Tag Archives: Reflecting On The Past

Looking Out The Window

I hit 40 years old, it's 2011, house prices in Vancouver keep on rising.  If you told me 10 years ago I would be working out of a StarBucks on free wireless internet on a laptop computer I would have thought, wow. I'm here 10 years later. It's been a ride and a half, the world continues to change at break neck speeds. I have internet on my phone now for fuck sakes lol! One thing that I have learned is that change is going to happen like it or not. You MUST prepare for the future.  If you don't look ahead you will become surrounded by things you don't want.

In my business (internet marketing), changes are even faster than the rest of the world. I feel I am at ground zero for change since the internet is my business. If I don't change, I don't make money. I am not a huge fan of change but adapt or die is the sword I live by.

My question to you

Are you living in the moment, or preparing for the future? Remember this, I was 20 years old just yesterday.What happened in between is a damn blur to me. One day I woke  up and I was 40, it happened fast. It didn't take long to get here, 20 years from now I'll be 60, scary thought. I makes me want to enjoy every minute of my life. I'm glad I planned for the future, the best decision I ever did. I set myself up for life to live comfortably. It was an important goal for me to do.  I'm glad I achieved it because I wasn't much of a student in school so I never thought I would be able to live on my owns terms with no 9-5 job. Some people like working a 9-5, not me. I thought I did until I had the chance to go off on my own and really prove to myself what I was made of.

As I reflect on the past, the present is my vision from the past. I can still recall saying I wanted to retire by 40 , but back then it was just words. Funny how your thoughts and words can become your reality if you want it bad enough. Looking out the StarBucks window, I look ahead at the world and my life with great anticipation, joys, questions, dreams, visions but bring it on! I am ready.

Reflecting On The Past

It’s 6:41 am on a Saturday morning and I feel like I slept enough, so I woke up at 5:49 am or something and here I am now writing another blog post. Yeah I’m weird, tell me something I don’t know ok? I was thinking about how fast life changes, hell I’m going to be 38 next month!! I can remember when my dad was in his 40’s and I am almost where my dad was. He is turning 70 years old next week on October 31st of all day. I can’t even believe he’s 70 already. Time goes way too fast.

It’s weird for me to get to this age, having my kids look up to me for love and guidance. I thought that I would be the kid forever. I thought high school would never end. I thought I wouldn’t live past 30. I thought lots of things, most of which have been passed.

Many times I wish time would stand still, but it just keeps on rolling. Soo many good things have happened to me in the last 10 years, but some of my coolest memories will always be of growing up. Things were sooo simple when I was a kid, all I had to do was worrying about playing outside. I didn’t care about money, I had no worries, my parents did all the worrying for me. Eventually we all grow up (hopefully), and hopefully you parents gave you a great childhood like the one I had. It wasn’t materialistic or anything of that nature, it was all about family. My parents were ALWAYS there, and they taught through their actions how to raise a family the RIGHT way. Hopefully I can have an impact on my kids the way my parents did to me.

All the thoughts blaze through my head:

  • The endless summers camping in Birch Bay, Washington with Vince, Mike, John, Marisa, Anna, Sabrina, Josie, Tania, Frank, Joe, Angelo and a ton of other family friends in my age group.
  • making go carts from stolen shopping carts
  • using my 10 speed bike as my SUV vehicle
  • doing graffiti on the back of warehouses around Joyce Skytrain station.
  • working at McDonalds on Lougheed Highway (for $3.65/hr) with Vince, Mike, Tom, Giorgio, Stefano and my brother Roberto.
  • Sunday picnics at New Brighton park in East Van or Hume Park in New West or Central Park in Burnaby or….
  • The Sunday drives to Granville Island to pick up sea food.

Thanks for a great childhood ma and papa, it will be something that I will remember forever..
