Thanks For The Garmin GPS Device Guys

I just want to thank the affiliate managers over at Various for sending me the sweet GPS, it is the best Christmas gift I could have asked for, since I have been printing out directions to get around Las Vegas the last 3 weeks.  I have gotten lost enough times to realize I need help finding my way around this town, the Garmin GPS  device rocks! It tells me exactly where to go, where to turn and how far I still have until I reach my destination.

They were going to send me a Kindle for my Christmas gift, but I don’t read books. I read everything online and when  am away from the computer the last thing I want to do is read from another screen. They asked what I wanted besides a Kindle and my wife said why not ask for a GPS device so we can use it around Las Vegas, so we won’t get lost anymore. Two days later a brown cardboard box arrived and boom, there it is.

We used it tonight to get to and from the movie theater (we watched New Moon) and damn do I love the GPS. I never have to print directions again, ever.Type in your location and your destination on the touch screen and it does the rest for you. It actually talks to you and tells you where to turn etc, pretty cool gadget.

That’s a nice time saver for me! Giddy Up!! It’s always nice to be appreciated for the work and traffic I send your way, thanks again.

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