Monthly Archives: December 2008

2008 Coming To An End, Grateful For What I Have

As this year of 2008 draws to a close,  I’m sure we can all say it was a nutty year. Lots of bad things happened worldwide but lots of great things happened in my personal life. To me the glass is always half full. Three days before 2009 and I am grateful for  a ton of different things in my life.  I can’t complain about my personal life and never really ever did anyways.  What’s the point complaining about something if you don’t do anything to fix it? I’m content with what I have and ever had, even if it was nothing. Life isn’t complete with cash, you need a great personal life to feel truly happy. Being materialistic is lame, even though I have a few nice things overall I don’t care too much for big pricey things. Hell, I still buy $15 pairs of  Bongo jeans. What are Bongo jeans, exactly. No name nothings, that no one knows about and I don’t really care.

So What Am I Grateful For Ending 2008?

  1. Having an AWESOME wife, who actually likes cooking and does everything that most girls now a days are way too lazy to do. Wow, she even bakes cookies?! She’s also tons of fun to be with and is always easygoing and optimistic. No negative sh*t, the perfect woman for me.
  2. My kids –  I never thought I would be a dad and now that I am it’s very hard to imagine life without those little runts. I really look forward to every minute with them.
  3. My financial success – With all the doom around the economy, every month is better and better for me. It sucks that economy in the U.S  is in the sh*tter, but it will not last forever, that is for sure. Be frugal, I always have and it’s the best thing to do even in  a good economy. Why waste money?
  4. I’m glad that I am healthy and able to enjoy the life I have, without health it’s tough to enjoy your life. Enjoy yourself while you are young, you don’t know what the future holds for you.
  5. My mom and dad – Both great people who have been there for me and are now there for my kids, they love them and it’s cool to see my kids have tons of fun with my own parents.

What Does 2009 Hold?

On a global scale I’m not sure what to expect, I can just view what happens worldwide. But the worlds problems don’t get me down, far from it. Personally I expect to continue affiliate marketing, in one form or another. It’s a gravy train that is still full of fuel, I’m here for the ride. I expect to continue increasing my revenues. I also am going to purchase at least 3 more rental properties for 2009, probably more. But, I like to be realistic with my goals, so I know for a fact that I will each them.  I reached my 2008 goals and 2009 will not be any different at all, better actually.

  1. Buy 3 more rental properties (at least probably more..), possibly buy a condo for each of my children as well. Why invest in RESP’s (registered educational savings plan), when you can buy real estate? No thanks!
  2. Keep the affiliate train rolling – mo money, mo money, mo money………
  3. Keep up my fitness routine of bike riding and more walking as well. I can’t bike right now cause of the snow but when that goes , then I’m back on my mountain bike.

On a larger scale I would like all people in the world to be happy ( world peace), but with corrupt governments in  basically every country it’s a tough goal to meet.  What are you thankful for in 2008 and what are your goals for 2009?

I’m all hears, leave a comment!!

I’m waiting……………

Merry Christmas 2008 Vancouver!

Merry Christmas to everyone in Vancouver. Today looks like the snow is going to give us a break, thank God. What an insane December 24, 2008 it was! Today I was able to get out, but last night I was stuck like a fork in a turkey.  The snow is melting slowly, I only have 40 inches of snow on my front lawn…….  This will go down at the whitest Christmas Vancouver has ever see in history, “Winter WonderLand 2008″…

Have fun and go visit your families!





Vancouver Christmas Eve Snowed In?

Now I’m starting to get worried. It’s 10:14 am December 24th 2008, and the snow doesn’t want to stop here in Vancouver. I don’t care if you own an SUV or even if you own a tank but with this amount of snow I’m not sure anything can help you get through it. How is everyone going to get to their destinations for tonight’s festivities? How?! I’m supposed to go to my parents tonight for Christmas Eve, but I don’t know if that is going to happen. They haven’t plowed the side streets in my neighbourhood since it started snowing, so now it’s like 2 feet high or more? I need to go measure it. This is nuts though, I need to go shovel another dump of snow, argh! Time to snap a few photos as well. Apparently we got 5 inches of snow and we are getting another 7 inches!!!

I tried shoveling my sidewalks but it’s a lost cause. I give up until it stops snowing… Oh well it’s Christmas right? So let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Merry Christmas to everyone who visits the blog. Stay warm and hopefully you can dig out of the snow to visit family.

L eave a comment perhaps?








BBQ In The Snow, What Could be Better

It looks like the snow will officially be here for  Christmas. I snapped  a bunch of photos from my front yard yesterday, day and night shots. My East Vancouver  neighbourhood looks like a winter wonderland. Then we finished the day with a nice BBQ, that I took photos of as well. Go look at the bbq steak photos they will be sure to make you hungry yum.  Ok enough of this blog stuff for today, it’s 7:45 AM and it’s time for a  nice espresso.

Today’s to do list:

  1. make nice espresso coffee
  2. take to Brentwood Mall and get photos done with Santa
  3. get work done  on latest project

Enjoy the photos and leave  a comment people! Bada Boom…












Vancouver Snow Shots For December 21, 2008

What a crazy, snowy day here in Vancouver.  I snapped photos around East Van during the day. I didn’t feel like venturing too far, even though I do own an SUV.  It looks very peaceful outside (11:39 pm), white drifts of  snow all over the place.  Anyhoo, this blog post is about the photos, good night.




Commercial Drive


Commercial Drive


Commercial Drive


Commercial Drive


Commercial Drive


East 22nd Avenue/ Renfrew Street


MetroTown, Burnaby


MetroTown, Burnaby






East 24th Avenue


East 24th Avenue
