Monthly Archives: June 2008

The Secret To A Prosperous Life Is To Be Grateful

One of the rules of “The Secret” is to be grateful for what you have. Once you are grateful for what you already have then you will receive more. Gratitude is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to transform your life. Some might be thinking it’s all bullshit, I disagree. Whatever you focus on expands. So, if you focus on how thankful and grateful you are for the things you already have in your life then you will get more of it.

Ever hear the expression “think positive”?

When you think or focus on the positive aspects, then the positivity will grow. If you focus on negativity that will grow. It’s important to look at the bright side of things. If you dwell on negativity how can you move forward and be successful? It’s not possible, is it?

Anything that happens in your life good or bad is all part of learning. Take the negative situations and see what you have learned or could have learned from them. This will make you a stronger person in the long run. Don’t let things hold you back, fight through them and you will always come out more successful and stronger than ever. It’s your choice to be negative or positive, what do you want your mood to be today? Control how you feel and your life will be a more happier one.

Personally I am grateful for many, many things in my life such as:

  1. I am grateful for my wife, and how she is always positive and by my side
  2. I am grateful for my little daughter who puts a smile on my face every time I see her
  3. I am grateful for my baby son with his blue eyes and little smerk
  4. I am grateful for my drive and persistence that has helped me to achieve financial freedom
  5. I am grateful for being mostly positive attitude and seeing through the blur
  6. I am grateful for my parents, and how they raised me and how they love my kids
  7. I am grateful for being an individual, not following the crowd and thinking for myself
  8. I am grateful for the future and what it holds for me

What are you grateful for?

Leave a comment, I would like to know what you are grateful for in your life.

Weekend Ramblings & Vancouver Photos

I’m not to sure what’s going on with the weather in Vancouver this summer, but it sucks balls. Regardless of the weather I can’t stay home on the weekends especially. Saturday we all went to the yearly Hats Off Day in North Burnaby on Hastings Street and Sunday morning we rolled downtown to get baby M some cool Puma shoes. Below are the images I snapped for the hell of it, as usual with my Canon SD750.

Puma store in Vancouver, B.C, Canada

May 8 2008, Puma Vancouver – Granville Street

Puma Vancouver – Granville Street

Baby Puma Shoes at Vancouver Puma on Granville Street

May 8 2008, Gloomy Yaletown Sunday morning

Clown at Hats Off Day in Burnaby

May 7 2008, creepy looking clown at Hats Off day on Hastings Street in North Burnaby

B.C. Italian Canadian Directory

Italian Directory – Hats Off Day

Vancouver Police motorcycle squad – Hats Off Day

Vancouver Police motorcycle squad – Hats Off Day

Sicilian Club of B.C. – Hats Off Day


Bumble bee – Hats Off Day in Burnaby

Google AdWords Now Enable You To Create Television Ads

We all know how innovative Google is. They are the leaders in online advertising by a far reach. Logging into my AdWords account a few months back I saw this notice in my AdWords account:

Yeah, you can create TV commercials right through Google AdWords! I haven’t jumped on this, yet…. But, if you are running a profitable online campaign, this is something to think about. People talk about scaling up your online campaigns to get the maximum returns on your keywords, well this is the next level after you have scaled as much as you can think off online.

You’re probably thinking it’s big bucks to advertise on TV right? Yes and no. Apparently you can create your TVad at no cost. This is a promo from Google to celebrate their launch. For a limited time Google will cover the cost of creating your TV ad, up to $2,000.

Google actually gives you a list of companies who specialize in doing TV commercials. You can request a bid to produce a commercial from any number of companies listed on Google AdWords. Basically these people will bid to produce tv ad for you in your budget which has to be a minimum of $795.

You can also choose the services that you want for your ad:

  • Voiceover
  • Pre-produced content library
  • Rights-managed content
  • Live actors
  • Music
  • On-location filming

I can go on and on, but it’s pretty cool to be able to start purchasing ads for TV with such ease. Who knows how much you could make if you bring your ideas on to TV? Seems like there is some big cash to made, if you can expand your current pay per click ads onto TV.

I’m thinking print ads would be cheaper than TV commercials and might be an idea worth considering?

Vancouver Housing Prices Going Down Finally

From what I heard on the local Global Vancouver news it looks like housing prices may start to finally come down after 5 years. There is a sharp increase in the amount of real estate listings combined with low buyer interest. It’s about time , Vancouver housing prices have more than doubled in the last five years. I have no clue how a regular person can afford a house in city of Vancouver. My house is now worth about $1000,000, unbelievable. In most other large cities my home would in the $500,000 range, but not here. We have the worst weather (raining for the last 3 days straight) but people love it here. It’s a pretty city when it doesn’t rain, but damn.

I think the sharp rise in gas, along with what is happening in the U.S. housing market, it was just a matter of time before people started to stop buying homes in Vancouver. The inflation rate is going through the roof, scary times.

Anyways, I think it’s a smart move for me to sit on the sidelines while the Vancouver house prices drop, then buy some condos at a lower price. No point buying now if the prices are dropping. Vancouver isn’t great for positive cash flow properties but if you can afford to put down 25% – %35 it can cover itself. Want positive cash flow, then go to Winnipeg and deal with all the crap they have there, been there done that. No Thanks.

Also it looks like I will be getting an offer on my 4plex in Winnipeg, so I can finally rid my mind of that nightmare once and for all. My overall goal is to have 20 properties (house & condos combined) to live off of the rest of my life. Being a landlord is a great way to earn passive income forever. There are no Google changes, no web hosts going down, just me and dealing with tenants. Tenants can be lots of fun, yeah right.

Weekend Ramblings & Goals For The Next Week

Moving my sites over to the new LiquidWeb hosting has been a pain, and I haven’t even tried to transfer this blog over yet. I have never transferred a blog over from one web host to another. I found a few tutorials that should make it pretty easy to move this blog with ease.

For the next week I have a few goals that I want to achieve:

  1. I am going to implement the free pay per click tracking software called Prospero202, so I can cut wasted clicks that don’t convert into buyers. A penny saved is a penny earned, if I cut my pay per click costs that is money in my pocket. Why spend more than I need to, seems silly.
  2. I plan to add to my daily pay per click budget to maximize the amount of clicks I am receiving from my current pay per click campaigns. If you are maxing out your daily budget my 12pm , then you are loosing money for no reason.
  3. I will be expanding more into the niche that is making me the most money. I was trying a few other niches with some success, but it’s always smartest to expand into an area that you are already an expert in. There is less to learn if you already have experience in that market, and your chances of making more money in the same niche is quite high since you are already successful in it.
  4. I will try to lower some bids on certain ad groups to get the best return for the money I spend.


Fresh carrots from Whole Foods In West Vancouver

Carrots in the produce section at Whole Foods in The West Vancouver Village