Always Look Ahead – The Big Picture

I remember saying to coworkers in my cabinet shop that I want to retire by 40 yrs of age, I was about 26 years old at the time. I didn’t know how I would get there, but I did want to retire by 40. The big reason I wanted to retire is because I hated my job. I’m 37 now and I actually can retire by 40 years of age. That is an amazing feat, and I am very proud of myself for what I have accomplished.

But, I have to tell you how many obstacles I have come across getting to where I am. From switching careers, to get laid off every 6 months (because of dotcom crash), to learning new software, pay per click marketing, search engine marketing and learning real estate investing. It has been a crazy ride, but I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

The amount I have learned about life and myself in the last 8.5 years is incredible to me. I am the person I was meant to be now. When I was working as a cabinet maker, I knew there was more out there, instead of the 9-5 daily grind in a low paying job.

I thank myself, my family and the law of attraction for giving me what I want. I wrote down my goals and they gravitated towards me like a magnet.I always looked ahead and I saw the big picture. You can do what you want, just believe in yourself….

2 thoughts on “Always Look Ahead – The Big Picture

  1. mercado

    I just want to a full time mom.I have 5 kids who needs me 12 an under. However our family requires two family income. I joke at work,13 days from now i am gonna retire at 40. I have faith!

  2. C.V Post author

    Hi Mercado,

    My wife is a full time mom now, as we have had our 2nd child recently.
    I can understand how you feel, back in the 1950’s only the husband would go to work and there was enough income from one person working to pay for a house car and anything else you needed. Today? Well today both spouses work and still it’s hard to get by. It seems like were going backwards instead of forwards as a civilization, that’s for sure.

    You can work from home a few hrs per day there are many ways to do it, it depends on what you want to do. It depends on your skills etc. I’m not saying you are going to retire off of working part time online but it can add extra $$ into your family bank account.


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