Monthly Archives: May 2009

The Rocky Road Of Internet Marketing

Today I feel like I am at a cross road. My Internet marketing business seems to slowly be dying (the offers I am promoting anyways). As hard as it is to swallow I made a ton of cash online. My question is, is it over? I have no clue, but I have been in these situations enough in the past 5 years to know that something grand is waiting for me at the end of the tunnel. Every time things go to hell somehow I bounce back with something else and make even MORE money. I’m unsure how it works or why it happens but that has been the rule of the land for the last 5 years.

I find it hard to be motivated  in front of the laptop as of late. All these “problems” are not caused by me, never have been. But one thing I do tend to do is go for the quick bucks, not always but sometimes. Perhaps I am setting myself up for these situations. I could go work a 9-5 and feel “secure”, but that secure feeling is a jail sentence to me. And I don’t need the 9-5 job.

I think the best thing for me to do is just let it ride out. I dunno where I am headed, but the ride this far has been a blast to say the least. Ten years ago I would have never dreamed I would be where I am today…   I am grateful for how my life has turned out, so lets see what the future holds. Even though I’m not in the best mood cause of this shit, some how it will work out, it always does some how…..

It’s Ready To Be Rented, Any Takers?

And finally, after 8 days of dirt, grime, dusty carpets, bent screws, toxic fumes and sweat here it is. I fixed this place up in 8 days, start to finish and I am glad it’s over. I’m proud of how it came out, even though I never did the work myself  I still think it came out pretty sweet.

I just posted it on, so the phone should start ringing soon enough. Damn I’m tired. I’ll be happy when I’m doing internet marketing all day long again. I had fun this week, but labor work sucks after a while, for me anyways.  It’s all done just in time for the weekend….


living room and dining area

living room and dining area

hallway & kitchen view


bedroom with sliding doors to patio


master bedroom with sliding doors to patio


master bedroom facing patio


hallway to bathroom

both entrances to bedrooms

front door/ kitchen area

view from patio

view from patio

master bedroom, bedroom and living room all have sliding doors to the massive patio

view from patio

My 2 BedRoom Is Almost Ready

I’m still working from my newly purchased rental condo in Burnaby, as the renovations go on. The painting is going at a pretty fast speed, and they are doing a great job. I was worried at first because I found these guys through and sometimes you don’t know the type of workmanship people have if you have never used them before. I would recommend these guys to everyone, awesome people.

I’m doing good on time and might possibly be able to get this place rented for the 1st of June. It’s possible but I won’t hold my breathe. Overall the cost of this quick condo update is about $4,000 which is pretty damn good for how nice it is starting to look. I went with the basic taupe/mocha color style.  Initially I chose a light green for the bedrooms but they looked retarded, when I saw them painting it so I told them to stop and use the “lulled beige” color instead, which looks like a mocha (see pictures below).

This is my RRSP (registered retirement savings plan). I love having real estate, I get a paycheck every single month and I will continue to do so until I die, and then my wife and kids will keep getting the checks. It might not sound glamorous having rental properties, but who cares? Call me Mr. Roper or whatever but in the long run money is money. Its easy to run rental properties and the maintenance is basic stuff. And the returns can’t be beat, in 5-10 years from now this place might double in price.

Enough for now , back to work.

work site

my office at the condo

kitchen cabinets being painted

The Condo Is Coming Along

I’ve been working on my laptop from my condo in Burnaby while it’s getting renovated. I made the mistake of giving student painters the go ahead to paint my rental house in Burnaby a few years back and they were so pathetic it made me sick. Now whenever I get people to do work for me, I bring my laptop, my chair and a small table and do my online business while I watch them work.  There is a less chance of people trying to fuck you around if you are right next to them. Some people try to sneak the wool over your eyes any chance they get, but they can’t do that if you’re right there to point out any problems that you see. Having the Rogers Rocket Stick has enabled me to work from anywhere and everywhere, perfect for renovations!

The floors are now in, as well as the white baseboards and the painters started doing prep work this afternoon and they will be painting tomorrow and completely done by Friday. I did pretty good time on this quick renovation, since I only got the keys to the place last Thursday!

I could have done the laminate flooring myself I’m sure as well as the baseboards, but I don’t have the tools, so it makes way more sense to hire someone who does it everyday. Besides, the laminate floor installer is fast, reasonably priced and very reliable. The painters started today and they are awesome as well. I found the painters on, and they are reliable and came it at 1/2 the price of the other painters quote! The other painters quoted me at $3600 and this other company is doing it for under $1700, for the same amount of work! Always get at least 2 quotes for any job you plan to hire for.

I will be there watching them work so, there is no problems or any type of miscommunication (like painting the place the wrong color…).

I snapped some pics after I ripped out the carpets (I hate carpets big time!):

just painting the walls and the kitchen cabinets, no demolitioning here..

bare bones or what!?

laying down the sound proofing foam before the laminate gets installed.

my office on the patio..

I will post more photos after the place is 100% done. I’m not going all out, just new paint and laminate flooring but that should be enough to update the 2 bedroom with a fresh modern look. Buying old condos and fixing them  to rent may not sound glamorous but people will always need a place to live in and I fill that gap…


3 Weeks Absent & Here I am

So here I am, 3 weeks since my last post (maybe more). Why the lag in blogging, you ask? I had no feeling to post on my blog for a few reasons such as:

  • lack of motivation
  • nothing that I wanted to write about
  • lost interest
  • kinda down because my earnings have slipped…

I really didn’t feel like even blogging today, but for some reason after I put a blog post up I feel better. I guess it’s a good way to vent my frustrations, clear my head and help me focus on what needs to be done.  It’s strange how writing down your feelings can make such a huge impact. I have been writing down my goals since I was 12 years old on and off.

I have been trying to get my daily earnings back to where they have been for about the last year. My friends over at the big search engine (G), are making it tougher and tougher to advertise through their system. I have never seen a company that doesn’t want to take your money, as bad as G does.  This probably doesn’t make sense to most people but that’s alright this is a blog about me and my successes and hardships.  If you don’t get it, don’t worry…

I am trying to build my business in a manor so I won’t have to go through these silly ups  and downs on online marketing that seem to happen time after time for the past 7 years of my online marketing career. Luckily I am financially  set for life, but don’t let that kid you. It still drives me insane with the ups and down of profit after one of G’s famous “slaps”.  Anyways they have been chipping away at my online empire all this year little by little, and it’s tough to swallow let me tell you.  I am a fighter and don’t give up easily, so I am in the process on reinventing myself once again. Ta da!

Besides the online marketing escapades I have been renovating, or should I say finding people to renovate my 2 bedroom condo in Burnaby that I bought this month. So far the new laminate floors have been installed in 2 rooms (one room left and it’s done). The painting is next on the list and should be completed by Friday or Saturday this coming week. After that’s done I put my ad on and wait for the tenants to come, bada bing.

I think that’s about it for today. See now I’m feeling better already, lol. I can feel the positive vibes flowing through my brain, gotta love blogging.

I have been snapping some photos here and there and I snapped  a few pics at the Children’s Festival at Vanier Park (located at the Planetarium in Vancouver).

“X” in the sky made from aircraft flying

downtown Vancouver taken from Vanier Park

train bridge in North Vancouver

“Vers 2” graffitit piece found under Second Narrows Bridge in North Vancouver