Monthly Archives: March 2009

The Secret To Feeling Great, When You Feel Like Crap

I have written about the power of positive thinking and “The Secret” in previous posts last year. I first heard about the secret through my friend Gianni, and then I saw it Oprah where it exploded (anything Oprah recommends explodes). I kind of forgot about “The Secret” off and on in the last few months. A few days back I was still feeling kind crummy because of the drop in my income because of a certain search engines policies changing.

Anyways I guess I must have signed up to a mailing list of  “The Secret“. A few days back checking my email and the perfect email came at at me at the best time (when I was feeling sh*tty). After reading the email it changed my mood and my perspective 100% and since then I have been feeling way better and much more productive. When you feel lousy you can’t focus and be productive, for me anyways it’s pretty tough. I needed to snap out of my depressed mood and this was the best thing to happen to me at that exact moment in my life.

I still have the email and I plan on printing it out for future use, if I need it. But I am also going to paste it below, so I can have it on my blog to look at anytime I need to. You may not believe in the power of positive thinking and the “law of attraction“, but let me ask you this. When you feel like hell do you feel like doing anything productive? I don’t and I doubt you do either. You need something to help you “snap out” of that negative attitude and get back on your feet. The Secret does just that, for me anways…

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne Creator of The Secret

Be in Joy now and everything will change

In the moment that I discovered The Secret I realized that I had been living my entire life backwards. If things were good in my life, I was happy. If things were difficult in my life and everything was going wrong, I was stressed and miserable. In my ignorance, I had been misusing the law of attraction all of my life. But all of that changed when I had the knowledge of The Secret.

To live in accordance with The Secret and the most powerful law in the Universe, we must be in Joy first – and then everything will change. To live our lives by emotionally reacting to what is happening outside of us is misusing the law! As we react with negative emotion to any difficulties, we attract more negativity into our lives. We cannot defy the law of attraction, which operates on the most microscopic levels of vibration, and with absolute exactitude.

You must be in Joy first. And then your life will change into Joy.

Difficult times are the greatest opportunities in disguise. When we face difficult times we have to put in determined work to get ourselves into Joy. But let me tell you, when you can get yourself into Joy despite what is happening around you, your life must change – it’s the law!

In addition, as you become Joy in difficult times you are becoming the master of your emotions, the master of your life, and the master of the law of attraction. Difficult times are your greatest opportunity to practice yourself into Joy.

Of course if your life is going along swimmingly then it is very easy to be in Joy. During those times your Joy is most likely a reaction to the good times. But the magnificence and the power that you really have within you will be seen when you can be in Joy during difficult times. It is then that you will see the true power that you have within you, because as you hold to Joy, you will shift all the energies of the Universe, and your life and your world will change.

The cause of everything is within you, and the effect is what you experience in your life. You have the power within you to change everything by putting yourself in Joy. You can change everything so easily by becoming Joy first! And nothing can change until you get yourself in Joy, because that is the law of attraction. Like attracts like! The energy of Joy attracts energy of Joy!

Do whatever it takes to find your Joy, and then keep yourself in it no matter what. Keep ramping up your level of Joy every day. There is no limit to the levels of Joy you can reach. You will see change to the degree of Joy that you can attain and maintain. The higher the Joy you can create within you, the more spectacular the change, and the higher the Joy, the faster the change. Once you get yourself in Joy it is easy to maintain it, because your emanation of Joy attracts more Joy. The law of attraction will continually send you more feelings of Joy.

You cannot criticize or blame or complain when you are in Joy. You cannot be afraid when you are in Joy. You cannot speak negatively when you are in Joy. You cannot harm another when you are in Joy. Negativity cannot reach you when you are in Joy.

When you are in Joy you are compassionate. When you are in Joy you are considerate and caring. When you are in Joy you love others. When you are in Joy you appreciate everything. When you are in Joy you are in love with the world, and the Universe is in love with you.

Be in Joy. Seek it with all of your heart, and you will find it.

