Problem Uploading Images To Your NextGen Gallery?

I was having problems uploading images into my nextgen gallery, it kept giving me this error:

(Error : Exceed Memory limit. Require : 47.02 MByte)

I fixed the error in 2 minutes after I did a quick search on Google.Here is the fix that you need to change in the php code:

You need to find this document, download it:

search for:
// @ini_set(‘memory_limit’, ‘128M’);

change it to:
ini_set(‘memory_limit’, ‘128M’);

Save the PHP page then upload it, your problem will gone it was for me. I’m not a computer geek but I hate when sh*t doesn’t work right. I hope this help you out.

1000s of crows taking over Willingdon Business Park in Burnaby (every single night)

crows chillin on power lines at  Willingdon Business Park in Burnaby…

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