Monthly Archives: March 2008

Winnipeg, Canada’s Version Of Detriot

After I wrote the last post, I went on to to see if they had videos of the original American ghetto city, Detroit. Winnipeg looks like Detroit, not as bad but an emberassment for Canada. Check out the YouTube video on Detroit ghettos. So you want to buy cheap real estate in the ghetto, think again. You might as well invest your money in Iran or Iraq. Live and learn. HAHA.

Is that ghetto or what? American dream or American nightmare?

Arson Fire In My Winnipeg Duplex

I have 2 houses for sale in Winnipeg and the realtor emailed this morning telling me to give him a call. I though it was going to be good news, he was calling because he had an offer on one of the properties. Unfortunantely that was not the case, some little assholes broke into my duplex and set it on fire. There is fire damage but the place is still standing (which is good), I will find out how bad the damage is when the property manager calls back. Sometimes you think you are doing the smart move buying real estate for a cheap price that will cash flow itself. Even when you do your research you come out with problems, so you need to have a game plan.

What Is My Game Plan?

I called the insurance company, and I am covered so either I fix and sell the duplex or sell the property as is for a cheaper price. I’m going to wait and see. If I was making a regular wage this would have fucked me up, but since I’m making lots of money with affiliate marketing this doesn’t affect me financially. Sometimes take a financial hit when selling properties is the best way to get out of a bad situation. No one likes to loose money, but you live and learn. As long as you learn from your mistakes, then you can use the information from this situation to the next deal. smily.jpg

No one expects to have a fire, especially when it was deliberately set, but you can’t control everything. I don’t seem to have these problems in he homes I manage here in Vancouver. Here is one tip don’t invest in high crime neighbourhoods, yeah it sounds simple. I guess the cheap price of real estate in Winnipeg was too hard to pass up. I bought the duplex for $52,000 and it was being rented for $800 plus utilities, awesome cash flow. Yeah it WAS great cash flow, then this happens. This isn’t the first time this place was broken into. In December someone broke it and stole all the copper piping, which I replaced with PVC piping. At least they can’t steal the copper now right? Oh well I’m still doing extremely well with affiliate marketing .smily.jpg This problem will blow over and will be a distant memory. I plan on buying condos in Vancouver soon, so I can manage them myself. I think managing them myself is the best way to go.

I would rather have a property management company handle things but they just seem to fuck things up. Either it’s crazy repair bills, fires, vacancies and so on. Enough is enough, I’m not buying real estate to make the property management company rich on repairs.

Happy Days And the 1980s Will Live Forever


Being a product of the 198os television it’s easy to see why I love The Fonz. The guy is Italian (like me), he’s cool and he gets all the ladies. Now that I have satellite TV, I watch Happy Days practically every night on the TVLand Network. The cool thing about retro shows like Happy Days, Brady Bunch, Gilligan’s Island and Three’s Company is there is a little kid inside that comes out every time I watch those old school shows. No television reality show can replace something like Happy Days, classic television at it’s best.


Some of TV actors such as John Ritter, Don Knotts, Bob Denver and Tom Bosley are gone but there memories still live on via satellite TV. I think it’s the connection to my 1980’s childhood that will make these shows classics forever.

I would love to thank those actors for all the laughs over the years. It may sound cheezy but they were a part of my childhood and probably many people of the 19bas80’s, thanks. It was cool back then and I’m glad I am able to see them all again now. Yeah I’m a TV geek, big deal …. But. I hate video games so there.


Wasting Time On The Internet, How Not To Do It


I just realized something, the internet is 1 BIG distraction. Seriously sometimes I get on the computer to work and 15 minutes later I realize I was supposed to do something. Geez, I need to do some time management starting right now.

It’s insane how much time I spend doing useless B.S, it’s so easy getting distracted online. Way to easy. This post is a reminder to myself to wakeup and get my ass in gear. No more fucking around. I have another baby coming in 3 weeks so I need to be as productive as possible.

My list On How To Be Productive

  1. Stop checking your email every 5mins, it’s just not that important.
  2. Turn the TV off when you’re on the computer.
  3. Have a plan even before you sit down, or you won’t know where to start.
  4. Write a list to do, & finish it.
  5. Turn off AOL AIM, Yahoo Messenger & MSN for most of the day.
  6. Stop reading bullshit blogs all day long, they don’t help make you money.
  7. When you find a tip then do it sooner than later. Later never happens….
  8. Post on your blog after you have done a good chunk of work.

We Sure Love Our Puma Sneakers

I had to take a snapshot of our Puma sneakers, haha. I have always loved Puma shoes and now they are everywhere, they are easy to find and buy. I’m a 1980’s kind of guy and Puma is definantely retro. Puma is my favorite all time sport company, reminds me of when I was a kid in high school, remember Rob? Puma Swede shoes were huge with all the break dancers in the 1980’s. Big fat laces along with polyester Adidas tracksuits, cheezy stuff I know. Back then they were actually hard to find.


So when Puma made a comeback it seems like everyone in my family caught the “Puma Fever”, and below is the end result….

The Family OF Puma – 2008 Edition