May the Joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne

The Secret... bringing Joy to billions

That’s the email in full, pretty powerful stuff if you ask me. Since reading that email I feel better and work better. I have tons of ideas on how to get things going, and I am already getting my income back up. You need a good attitude to move forward in life and an email like this is one way to “keep going”. Thankyou Rhonda Byrne,  you have perfect timing…


And Now For Something Completely Different

Saturday we went over to my parents place as we always do on Saturdays for the family dinner. After dinner I went into my old bedroom where I have tons of stuff still sitting there. Anyways my  mom bought these creepy looking clowns years ago, when I was still living there and everyday she would put these clown onto of my bed after she made. Yes my mom made my bed until I left at 31 years old…

So I was sitting on my bed looking at these creepy clowns and had an idea of how funny it would be to take pictures of these clowns and other stuffed animals in various “positions”.  I am by no means into this fetish in any serious manner, it’s a  big joke.

I’m sure there are some sick bast*rds that enjoy this kind of stuff but this is purely a silly joke on my end. If you enjoy this type of thing as any sort of fantasy then good for you, but I personally think you need help.

Anyways enjoy the photos they made me chuckle pretty good as well as anyone who has seen them. I’m not 100%  why they are on my blog, but what the hell you need to have some sort of sense of humor don’t you?

Mr. Clown

Mrs. Clown

Mr. Clown & Mrs. Clown getting “romantic”..

closeup of the Clown couple..

Mr. Clown getting it

a different position

sheepie & doggie

Mrs. Clown & doggie

You get the picture..


Take a joke and have a chuckle, time for my morning caffe. Bye for now.


All Work, No Play

Where have I been? Hmm, well I have been busy trying to get my online sales back up. When it rains it pours and this is what happened to me. First off one of the search engines I advertise on, seems to have changed their editorial guidelines and this caused me tons of grief. Like most online companies I deal with they change rules and don’t even tell you about it at all. One day you’re getting tons of traffic to your affiliate offers and the next day NOTHING. This is frustrating to say the least and has pissed me off more times than I even want to remember.  Going from $1,000s per day in sales to %10-20% of that can be tough to take. Luckily for me I am smarter than I usually look and I figure ways out of these type of messes.

I am in the process of finding other products to promote to bring my sales back up. Affiliate marketing is either making you ton of cash or it’s dries up, then you need to reinvent yourself and move forward and look at new things to promote. It’s definitely not as easy as you think. You need tough skin, ambition, perseverance and a “I don’t give a sh*t” attitude.

That’s the reason I haven’t been on my blog, it’s a waste of time when I could be making money. That is how I feel, so when the sh*t hits the fan I’m working hard to bring it back up. And luckily I have enough saved up to last me 3 lifetimes. That being said it always sucks when you have the carpet pulled underneath you, it drives me nuts every single time. ARGH!!

I went through all the emotions that I usually do when this happens. I get in a state of  denial, shock, angry, depression and then frantic. When I am frantic I start working like a mad man to get things going back up. That’s where I am and have been for the last few days. I hate being where I perceive the “bottom” to be. It’s not as bad as I make it out to be, but for me personally I don’t like where I am so I do whatever it takes to get “back up”.

Working online is a constant battle to get traffic and keep traffic coming. I know for most of you guys it doesn’t make much sense, but let’s put it this way. Making money online is harder than you think, even if the traffic is flowing in. Just because it involves a computer many people perceive it to be “easy money”, far, far from it. This is the hardest I have ever worked in my life, by far.

If I learned one thing this time that I already kinda knew is that things can change from one day to another so you better make sure you’re covered when the well dries up.  Having everything in one basket is the biggest mistake that you can make when you work for yourself. Diversification is the key to staying afloat in the “tough times”.

Obviously I love what i do, but it is hard work and can be very emotional to say the least. The emotional ups and downs, can get to you that’s for damn sure. I know I will get back up, because I have been through these type of scenarios (many times) before in the last 6 years and I ALWAYS come out better than before.  I come out stronger and smarter but it still SUCKS…..

note: This is not because of the bad economic conditions of the USA or Canada. This is simply due to search engines changing their rules on what products they will allow advertising for. Enough on that.

Enough for now, back to work….


Phoenix Arizona Could Be My New Vacation Home

It’s always such a joy to comeback from 30 degree weather to -1 temperatures and snow falling on the ground! I almost thought I went away for a Christmas vacation, then I remembered it’s March! Didn’t the scientists say there is global warming happening? Hmm, not here. I was hoping to comeback to warmer temperatures than I left with, and I get this. Even funnier is the fact that I got a cold along with the rest of my family while in the Dominican, weird huh?

