Las Vegas to rent out the place for. I’m hoping this doesn’t turn out to be another Winnipeg… I’m pretty certain this is the beginning of more condo purchases down in Vegas, it’s hard to resist when you can get such amazing deals. Rents should be between $750 – $900US a month, so it’s all cash flow baby, according to Jeremy (my property manager). I am not buying anymore places down there until I see how this first rental in Vegas does. I sure don’t want to buy  a bunch of condos and have them all sittingempty, so this one is the test. I have a great feeling and I have done my homework so  I’m certain it will be awesome but just to make sure I won’t buy anymore until I see results.

The Secret

I have been watching The Secret DVD over and over to help me get back to my healthy self and I can say it has worked once again! I feel great and I am working harder than ever to get my sales back up and they are showings signs of life again, HAHA.

Always remember, what you focus and think about always come to life, so focus on what you want and not what you don’t want! That is the best advice I can give anyone, who is feeling lost or depressed. The law of attraction!


Also I am without my beloved Escalade, as the body shop fixes a few scratches on the front and rear bumper. They are installing new factory fog lights since the lens cover fell off both of the ones on the truck in the last year (don’t ask). Any my Cadillac emblem on my rear tailgate look like hell so I bought a new one that they are installing as well. That should make my SUV look brand newish again! I’m am driving down to Vegas (instead of flying) next month and I want it to look nice and new. I did the calculations and I should save at least $1500 each time I go, if I don’t fly and don’t rent a car when I’m down there.  I thought about buying a car but if I did it would have to be some minivan, and I don’t feel like paying $10,000 or whatever to have a minivan sitting in my garage in Las Vegas. This way I can have my own car down there and save big $$.

Yes’ the drive isn’t short, it’s roughly 20 hours but whatever. It’s the best idea I could come up with. Ok, that’s all for now, it’s 11:38 pm and it’s time to get to bed.

This beauty eyesore was caught in the underground parking lots Planet Hollywood hotel in Vegas, ugh.

I like my booze what can i say??

False Creek and the Granville Street Bridge

False Creek and the Granville Street Bridge

Cooking our food at The Stone Grill. They supply the raw meat and veggies and the super HOT stone seen here and you cook it. It’s kinda expensive at $45 a person for this type of dining.  I would rather just go to Cactus Club instead…

Success Is What You Think It Is

It's hard for me to accept when things change (for the worse). I like to be able to know what to expect, and I like to be able to control my life so I can be happy with the results. First off I need to say that I am very grateful for everything in my life. I really shouldn't be angry or depressed about my life, in reality I truly have a dream life. The problem is that humans are never satisfied and I find myself  to be a goal oriented person so if I am not meeting my personal expectations then I get all pissy. Being so hard on myself has allowed me to achieve huge financial success that I could have never dreamed of. The bad part is I am always hard on myself. I find it hard for me to relax and not worry about making that $1,000 day goal etc.  Most people would think having so much success that you can just sit on your ass and smile the good life, but in reality you just end up wanting more (who doesn't right?). Is that good? It's good to have goals without them you are lost in the wind. I realized that putting so much stress on myself, makes all the success not fun to enjoy. It kinda sucks, if you can't be happy with your success…… It's not like I moap around all day, every day, but it's just when certain things aren't going my way I get a bit moody. What do I want? I am not a person who gives up, I always find that light at the end of the tunnel. I don't accept quitting, it's not something I do. I keep digging and digging until I find something that works. For me I want something stable. I want to promote something that will let rest easy so I know it will be around tomorrow. I have been at affiliate marketing for a long time now. I have seen many traffic sources get harder to promote though and I have always found a way back in, or find other places to advertise. I am like a little mouse, that finds that small crack in the wall and even if it's cold outside,  I sneak in and find the warmth. My goals outlined:

  1. I want stable affiliate marketing income producing over $1500 profit every day  for a very, very long time. This goal must be fulfilled by April 16, 2010.
  2. I will work the same amount of hours, not more than that (9-5 max).
  3. I want to be happy with my results as I should be already.
  4. I want the ability to control my emotions more.
  5. I will continue to expand the niches where I am already having success

I have been finding it difficult to focus lately and writing down my goals always helps me focus on what I want. Actually without this blog and me posting about my goals I'm sure my income wouldn't be near the level it is now. I make little money from my actual blog however the blogging helps me focus on what I want and that has helped profit immensly. I never actually thought about that before, but in a way I make huge money from my blog because of what my writing down my goals has helped me achieve. ** Remember what you focus on expands, so focus and think about what  you want and it will come to you. Keep your thoughts clear and precise. Know what you want in want in life right down to every last detail and you will receive it. The law of attraction is always at work, like it or not. If you want to read an amazing blog on personal development and the power of positive thinking then check out  He is truly inspirational, his articles will make you really think about what you want in your life. That's it for now, I seriously feel much better just getting all my thoughts on my computer screen (funny how that seems to help..) To Success & $1500 days!

