Smoking Hot Summer Day Perfect For Greek Food!

It’s Monday in Vancouver and it’s nice and hot. We take the sun when we can because it’s not always here to enjoy (last week was dull and gray). Today dinner will consist of Greek food: Greek salad, chicken Souvlaki, Tzatziki sauce and Pita bread. My wife is a great cook, she can print up any recipe from the web and have it taste awesome on the first try.  Dinner will be ready shortly, I can’t wait.. Mmmm. And if we go out for Greek food , we go to Stephos down on Davie Street in downtown Vancouver. Stephos has the biggest portions and a very cheap price. This is my favorite Greek restaurant in the city of Vancouver by far. Dinner’s ready…………..

My little cuties chilling in the pool in the backyard


And here is the dinner I just ate, yummy!


chicken Souvlaki

greek salad

Greek salad (forgot the orange border on this pic, damn!)


organic potatoes from my Dad’s garden


pita bread bought from Superstore


wild rice


and there you have it Greek dinner from the Italians………..

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