Anyways I contacted AMG Investments to see if they still had some condos left in Phoenix and they do. AMG Investments is a real estate company run by Ralph Case, Ozzie Jurock and some other people. Most of you guys reading this probably don’t who these characters are, so let me tell you. They are real estate investors that are from Vancouver. Ozzie has great advice and I have been following him for about 5 years now I think. He is on Global TV news every second week  if I remember correctly. He is the one I learned all about cash flow investing from.

Because of Ozzie Jurock I bought and sold 2 condos in Prince George for a $50,000 profit in under a year if I recall correctly. I also purchased those 2 other condos late last year because of his motivation and advice.

He’s buying down in the USA and he has some deals in Phoenix, Arizona. You can get a 3 bedroom 1000 sure foot condo for $150,000 Canadian, to me that seems like a smoking deal. 3 bedrooms is perfect for me and it will probably be something I will keep for a long time. No more all inclusive vacations, for me.

Whenever I feel the need for a vacation then I can hop on a plane and relax in the warm sun of Phoenix, Arizona. I haven’t bought the place obviously but I did go to their presentation a few months ago. I’m going to look into it further, do some research and take it from there. But what can you buy for $150,000 here? Go look and get back to me.

And the great thing about buying a vacation getaway is that it will go up in value, it’s a win, win situation. With a regular vacation  you spend $5,000 then you come home to the cold, with a chunk of real estate you can go back to it again and again.
I’m not saying I will buy this condo, but doesn’t the thought of having a hot place to go when the weather turns to hell here sounds appealing? It sure does to me, any day of the week.

Below is the floor plan for the 3 bedroom:

check out the image/video gallery through this link.

That’s all for tonight folks, I still have this damn cold and it sucks to be low on energy. Keep it real…


Farewell Dominican Republic, It Was Fun


Tomorrow is the last day of my 2 week Dominican Republic vacation. Two weeks was a bit long for me as I like 10 days and then I want to get back home. After you have 2 kids it’s hard to really hard to relax 100% on a vacation. You need to watch them all the time and that can get draining. The place was great, but the weather in Punta Cana sucked the last 4 days, it’s was really windy so we couldn’t enjoy the sandy beaches. Then my daughter got sick and now my wife and I are both sick with some cold if you can believe that? I got a cold in a tropical country, yeah I’m cool.

So tomorrow we fly out at like 11 pm, and we fly all night and get home at roughly 5:00 am Vancouver time on Monday morning. Flying all night long may or may not be good, depending on if the kiddies will sleep and also if I can sleep on those Air Transat planes. So I am home by 5 am Monday and then I am back to my old life in Vancouver.

I only left my room about 1 hour ago and here I am. I haven’t even eaten anything yet today, I had zero energy to get out of bed this morning. Luckily my wife brought a bottle of Advil and that seems to have kicked in so I have some energy and don’t feel like hell anymore.

I kind of realized after this vacation, that I hate vacations! I have come up with a solution though to this problem though! I plan on buying some type of 2 bedroom condo in a hot place such as San Diego, Phoenix, Las Vegas or Palm Springs or somewhere like that. I did the calculations and it’s cheaper in the long run if I buy a condo in a hot climate rather than spend $5,000 per year taking the family on 2 week vacations. So that is my official goal, I am buying a vacation condo that I own 100%, no time share b.s (that’s a scam).

Anyways, it’s been relaxing, stressful, fun, tiring, drunk, sober, tanned, burned and all around a good time. It was a cool place to visit and experience. I was watching the news and the Dominican Republic is on a island that is shared with Haiti (never knew that). Haiti is a 3rd world country and I know the Dominican is just as bad, even though I never actually saw the poverty with my own eyes since I stayed in a resort my whole vacation.  It’s hard to believe that such a beautiful place is a 3rd world country. I am lucky to be from a place as rich as Canada, and I never forget that. The weather may suck in Vancouver but you can do whatever you want there. Any dream you want can happen, try telling that to the people here.  Anyways hasta luego (see you later) Dominican.

I snapped more photos of pizza, lizards, flowers, pigeons and etc…

all the pizza you can eat!

ebony & ivory…

another Gecko lizard I caught on camera…

gardener with my daughter…

daughter & wifey all dressed & going to dinner…

a ton of coconuts for sale at $1 each…

German tourist with some guy with sharp teeth…

outdoor street fiesta…

gardener climbing a coconut tree to get some fresh coconuts to sell…[ad#ad-1]