Free PHP Url Rotator Script

I was searching for a free PHP url rotator this morning, and found the perfect php script . Note: this post is for people who do affiliate marketing others will fall asleep in reading the next paragraph. Ok, If you want to split test different affiliate offers, this is the easiest way to test more than one offer to see which one performs better. I def don't split test enough, I get lazy and complacent but I am going to be changing that with the use of this script. This is nothing new but now I have a script ready to go anytime I want it.

 All you need to do is create an index.php file with just the php url rotator script below. You can easily create this in notepad and simply save it as index.php – then simply upload to the domain or folder where your ad is pointing. (The example below shows a split test of 3 links, but you can add/remove them as needed). I wanted something super simple and easy for me to update and this is it:

Free PHP url rotator:

<?php $link[1] = "";
$link[2] = "";
$link[3] = "";
if(!sset($HTTP_cookie_VARS['link'])){ $n=count($link);
$rand=rand(1,$n); setcookie("link",$rand,time()+3600);
header('location:'.$link[$rand]); }else{ $go=$link[$_COOKIE['link']]; header('location:'.$go); } ?>

 PS: So much for blogging every 3rd day lol. This is kind of important though, for affiliate marketers anyways.

Do The Opposite Of The Crowd

As with life change is part of it, the affiliate marketing industry is no different unfortunately. Personally I want to get into niches that are STABLE, so I can increase traffic to my niches and build from there. Some of the niches I am going to do include auto insurance and dating.

I have some ideas on how to promote auto insurance and everyone wants cheaper car insurance so I think the possibilities can be pretty much endless. I always try to think outside of the box, it’s the only way to get into many of the niches that are saturated with competition. There is always a way to get into any niche, you just have to be creative and NOT doing what everyone else is doing.

It’s pretty easy to follow everyone else, it requires little thinking, it’s comfortable and it is less stressful .Here is the problem,  you will never live up to your full potential if you never let yourself take chances. Being stuck at the same shitty job, might feel comfortable but every minute of it sucks I know all about it!

Ever since I pushed myself to take chances I have grown as a person. Being complacent comes naturally to most of us, taking chances and getting out of our shell and thinking outside of the “box” is hard. The funny thing is this once you started taking calculated “risks”, it’s like a rush you want to do it again and again.

Here is an example:

Real estate – I love real estate because it is passive income. Vancouver’s real estate went up at least 17% in 2009, when were in a  “recession”. Was it really a recession? Umm no. Nothing can go up year after fucking year, can it? Las Vegas is in a recession, Vancouver is not. While the prices dropped in  late 2008 I scooped up 3 condos in Vancouver, totalling just over $600,000 in total. A 17% increase on $600,000 is $51,000. I increased my real estate portfolio value by $51,000 just on those 3 condos!!!! If I listened to the news about the bullshit recession I would have scared myself shitless and not bought like most people. Think outside the box! In total my real estate portfolio is up around $250,000-$300,00o  (I’m too lazy to do the exact math), just from last year!!

Do yourself a favor, do your own thing. Don’t worry about everyone else, you are not them. You are your own person so think for yourself. Most people are sheep, it’s easy  and stress free. If everyone is doing it can’t be wrong, right? LOL wrong. If everyone is doing it , then it’s probably wrong!! Don’t let someone else do the thinking for you! I did that for the first 30 years of my life, and I got stuck at a shitty job as a result of not taking control and responsibility for my own life, never again! Being scared and complacent is the mistake everyone makes, and they suffer because of it, unfulfilled and unhappy.

This goes back to my first point, think outside of the box. In my business (marketing), it’s all about being creative and   thinking outside of the box! This week I’m not working too hard since my parents are here in Vegas visiting me, but I am returning to Vancouver on Friday and then it’s on!  I just reminded myself I need to write down my goals as well, so I can see what type of goals I want to achieve this year. Maybe that will be my next post…

If this post doesn’t make any sense to you don’t worry about it, this post is more for me than it is for you.