Monthly Archives: October 2008

What Are You ThankFul For?

With Thanksgiving happening on Monday I thought it would be cool to blog about what I am grateful for. Personally I feel have lots to be grateful for, not only in the financial part of my life but more so in the family part. Family is more important than cash.

My Kids

I am father to two kids , one boy (6 months old) and one girl (2.5 years old) who I can’t say enough about. It’s hard to imagine life before them actually.  Seeing their smiling faces in the morning is truly something I am really thankful for. I am glad they are happy and healthy kids, and it’s pretty cool I have one of each.

My Wife

Hmm, I don’t think I could have asked for a perfect wife. She’s a beautiful lady, hardworking mother and a great cook who can make any recipe into an amazing dinner really, fast. I couldn’t have met and married a more amazing lady.

My Parents

Both of my parents are still married and they showed me all the life skills I have ever needed. You don’t realize how much you learn from your parents until you get older and have your own family.

Yeah this was a mushy blog post, but it’s always good to appreciate what ya have right?

With all the economic B.S in the news lately it’s nice to have a home that I feel secure in emotionally.

The Canadian Dollar Is Dropping Like a Dead Fly

It’s amazing how things keep changing. Since I work online I deal in American money, for the whole part of this year I was getting hammered when exchanged my U.S checks in Canadian funds. I remember when it was 1.06 Canadian for every American dollar, that really sucked for me as well as all Canadian companies exporting into the U.S.A. Well it seems to be coming full swing, I checked the online currency convertor that I use, and now the rate is way different. The Canadian dollar has really dropped down.

Here is the current exchange rate as of  October 9, 2008, 12:30 PM:

** 1.00 USD = 1.14538 CAD
United States Dollars Canadian Dollars
1 USD = 1.14538 CAD           1 CAD = 0.873074 USD

So for every $1,000 U.S, I will get $1130 Canadian (minus what the banks take of). People talk about the coming recession, but I guess it depends on how you look at it, or where you live. The more the Canadian dollar drops the more I make, there is a flip side to every coin.

Recession, Is It Normal?

I woke up with a nice stiff neck today. I feel like a bloody robot, cause I can barely turn my head from side to side without it hurting, blah! I  was going to bike ride up to the coffee shop on Kingsway, but there was no way I could bike up here, so I had my wife drive me here in the SUV. I feel like an old man, today.

Anyways, I usually read the headlines of the newspaper stands when I walk into coffee shop and man are they gloomy. I think on the Province it read “The R Word” (recession). Last year at this time the news was going off about how great our economy is and now we are going into a recession?

I really can’t stand the media, they make everything sound worse or better than it is.  Big deal, things are slowing down are they supposed to go up forever? I mean for fuck sakes, who want to pay $700,000 for a 50 year old house in Vancouver?! It’s about time our economy cooled down if you as me. Fucking media makes it seems like it’s the end of the world, give me a break. And I’m sure you love paying $.150 a liter for gas, let the economy slow a bit. Inflation will slow down giving regular people a break in wallet, hopefully.

If you look at history it always repeats itself, the upward cycle is going downward now. Big deal, this is normal. Yes the USA has major problems, but one way or another they will be worked out. Personally I am glad the economy is cooling, it will give me a chance to buy real estate in Vancouver once again.

Here is one problem, people don’t know how to manage their money and they don’t think. All these foreclosed homes in the USA are the result of banks giving people mortgages who had no right having a mortgage in the first place.

Enough said.



Being A Top Affiliate Pays Off

I guess hard work does pay off. I’ve been to San Francisco a few times when I was a young graffiti artist, that was many years back. I always liked San Fran, relaxed vibe and just a cool city to hang out in. Well I guess my sales to one of my affiliate companies was pretty good because they chose me and other top affiliates for an all expenses paid trip to San Francisco next month. Apparently I can bring another person I already asked my wife but since we have such small kids it makes it impossible for her to come with me, which sucks. Luckily for a friend of mine I have an opening now and I will be inviting him to go to San Francisco with me!

Part of the all expenses paid trip includes a day trip to Napa Valley (wine tasting), trip to infamous Alcatraz as well as all food and accomodations paid for!! I was pretty happy when I got that email, let me tell you. And the cool thing is that it’s the week of my birthday. It’s always nice to get free stuff and be appreciated for your hard work.

If you would have told me 10 years ago I would be getting free trips for Internet marketing sales I would have thought that you were nuts, but here I am. And Friday October 10th is the day I left my job at my God Fathers mill work shop to quit my fulltime cabinet making career go back to school to learn web design. That was way back in 1999, 8 years later and the journey of life gets better and better.

*All I know is that the law of attraction does work, beleive it or not.

Playing Hooky Today

Today I took the “day off” from working from the coffee shop where I usually am about this time of the day. I’m not too sure why I didn’t feel like working today?

It’s probably a combination of a few things:

  1. There was no milk at home this morning to make my cafe latte (coffee with milk), this lead to less energy and motivation. I need my morning coffee!
  2. I feel like I have accomplished a lot lately, work is never done but I felt good about my achievements as of late.
  3. I just wanted to enjoy the day, I still did a bit of work but not too much.
  4. And you know, sometimes it’s just nice to sit back and watch the rain fall.

At the moment I’m blogging/babysitting my son while my wife cleans the house. I’m was in the middle of watching a movie called “The Bucket List“, which is a great film so far. I paused the film to take care of Matteo. Two great actors, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson play cancer patients with 6 months – 1 year to live, and the story is about the list they write together about what they will do on their last days on earth. Damn good film with great actors in it.

Ok, I’m finished watching “The Bucket List”, very eye opening and touching to say the least. I’m not sure if it’s an Academy Award winner or not, but it should be.